(V): I make home brew and I find the tailings in a small pot are excellent, and to make them child proff you can place it under a pot as long as there is acess for the slugs.
It's supposedly spring time here but we're getting snow, it's unheard of this late in the year. Had 1 meter dumped on the road between Taupo & Napier. Temperature today was 8 derees C. Going to get down to 3 to-night
Snoopy: I like your choie of gardening implement, if the wife didn't like roses so much it's what I'd use. No matter how careful I am and with gloves on I still get a thorn in the fingers. Thankfully we don't get snow so I can't imagine it as a problem LOL
Foxy Lady: Know what you mean by crazy weather. We had a drought recently which is unheard of, they said we'ed have power cuts because there wasn't enough water in the hydro dams and now all we get is rain and more rain.
satinjade: is or are they cymimbidiums not sure on spelling. I've got mine in 20 lte pots filled with a really course potting mix nearly bark, need to have 3 green bulb, before they will flower and where we are we need to water heaps in the summer which is our Jan & Feb to get good spikes. Hope this helps
Jim Dandy: Well I'm getting ready to plant my seed potatoes but I'm in the southern hemisphere. Which will be the start of spring (Sept) thats as I want some by xmas, not sure where you are.
Teema: Re: Is it possible to grow potatoes on an apt balcony?
Jim Dandy:Certainly can get a big enough container , I've used a plastic rubbish bin put some compost in the bottom , put a couple of seed spuds in and as the tops grow keep filling up with compost, just leave a bit of green showing all the time and make sure you put in enough holes for excess water to drain off.
ScarletRose: you can ripen them on a window ledge as individual tomatoes, also you can hang the whole bush/plant ina shed and they will ripen. If all else fails I've got a reciepe for green tomatoe pickle
I want to know if I should prund my Laburnum tree, when we put it in it was a small bundle of leaves at the top of a long slender trunk. Then in the summer it went wild and sent out two branches which are over one meter long. Now it is shedding its leaves I'm wondering if I should cut it back. Any thought anybody?
☼ajtgirl☼:I'm not sure on the chemicals in it but it, causes the roots to rot. We cleared the area and i think replanted a couple of months later. I'll have a hunt around and find out who makes it and what it's active ingredients are
☼ajtgirl☼: We had a problem with bamboo and were able to get rid of it using a product called woody weed killer. Don't know if you have that in the states but it sure takes the hard work out of getting rid of bamboo.
BerniceC: I couldn't believe I was reading that somebody was selling oxalis. It certainly is a noxious weed in NZ I've got 3 types growing in my gardens & lawn. Thankfully I have mainly creeping oxalis which isn't so bad but it certainly creeps.
BerniceC:I've got mine planted as a windbreak for the orchard, so with 29 trees we get plenty of fruit. Friend has a reciepe for feijoa chutney, we supply the fruit she rewards us with chutney
Foxy Lady:We're just about at the end of our season, just put in brassicas for winter and picking the last of the summer vegies, but lots of fruit still to ripen, peaches, grapes, tamarillos,feijoas and persimmons.
BerniceC:They didn't build a new hotel, but the place certainly has changed. You might miss out on some vegetable growing in the tropics but you can grow lots more fruit, now thats go to be a plus.
BerniceC:Hamilton hotel has gone, and our weather is great for growing at the moment, half way thru botteling our beetroot. Getting the garden ready for the winter vegies
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