Thad: yes, maybe 10x10, corner 4 places free (or maybe not, great danger zone, but required to defend or attack setup in there :)), less pieces (like in small espionage)
I think that would take forever, but multiplayer small espionage might be good. Also, with a pyramid starting setup, almost everyone would put their castle in the middle of the bottom row. I think a setup similar to now would be better because it would bting out more creativity in starting setups. Overall, I still like the idea.
Back row, 10 pieces can be places (middle 10, leaving 2 spaces on each side.) Next to back row, 8 pieces can be places (middle 8, leaving 4 spaces on each side) next row, 6 pieces next row, 4 pieces front row - 2 pieces
So your front row, and the front row of your opponent across from you has 4 empty spaces - kind of like current.
So each of the 4 sides has the same amount of pieces, look like pyramids, and has about the same amount of space from their opponents.
Hrqls: What would the starting layout be. It would be easy to attack/hard to defend pieces close to the corners of the board. Would you still use a square board? Or one shaped like a plus sign? Just some thoughts. ;-)
i think this might be not too hard to code on this site :
4 players playing espionage, 2 players per team, 2 teams per game each player has 1 side of the board, teammates on opposite sides so there are 4 flags on the board
players are allowed to communicate, teammates can discuss their tactics (as in real life 'espionage')
players move (counter) clockwise, so first player 1, (team a), then player 2 (team b), then player 3 (team a), then player 4 (team b)
as soon as 1 flag is captured that team loses and the 2 players of the other team win. each player gets his bkr adjusted individually
what problems could there be ? (aside from the problem of 4 players being able to use more time before everyone has made 1 turn)
I haven't played in a while and I just made my first capture since the upgrade. I see the captured piece, right there and I don't have to take notes about it. Yay!!!
We need the North Korean Nuclear Cannon now. It will make your screen shake, declare itself an immediate success, then fax you a list of demands to lift economic sanctions, or else your screen will shake again some day.
this has been a topic of discussion on iyt. they have come up with the cannon! which can fire and deystroy any piece 2 spaces away. but cannot fire in consecutive turns. promotion has also been a topic of discussion as well but was dismissed in favor of the cannon.
I guess by now all of you knwo that they have released 2 new versions of espionage. Both without the volcanos. And they added the captured pieces feature that we all have been waiting for! remember 5 moves for the larger version and 3 moves for the smaller version!
Thad: I agree with Thad - the game how it is now is beter played with people who have time to keep track of things in the notes - where for someone like me who likes to play fast, it takes too much time messing with 1 games.
Also like Thad said, if the captured pieces is unkown, then mark it with a ? - only if it was revealed with a spy first should the actuall captured pieces be shown (or beter yet, show what the pieces was captured with - so if it was captured with a 2, then a ?-2 - that way you know it was either a 1, 2, spy, or sapper) - but I would be happy with just a ?
Nothingness: But there's no reason not to show a record of pieces that have been captured, especially the known ones. Use a question mark for unknown pieces if you must, but put up a list. Computers are great at keeping track of stuff for us. Let's make the game better by letting it do this menial task for us. You can still use notes for things like losing a capture attempt to a higher piece and other details that the better players record but that novices do not.
Here is the deal with captured pieces. The one reason is that it adds an element of skill to the game. You mus t use the notes feature to decide for yourself. the spy is the piece that identifies the pieces so if you capture the piece before it is ID' then you have to Guess what that piece was and notes would be almost pointless. Note taking is very easy. Here is an example of my notes. CAptured pieces: 1,2,3,2,1,sap,SPy,SPy,5,4,1,
joshi tm: Good question. I've asked this before, but never gotten a straight answer.
I think you should find out the rank of any piece you capture. Other players think it should remain unknown (unless you've spied it). Programming for known and unknown pieces could be difficult. Other than that, I know of no reason that they are not displayed. I keep a list in my private notes for each game, but that's a big pain in the ass, which is the main reason I don't play more.
any piece can capture a spy or a sapper.... BUt remember when equal strength pieces attack each other only the piece that is attacked is removed fom the board.
im not to sure what you mean.. the #5 general is the highest ranking piece. the ? is what all unexposed pieces are reffered to until they are revealed by a recon/scout..
DragonKing: By having the attacking player win when pieces of equal rank are involved the assertiveness and aggressiveness of BOTH players will be greatly increased, making the game more action packed and interesting.
will soon be shut down.. if this is so, perhpas this can prompt the transfer of players to this much superior site. Hopefully we can get the 2 open (volcano-less) versions here soon. to accomodate the new members that we will soon be getting.....
i too have one that is about to start check the espionge fellowship... trg=12936&tri=78875&trnst=0 hopefully that is the link
So if 2 pieces of equal value are involved in attack- the attacking piece wins? If that is correct- does anyone know why this rule is different from other on line versions of this game- where equal pieces cancel each other out and both are taken from the board?
I have a Fast Espionage tournament set to start in 3 days. Right now it is only myself and one other opponent. So for those of you who like to play Fast Espionage please sign up for my tournament. The tournament is called Fast Espionage. One game matches. 2 days control time.
Thad created a tourney for me. Espionage champsionships. Ill probably enter all three by the time they start,after i get my rook membership in December!. Everyone is welcome!
Nothingness toimetatud (2. november 2005, 16:50:18)
Yes Thad explained it pretty much as good as it can be explained! I prefer the 4 b/c it cannot be scared away and can rape the board. Here is an example. You have a 5 left i have a 4 left with 3 of my sappers. If I place my 4 on the left side of teh board you must have your 5 there as well. other wise I have free reign of that side of the board. Adn if you decided to keep your 5 on the other side i road block you with one sapper. and prevent you from getting in. Now at this point in the game i ahve 3 pieces that your 5 will fear. but you have only one piece that i fear!
Nothingness: why trade 5s for 4s .. if your opponent still has a 5 he can easily kill your 4s with it (a sapper can be killed by a 5 when the 5 hits first while a 4 cant kill a 5 by hitting first)
The only time a sapper can win a battle is when it attacks a spy and sapper and a 5. It loses if it is attacked by any pieces! Keep ahold of them as long as possible b/c they are the only piece that can deactivate bombs and are the only piece other than a 5 that can kill a 5 in a battle. Once you get all of your opponents sappers adn you have a 5 left, it is ALMOST impossible to lose! This is why I trade my 5s for 4s. I like my 4s better than my 5s.
M132T003C: Higher numbers always beat lower numbers. Attacking piece wins when pieces are equal. Think of spies and sappers as 'zeros'. In addition to the above capture rules, sappers win when attacking 5s. Sappers also deactivate bombs.
Can someone explain to me clearly what happens when each piece attacks each other one?
Up until just now I was under the impression a sapper wins when attacking any numbered piece, however I was sadly mistaken and this has now resulted in an almost ceratin loss. I was thrown off by the unclear wording in the rules.
So I'd like a clear description of exactly which attacks lose and exactly which attacks win.
Nothingness: If I move zero on a turn, and you do the same on your next turn, then I say I'd be required to move at least one on my next turn. No indefinite stalling. I could sit there an not move for as many turns as I wanted if you kept moving, but if you wanted to force me to move, you'd be able to.
BIG BAD WOLF: Why limit it to 10? I see no reason.
Entering moves could get to be a pain, especially if you decide you did something you don't like and want to start all over.
Nothingness toimetatud (26. september 2005, 22:59:36)
but there can be many problems with this. If you move only 1 time adn the next players moves 7 pieces. things can get a little crazy.Towards the end of the game, you can hold the game under seige by not moving a piece and forcing your opponent into a no win situation. if you could find a way to limit the moves... such as a minumum and maximum move amount that might be better. Taking advantage of the amount of moves your opponent has left in a game is crucial to the mathematics of the game. If i am playing fast espionage (4 moves per turn) and you only have 4 or less peices remaining that means you MUST move every piece each turn you play from now unitl the end of the game. this makes your moving more precise and you have to think more, but if i can suddenly in the same situation mvoe 1 piece instead of all 4 i can prevent my opponent from attacking and trapping me. Adn i can potentially hold them off forever(babysitting).Interesting option but not to sure hwo it would work.