Drop of Water is a Grain of Gold Day: Turkmenistan (Malereevers - näita reegleid) As everyone knows, April 6th is Drop of Water is a Grain of Gold Day in Turkmenistan.
Melon Day is an annual national holiday in Turkmenistan devoted to festivities to celebrate the country's muskmelon, in particular a recent crossbreed product named "Turkmenbashi Melon", which is praised for its delicious aroma, excellent taste and large size.
This holiday was established by Turkmenistan’s previous president Saparmurat Niyazov in 1994, who preferred to be known as Turkmenbashi, or leader of the Turkmens. It is marked annually on the second Sunday of August. The day's celebrations feature a large display of the fruit in all its varieties, as well as a series of dance and music events, in the country's capital Ashgabat.
Melon Day - classic titles of which are Drop of Water is a Grain of Gold Holiday, Holiday of Poetry of Magtymguli, Turkmenbashi Holiday, Good Neighbourliness Day, Horse Day, Sun Day, Jewel Day, and Carpet Day. Tagasi mängude loetellu Matši liik: Tavaline partii. Turniiri liik (?): lihtne välistamine Liikmetase: Mängijate vähim arv: 4 Mängijate suurim arv: 4 Ajakontroll (?): 7 päeva, tavaline puhkus Mängija reiting: 900 <= BKR <= 1900 Reitinguta mängijad: jah Reitinguta partiid (see turniir ei mõjuta BKR'e).: ei Kinnine turniir (sa saadad isiklikud kutsed): ei Mängijate sorteerimine BKR järgi: jah Staatus: lõppenud Alguse kuupäev ja kellaaeg: 6. aprill 2007, 23:05:05 Lõpu kuupäev ja kellaaeg: 24. mai 2007, 21:05:15