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 Other game sites

BrainKing has never been afraid of a competition :-) Here are a few other turn-based game sites:

- Gold Token - Many different games
- Dragonheels' Lair - Many different games
- Pocket Monkey - Many different games
- Little Golem - Many different games
- ItsYourTurn - Many different games (not updated for years)
- Daily Gammon - Backgammon Games only
- Chess Corner - Chess Games only
These 3 sites of "sister" sites of each other, with many types of games:
- Brettspielnetz(German) | - Jij Bent!(Dutch) | - Your Turn My Turn(English)

Please keep things positive. Best advise I believe is to try out different sites. Find what works well for you. If you don't like it, don't go back and try another site. Nothing says you only have to play on 1 site. At one time, I played on about 6 different turn-based game sites.

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28. jaanuar 2008, 00:11:47
Teema: gamedriven up n going
gamedriven is up n going again
they change it alot

17. jaanuar 2008, 18:27:57
Teema: Re: Call of duty on xbox live?
furbster: hmmm well i do not, but my son is here this weekend and i brought him it for Xmas, so who knows

17. jaanuar 2008, 16:41:24
Teema: Call of duty on xbox live?
Hey does anyone play the game online, if so invite me to a game some time im addicted lol, x box screen name is furby690

16. jaanuar 2008, 00:16:44
Sylfest Strutle 
Teema: Dailygammon
Can be found here:

Looks like they forgot to renew the domain. :)

8. jaanuar 2008, 15:50:13
Teema: Re: If you are having trouble logging to GoldToken...
Eriisa: Thanks for that - I was just coming to this board to find the GT MSN board so I could see what was going on.

The www.Gt address got to a login, but I could not get in.

The beta site is now getting the "site is down" message.

I know the www.gt address is still pointing to the old place - but I'm wondering why they just did not keep up the page that points to either of the new addresses.... instead of a login page that does not work. O'well - I'm back in now - that is what matters.

8. jaanuar 2008, 15:40:21
Teema: If you are having trouble logging to GoldToken...
This msg was posted from firefly on one of the discussion boards. There were issues with the new server installed and some people are having difficulty logging in.

Use http://goldtoken.com/ to log into the site.

The old URL with the www in still points to the old server, and, though you may get a log-in page, you won't be able to get in.

Mecir, one of our programmers, has this to say...

"That will fix itself in a while. We cannot do a thing about that, it's the nature of the internet. Specifically, your local name server still remembers that "www.goldtoken.com" means our old server, so when you try to access it, it will simply go to there without checking if it still is the correct location. The stored information will expire within the next 24 hours, then your local name server will once again ask the GoldToken's servers where "www.goldtoken.com" is, it will be given the proper location, and from then on, it will work for you."

So for the moment try using http://goldtoken.com/

or if this doesn't work then try http://sisyphus.goldtoken.com/

6. jaanuar 2008, 11:43:45
Teema: Re:
MadMonkey toimetatud (6. jaanuar 2008, 11:44:59)
coan.net: Thanks, i will go look

I have been playing a dutch lady at logic there and she told me about that site as well

On BugCafe as well, just a side note, they released a Newsletter last week, guess it is still there, and this year they are addressing several of the major issues about the site, the size & set up of the Main Manager page being one

6. jaanuar 2008, 08:28:48
joshi tm 
Teema: Re:
coan.net: That's no challenge for me, although I don't play on Jij Bent.

6. jaanuar 2008, 04:55:50
Teema: Re:
coan.net: yep, I'll always joke that I can get my fix on beta.

6. jaanuar 2008, 04:25:45
Teema: Re:
coan.net toimetatud (6. jaanuar 2008, 04:26:29)
Eriisa: Yea, hopefully GoldToken is back up soon..... just now, a few minutes ago I again could not access this site - usually not a big deal since I will just go to GoldToken to play games over there until this site is available - but now - UGH - no where to play.

(Guess I better go check out BugCafe again like I said I was going to do.)

Oh, and GoldToken's beta site is up because it is on a completely different server as I understand it.....

6. jaanuar 2008, 03:16:40
Teema: Re:
MadMonkey: I don't visit yourturnmyturn as much as I use to (once Dice Poker & Logic where brought here), but I did find your invite and accepted it. I still have my paid membership there, but I found that so few people are on the site - the games with the same people started to get a little boring.

Now if you want a challenge - try http://www.jijbent.nl - which is the dutch language sister site of YourTurnMyTurn - and very popular (of Dutch speaking people). I don't understand a thing, but I did manage to get into a few games & tournaments and found there was a lot more of a challenge in the logic game on the Dutch site then the English site.

6. jaanuar 2008, 01:35:35
oh, the beta site is working.


6. jaanuar 2008, 01:34:23

6. jaanuar 2008, 01:09:36
Teema: Re: GT Server upgrade
Eriisa: What time was that posted?

6. jaanuar 2008, 01:04:23
Teema: GT Server upgrade
Posted on Goldtoken MSN groups

Great news about the new server. It will be super when GT is fast and efficient.

HOWEVER ... there is a teeny weeny problem with the update. The new server is located in California, and they got hit with the worst storm in California history. So the update is going to take longer than expected - I believe it will be finished about 6 hours from now. If the transfer aborts because of the storms then it will have to be redone, but lets hope it all goes through smoothly first time.


5. jaanuar 2008, 20:45:33
Teema: Re:
coan.net: I have just joined yourturnmyturn

Like the set up, but have to find my way about yet.
Just played a practice game against the computer there at Guess the Code (Logik here) and love the colour selection process. Maybe we could have drop boxes with colours instead of words

Will pop back there later to have a look and maybe play a game. Found coan.net, my first friend their lol, added you, but not found out how to find if you are online or not yet lol

5. jaanuar 2008, 20:27:14
Teema: Re:
coan.net: Been playing the boats more & more there now

Those diagonal ones make it a great game as the board is based on squares, therefore boats can go across each other (A1, B2, C3, D4 & D5) and the other (D1, C2, B3 & A4) for example.

You can set the games to include diagonal boats or not, and also have boats that just use ONE space, would be like having one Frog in the game OR we could call it Life Raft (great idea monkeyboy lol)

In fact what is great about BugCafe, well a few of there games, is you can create your own rules as such, like design your own Scrabble boards, any size you wish, and set bonus squares anywhere you wish them, how ever many tiles you want.

Would be great if we could do that here with Boats here, decide how many of which boats we use in a game

In fact be great if we could do it for any game here that Fencer can not find time to make even the smallest changes for

5. jaanuar 2008, 19:00:57
Teema: message on GT boards..
Server upgrade in progress Great News!

We are in the process of upgrading our server. To do this, we must ensure the integrity of our data as we complete the move, so you will not have access to the website until the upgrade is complete.

While we can't provide you a timeline of when this will be completed, our best estimate is that this process shouldn't take more than a few hours.
Rest assured that no game timeouts will occur during this period.

When we complete the upgrade and bring the site back online, it will be a faster, more responsive system, capable of handling the increasing load that comes with our site's popularity.
Be sure to check back in a few hours!

29. detsember 2007, 22:15:18
Teema: Re:
I believe they said on the English site they would add more games once they had 100 paying members? Seems like if they added more games they would get more of the guest already there to join as paying members! Looks like 73 now so have a long wait

29. detsember 2007, 21:58:29
Teema: Re:
ellieoop: I use to play on the Dutch site often, but haven't for the past couple of months - so rummy must be new (or I missed it)

I might go try that out also..... and hopefully they will have it over on the English site soon - even though with so few members, it gets boring there fast.

29. detsember 2007, 20:38:44
Teema: Re:
coan.net: have you tried their dutch site, it has a lots of different games, my very favorite is rummy, and of course lost cities is on both sites, don't understand how they can have those 2 great card games and no other sites have them .they have lots of paying members so tourns. start daily, and sometimes 2x a day, and you never seem to play the same ppl. paying members can play in team games, like the team challenges here.

29. detsember 2007, 17:25:49
Teema: Re:
MadMonkey: Yea, many other sites have been growing for the good. YourTurnMyTurn is continuing to add new games, many unique for the site. GoldToken has really steped up their game develpoment - they now have a great chess & checkers selection - enought of a selection to be the official game site of ACF and others... plus also working on other great non chess/checker games.

Heck, ItsYourTurn has even introduced some great games recently - I just love playing Dark Crazy Chess - plus they have some new boat variants and such.

I have not played on BugCafe for a long time - but I think I will have to check them back out here soon.

28. detsember 2007, 13:02:32
MadMonkey toimetatud (28. detsember 2007, 13:04:22)
BugCafe has come along way since it first started with just Scrabble.

It has now introduced Mancala & Dice Poker (Bugzee as they call it), so now has all types of games & more than BrainKing does, just not all the variations.

Its a lot more basic than here, but very playable

We had a burst of new games at the start of 2007, BECAUSE of all the Black Rook memberships.

When will we get something new now, even the most basic sites are leaving us behind now

7. november 2007, 12:29:05
joshi tm 
Teema: Re: YT/MT releases another lisenced game
Fencer: That a pity, but a clear answer. Have you tryed other lisenced games too?

7. november 2007, 07:05:31
Teema: Re: YT/MT releases another lisenced game
joshi tm: In order to release a licensed game, you need a license, of course. It's good you mention Carcassonne - I've been trying to contact the author, the distributor and everybody else who could have anything to do with the license. Nobody ever answered me. You can try it yourself, perhaps you'll be more successful.

7. november 2007, 00:29:36
joshi tm 
Teema: YT/MT releases another lisenced game
Yup, that's right. After Tally Ho!, YourTurn, MyTurn is about to release Kahuna.

The Dutch rules are here: http://www.jijbent.nl/spelregels/kahuna.php

Is it so difficult for BrainKing to release a lisenced 2-player game? Think about (Dutch names) : Ceasar en Cleopatra, Kahuna, Fjord or Carcassonne?

1. november 2007, 04:24:07
Does anyone play at www.king.com?

30. oktoober 2007, 11:46:12
Teema: Re: this is has far as the new site has got
exactly its been nearly a month since i posted that

30. oktoober 2007, 05:58:00
Teema: Re: this is has far as the new site has got
The Crazy Puppy: Wow they are taking thier time! No more moaning about Brainking from me, will, maybe just a little now and again. What would life be like without a moan or two

30. oktoober 2007, 05:39:24
Teema: Re: this is has far as the new site has got
The Crazy Puppy: I am soooooo glad I never got dooped into buying a membie there.. talk about gutt instinct..

6. oktoober 2007, 14:49:42
Teema: this is has far as the new site has got

6. oktoober 2007, 14:02:41
Teema: gamedriven
So what's become of gamedriven now?

18. september 2007, 08:57:50
Teema: looks like
gamedriven is back

18. september 2007, 00:23:25
The Col 
Teema: Re: Game Driven
Fencer: Competition is a good thing in my opinion,it keeps businesses on their toes and promotes quality,otherwise we are faced with collusion.

11. september 2007, 07:20:00
Teema: Re: Game Driven
coan.net: Weren't they doing that two years ago when IYT had been facing serious problems with their hardware or whatever?
I think people are smart enough to choose a game site themselves, they don't need to be "driven in". And it's not nice to turn another site problems to own profit, I would say.

11. september 2007, 07:19:19
Teema: Re: Game Driven
oh another rubbish site least said about that one the better..lol

11. september 2007, 01:11:40
Teema: Re: Game Driven
coan.net: LOL...that can be said of goldtoken too!!...i wont put caps on the site name as its a dying site!

10. september 2007, 23:52:01
Teema: Re: Game Driven
"Snoopy": Well GoldToken is officially "welcoming" players that are migrating from Game Driven with free silver membership and such.

So the more I read and wait - the more I think gamedriven is gone

There as a lot of cool things about gamedriven - but (1) bad owner, and (2) the limits they kept I believe kept away many people.

10. september 2007, 21:33:16
Teema: Re: Game Driven
when i wrote that i was just getting white pages when trying to log in
now today theres a message site down for maintenance so you could be right about it comming back

10. september 2007, 20:15:37
Teema: Re: Game Driven
"Snoopy": As I understand it, he went broke and closed it down. I did hear rumors that it would start up again in Nov with new owners but I don't know if that's true or not.

Coan, they did have several colonies start and you could play at any of them.. so essentially, you could not play all the games. My favorite was loose Gold Card. I never saw that anywhere else.

I'm glad I didn't pay for more than annual.

6. september 2007, 21:09:54
Teema: Re: Game Driven

im just glad i was still using a freebie membership
im be really annoyed if i had pay for it

6. september 2007, 19:51:57
Teema: Re: Game Driven
"Snoopy": I get the same thing...don't know what is going on!

6. september 2007, 18:58:49
Teema: Re: Game Driven
im still a member there and ive been trying for 3 days to log on but just get a white page

6. september 2007, 15:28:08
Teema: Re: Game Driven
rod03801: Well I'm still curious - isn't there any players on here that also played there? If so, are they closed for good - or is it just hardware issues or something where people can't connect.

If anyone knows, please let me know.

6. september 2007, 04:32:07
Teema: Re: Game Driven
coan.net: Doesn't sound like my cup of tea anyways.

The only other site that comes close to being as good as Brainking is Goldtoken.. to me, anyways.

6. september 2007, 03:33:28
Teema: Re: Game Driven
rod03801: Well it had some cool ideas - players would join a colony - limit to the number in each colony - and in there, you could buy houses and stuff for the house with fake money you earn playing games and such.

But after that, things go south. First, they had like 20 games on th site, but a colony could only have access to like 10 games at a time - and the players of the colony had to vote for which games. (me, if I'm playing - I want access to all the games).

Of course this information is from when they first opened, not sure what they had done since.

Games - they had some of the regular - plus some unique ones like a card-poker game which was pretty fun - basically it was a single player game, but made into a 2-player game where each play their own game - highest score wins. Um... I think their battleboat game was interesting - with different boats/tanks & different backgrounds. Um.... plus some of the "regular" games like chess and such.. can't remember.

Had some cool ideas, but I think the owners idea was to have a community site that just happened to have a few games - and did not want a "game site" so could care less about concerns - like mine about wanting to play all the games not just a limited selection. In my opinion, if they focused on both - they would have gained a lot of turn based game players.... well that and if the owner wasn't such a .......... well, you can fill in the blank.

6. september 2007, 01:40:53
Teema: Re: Game Driven
coan.net: What kinds of games were there? What was the whole "colony" and "homes" concept?

5. september 2007, 15:29:17
Teema: Re: Game Driven
coan.net: That site owner is a nut job anyway. Some people shouldn't be allowed to own pay to play sites especially people like that site owner. He was on one serious power trip when we all played there. If you didnt kiss his butt he kicked you out!!

5. september 2007, 15:17:08
Teema: Game Driven
As many of you know, I stopped visiting Game Driven site awhile back ( http://coan.net/gd.html ), but I got an e-mail today from someone telling them they closed the game site down (of course after they accepted his $200 lifetime membership - which means the lifetime of the site, not his lifetime)

Anyway, like I said - I don't visit the site, I tried a few minutes ago and it did not work - so I was wondering if it is correct that the site is closed, or are they just closed for repairs or some other temporary reason.

26. august 2007, 05:41:52
Teema: Re: IYT
volant: huge shock

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