(23. juuli 2016, 12:09:45) The 3 day one posted by palko007 will never start with a min of 60 players
Käik: 3
(17. juuli 2016, 20:38:48) I have seen a lot about the droughts, that is so sad, just a little sad is the drought here at the ponds.... no one seems to want to play, and they are a nice break to take...... many have started, but none close to being filled
(peida) Kui Sa ootad oma käiku, klõpsa pealehel "Värskenda" järel "muuda", siis pane lehe värskendus 30 sekundile, et Sinu käigukord ilmuks kiiremini nähtavale. (Servant) (näita kõiki vihjeid)