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dicepro: Look at go rules. For illustration white would start with 8 points, black with 0, exact value would be either calculated somehow from game evaluation or just determined from experience, with black/white wins ratio closing to 1 as a target.
To make the game more interesting and to avoid fast losses in style Nc3-Nb5-Nc7-Nxe8, immortality for the king for let's say first 10 moves would be perhaps helpful.
Also a variant where pieces are more likely to be rolled if there are more possible moves with those pieces would be interesting, this was mentioned earlier, but it can be different named game, for example advanced dice chess .
May be some immortality in behemoth chess as well, but I didn't try this game.
I was browsing some boards and wanted to look at that game, then wanted to look at the opening and I can see only empty board when trying to go backward to plies 33 and prior (whites 17th move). May be it has something to do with the way Fencer stores game data in the database, may be he just allocated too small space for atomic chess games expecting them to be fast. (when I wrote this last ply index was 107)