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Tsensor: Fencer 
 Black Rooks

Lifetime members only.

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24. aprill 2007, 07:42:27
Papa Zoom 
Wow, a Black Rook Board!  Fencer, that was fast!  ;)

24. aprill 2007, 07:45:55
Teema: Re:

24. aprill 2007, 07:47:51
Papa Zoom 
Teema: Re:
Fencer:  And I had the honor of the first post.  :)  Thanks for such a quick response.  I'm off to bed.  Enjoy the day.  And many hello to fellow Black Rooks as they discover this board :)

24. aprill 2007, 07:50:28
Howdy all my fellow BlackRookies.. whoo hoo..

24. aprill 2007, 07:56:36
Papa Zoom 
Teema: Re:
ScarletRose:  hey you!  :)  Nice to see you here.  :)

24. aprill 2007, 08:18:29
Teema: Now....
I guess we still need someone to make sure that all black rooks know about this page, and that all new black rooks are equally invited and told about it....

Of course that would mean a glad hander of sorts to welcome people and such...

Also - though this is lifetime, there is a chance that someone may leave - if a person does leave or hands over his membership, we need to decide how something like this gets handled...

24. aprill 2007, 09:02:25
Baked Alaskan 
Teema: :)

24. aprill 2007, 09:09:02
Teema: Re: :)
Amen to that!!!!

24. aprill 2007, 09:17:27
Teema: Re:
dhaas70 toimetatud (24. aprill 2007, 09:18:18)
gogul: but does this not at least resolve the question of a BB issue? shouldn't you be happy with a peaceful solution where all the black rooks can still come and not fear being kicked out?

At least the real BB for this is nsurely not someone you disagree with - nor hold a grudge against... After all - it did seem the best solution to prevent anyone abusing any power over an FS that really should be always open to all black rooks regardless of personal indifferences.... Surely you cannot disagree with that?

Is there no solution aside from total control and power that would satisfy you at all?

24. aprill 2007, 09:22:29
Teema: Re:
did you forget where your bedroom was?

24. aprill 2007, 09:24:46
Teema: Re:
gogul: Hmmm... a well thought out resonse.... the perfect answer....

You really cannot honestly answer any of it though? Do you think it better that an FS like this is under Fencer's control or not? Obviously you were upset when you offerred it away to anyone, and then we try and come up with a solution and you are still not happy?

Are you that power hungry that you have to be the sole decider of which black rooks qualify to be part of a black rook club?

Do you think it really was a bad idea to give control over to Fencer like any other "special" public board? Just answer those questions?

24. aprill 2007, 15:34:31
joshi tm 
A Black Rook Board! Wow!

24. aprill 2007, 17:03:47
Pretty cool

24. aprill 2007, 18:00:51
Papa Zoom 
I've changed the name of the Black Rooks to

Fellowship of Black Rooks :) Hope that works for everyone to avoid the confusion.

24. aprill 2007, 18:03:26
Papa Zoom 
Teema: He'll probably smack me for saying this
but the idea for this board was not mine. It was dhaas70. Maybe others had a similar idea too I don't know. Either way, kudos to dhaas!

24. aprill 2007, 18:14:20
Teema: Re: He'll probably smack me for saying this
Tigger: Finally some friggin' recognition!!! :)

Now I will go back into the dark recesses of my mind and wait until the next drama unfolds... :)

24. aprill 2007, 20:37:23
Foxy Lady 
Teema: Re: He'll probably smack me for saying this
: Ok i'm lost how many BR f/s are there?

24. aprill 2007, 20:51:59
This one is a public board. The f/s one has changed its name to protect the -- confused. (like me! lol)

The public board is Black Rooks

The fellowship is Fellowship of Black Rooks

24. aprill 2007, 20:55:12
Foxy Lady 
Teema: Re:
Eriisa: Errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ok

24. aprill 2007, 20:57:09
Teema: Re:
Foxy Lady: lol, that's right. You really don't want to ask.

24. aprill 2007, 21:05:04
Foxy Lady 
Teema: Re:
Eriisa: I haven't been on since Sunday i think so i'm lost but can guess.

24. aprill 2007, 22:52:39

Can anyone explain why we need a "Black Rooks" discussionboard or fellowship?

The only difference between us and "them" is that we have paid membership in advance, does that make us an "elite"?

I think "they" have the same interests in BK as we have.


24. aprill 2007, 22:55:47
Teema: Re:
Andersp: It is one more perk to get people to want to be an eternal member...

24. aprill 2007, 23:05:41
Teema: Re:
rednaz23: Ok, ill "buy" that til someone comes up with something better

24. aprill 2007, 23:10:38
Teema: Re:
Andersp: The other thing that I feel is important for black rooks, is for all of us to take an active participation in this site in making it better. I feel that my black rook is an investment, and if I do not make sure my investment (BK) succeeds, I will lose it. So, I must do everything I can as a black rook to make sure people still see this as a great place to play so it stays afloat. This discussion board is one place where we can facilitate such discussion where every black rook can discuss possible solutions to better this site. I think that is a great reason for this discussion board to be available only to black rooks. Does that seem like a good reason for this discussion board?

25. aprill 2007, 00:15:18
Teema: Re:
Andersp: the short version is that the original intent of the BR FS became skewed and was more like a regular FS - people were being banned, and such. So the purpose of the public board - and it is actually restricted from my understanding to only black rooks was to regain the original purpose of the BR FS - but without anyone that is a black rook being banned or made feel unwelcome....

I think the FS is going to fade away except for the games and such still running. But I am not sure of the long term plans - I know the BB is open for suggestions on what to do with the FS...

My opinion is that the black rooks should have never been an FS - it should have always been a public discussion board for black rooks - and always open to all black rooks - no one that is a black rook should be banned from such a titled group...

I know many people are confused, but I also know that messages are being sent to keep people informed on the change itself

25. aprill 2007, 00:42:37
Teema: Re:

dhaas70:  Yes i noticed what happened to the fellowship and i agree with rednaz about "keeping our investment alive".  Still not sure if its a good idea to close the door for other paying members tho.  As i said before, the only difference is that we paid in advance.


25. aprill 2007, 00:48:51
Teema: Re:
Andersp: Well, when it was an FS, the only way to join (as with any FS) is to be a paying member. And if the idea of the FS was originally for all those who decided to pay for life time membership and become BR's, then it stands that the only way to be in the BR FS was to be a paying member...

So it is no different now - except it is now a public discussion board where you must be a BR to participate - no different than other discussion boards ike mod squads where you must be a member of the moderators group to be in there...

So it really is not different other than people cannot be banned or kicked out from a personal dispute. All BR's are welcome to post, and no one of a BR status can be banned - I think this really should have been the way the original BR FS should have stayed...

Besides - now a BR does not have to join another FS just to talk to other BR's

25. aprill 2007, 01:05:06
Foxy Lady 
Teema: Re:
dhaas70: I agree no BR should be banned from the fellowship.

25. aprill 2007, 04:01:22
Teema: Re:
Andersp: I guess for the same reason there is a "Members only" discussion board.

But I would love to see some more information from Fencer on what he is working on & developing - maybe getting some input from us - the users who have decided to help support this site with out lifetime memberships.

Of course we would not hold him to anything he tells us - but would be a good place for him to get some input from some users.

That is what I would like to see this board used for.

25. aprill 2007, 13:45:41
Eriisa toimetatud (25. aprill 2007, 13:46:07)
Good morning everyone!  Lets have some fun today.

25. aprill 2007, 13:56:45
Teema: Re:

BIG BAD WOLF:   "Normal rooks/knights" are as much paying members as we are so why shouldnt they have the same opportunity to get info from Fencer and give him input.


25. aprill 2007, 14:48:33
joshi tm 
Fencer: Who can read this board? Every member, Paying members or Black Rook (and Knight) Members only?

25. aprill 2007, 15:01:27
Teema: Re:
Andersp: Well yea... I'm not saying get rid of Feature Request or anything like that - just a place to give extra value to the black rook membership - to possible know a little more in advance of others what is being worked on or may be coming up soon and such is all I'm talking about.

Normal rooks/knights - and even pawns can still have their input on the Feature requests board.

25. aprill 2007, 17:51:29
Papa Zoom 
Teema: Re:
Andersp:  Everyone can give imput on the BK board.  This is just a special board for lifetime members.  A perk like the extra fs we can have  ;)  I think this board has multipurposes. 

25. aprill 2007, 18:04:38
Teema: Re:
joshi tm: Every member can read. Only users with a lifetime membership can write.

25. aprill 2007, 18:26:49
Teema: Re:
Fencer: Oh... so this board is nothing like Members only.

What is the point of this board if everyone can read it?

25. aprill 2007, 18:27:38
joshi tm 
Teema: Re:
BIG BAD WOLF: Can't Members oly be read by pawns?

25. aprill 2007, 18:29:32
Teema: Re:
BIG BAD WOLF:Im sure anyone can read members only , just cant  type on it unless a paid member 

25. aprill 2007, 18:29:40
Teema: Re:
joshi tm:

25. aprill 2007, 18:36:17
I like the idea that everyone can read the posts. This way, others who are not black rooks can see an incentive to become one.

Pawns have no clue what goes on in fellowships. This board can be an example.

25. aprill 2007, 18:41:36
Teema: Re:
BIG BAD WOLF: I don't know what the point of this board is. I was only asked to create it, so I did. Whether is has a point or not, it's not my problem.

25. aprill 2007, 19:24:47
Teema: Re:
Eriisa: That makes some good sense - I like this as well - give them some incentive to do that liitle extra to be able to participate

25. aprill 2007, 19:30:43
Teema: Re:
Jason: Nope, Members only can only be read by Bishop and above.

It looks like others like this board this way - myself, I find it pointless since if pawns & other non-black rooks want to comment, they will just start a coversation on other boards - leading to having the same conversation on multiple boards - and if that is going to happen, why even start a conversation here - might as well start it on the board where it could end up at.

Again.... my opinion as I already see others have different opinions which is great - I can as quickly take this board off favorites list as quickly as I added it. Have fun everyone.

25. aprill 2007, 20:10:56
Fencer can you make this board visible only to Black Rooks?

25. aprill 2007, 22:35:34
Teema: Can anyone explain why we need a "Black Rooks" discussionboard or fellowship?
No doubt..Fencer gave the best answer

26. aprill 2007, 00:57:59
Papa Zoom 
Teema: Re: Can anyone explain why we need a "Black Rooks" discussionboard or fellowship?

Andersp:  I will tell everyone what this board is for.  After much careful and deep thinking and thoughtful contemplation of the universal truths that guide us all into our daily lives of verbal and non-verbal communication, a bright light of revelation, if you will, suddenly came to me in a flash of deep and immense understanding. 

This board


is for us.  ;)

26. aprill 2007, 08:43:25
Teema: Re: Can anyone explain why we need a "Black Rooks" discussionboard or fellowship?
Tigger: lol.

21. mai 2007, 23:25:03
Teema: Re: Can anyone explain why we need a "Black Rooks" discussionboard or fellowship?
Tigger:   hmmmmm :)

22. mai 2007, 00:37:22
Papa Zoom 
Teema: Re: Can anyone explain why we need a "Black Rooks" discussionboard or fellowship?
Andersp:     It's been so long I forgot what I was talking about! 

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