First Battleboat Fellowship Backgammon tournament was started before Battleboats was on the site - to give us something to do in the fellowship
Second Battleboat Fellowship Backgammon tournament was just for fun.
Third Battleboat Fellowship Backgammon tournament was just BBW being totally iNSaNe!
Fourth Battleboat Fellowship Backgammon tournament was to continue the tradition.
The 5th Battleboat Fellowship Backgammon tournament was for fun!
The 6th Backgammon tournament was a new (HYPER) Backgammon tournament because I can!
The 7th Battleboat Fellowship (Hyper) Backgammon tournament is here because I want to see if people will actually read all of this long tournament description - no other reason.
Now the 8th Battleboat Fellowship (Hyper) Backgammon tournament is here. I'm actually asleep while I write this, so I wanted to see how well I could setup a tournament while I sleep!
Good Luck!
Tagasi mängude loetellu Sõpruskond:* BIG BAD * Battleboats*1185* Matši liik: Tavaline partii. Turniiri liik (?): igaüks mängib igaühega ühe partii Liikmetase: Mängijate vähim arv: 4 Mängijate suurim arv: piiranguta Suurim mängijate arv ühes alagrupis: 8 Finaalmatši liik kahe mängijaga alagrupi jaoks: 1 võit matš Ajakontroll (?): 7 päeva, tavaline puhkus Mängija reiting: 100 <= BKR <= 4000 Reitinguta mängijad: jah Reitinguta partiid (see turniir ei mõjuta BKR'e).: ei Kinnine turniir (sa saadad isiklikud kutsed): ei Mängijate sorteerimine BKR järgi: jah Staatus: lõppenud Alguse kuupäev ja kellaaeg: 27. august 2005, 02:56:37 Lõpu kuupäev ja kellaaeg: 5. detsember 2005, 17:04:58