*1256*~~*150* ~~ ■■ Wonderful *129* Festivities ■■ .......... As yet another Groundhog Day rapidly approaches, we are once again reminded of the wonderful wisdom articulated by the late great Yogi Berra who once surmised:
"You can observe a lot just just by watching."
Rumour has it that this year's celebration will be one of the finest ever staged to honor tradition and continue the frolic and merrement of years gone by. Live music, free hot dogs and low carb Key Lime Pie. Half priced bacon-cheese globs will be available to Senoir Citizens between 8 and 11 AM.
And of course, Punxsutawney Phil, himself, will do his thing.
Mark your calendars~~~~> Sunday, February 2, 2020.
Matši liik: 1 võit matš Turniiri liik (?): lihtne välistamine Liikmetase: Mängijate vähim arv: 4 Mängijate suurim arv: 4 Ajakontroll (?): 1 päev, tavaline puhkus Mängija reiting: 100 <= BKR <= 4000 Reitinguta mängijad: jah Reitinguta partiid (see turniir ei mõjuta BKR'e).: ei Kinnine turniir (sa saadad isiklikud kutsed): ei Mängijate sorteerimine BKR järgi: ei Staatus: lõppenud