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7. January 2006, 12:12:50
Subject: Re: Re: Last 10 finished games
Vikings: there does seem to be a problem with the last 10 games finished ,inmy profile i have games listed from 2004 then jumps to 2006
.....havent looked any further into it yet

7. January 2006, 05:35:19
Subject: Re: Last 10 finished games
ScarletRose: LOL. Yep.

7. January 2006, 05:35:00
thanks, I wonder why?

7. January 2006, 05:34:15
Subject: Re: Last 10 finished games
playBunny: Beat ya by 2 mins and 15 secs.. hehe

7. January 2006, 05:30:38
Subject: Re: Last 10 finished games
Vikings: It's the last 10 in the current year. The previous 9 were in December or earlier.

7. January 2006, 05:28:23
Subject: Re:
Vikings: Could it be due to the new year?? perhaps that is the first game finished this year..

7. January 2006, 05:26:55
can someone explain to me as to why it's only showing one finished game here instead of 10

6. January 2006, 20:19:23
Subject: Re:
harley: I never said you had done something to it, was just wondering where al those spaces had gone. I think people have to read it as it is then!

Pythagoras: You received no messages because i haven't yet sent you any. I was answering Czuck's message! will send it to you soon.

6. January 2006, 20:09:48
Subject: Re:
Pythagoras: Ahh I didn't know that.

6. January 2006, 20:03:16
Chicago Bulls 
Subject: Re:
Modified by Chicago Bulls (6. January 2006, 20:04:46)
harley: I didn't take out any spaces or change any of the way your replies were set out, that must have happened when it was actually put onto the site.

It is not your fault. post system doesn't allow more than one spaces to appear when spaces are inserted by the SPACEBAR. In order to create multiple spaces you have to use:
&nbsp; for each space you want to use.

For example the:
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;4 spaces!
    4 spaces!

6. January 2006, 19:52:58
Subject: Re:
Modified by Bwild (6. January 2006, 20:19:45)
reza: I think you did a fine job with your interview.
Its a shame, some one has been allowed to provide distasteful color to your hard work,as it opens the door for future interviews to be subject to a public rilling.
I am sure, this was not the original intention of interviews with BrainKing members.

6. January 2006, 19:52:06
Subject: Re:
reza: I didn't take out any spaces or change any of the way your replies were set out, that must have happened when it was actually put onto the site. I've never noticed if its happened before on any of the interviews, sorry about that.

6. January 2006, 19:48:57
Chicago Bulls 
Reza: I didn't receice any message from you....I hope you pressed the correct buttons and your answer is not lost because of any fault of you....

6. January 2006, 19:35:10
Subject: Re:
harley: I left Debate Club a few months ago. And, I'm in no mood for discussing things from here, since it takes me long to type and I'll be having to make right all wrong interpretations. About what Pythagoras said, well, I just send him his reply in a messgae. Others who are interested, can ask him for a copy!

And, I think the way I sent my answers to you, they were far better formatted. What's happend to all the spaces I had used?

Everything's just gotten cramped!

6. January 2006, 13:34:19
Wow, great thoughts there Pythagoras. Could replies go to a different board, maybe rezas fellowship or the debate club? (I'm sure people will want to debate about some points!) Maybe you could post a link to the place you'd prefer to discuss it, Pythagoras? If you're willing to, of course.

6. January 2006, 13:19:45
Chicago Bulls 
Subject: Re:

Well i don't like the fact that a person defines and believes in something, not by his own logic but with what he has been "trained" to do from a little child. I hate to see people(i don't hate these people, just the situations that made them this way) that are not thinking by themself and only by the countless brainwashings their family and the society for the main reason the religions, make to them. I speak for almost every single human that lives in a small society on the whole earth. All people i see in my country and ALL other countries have that kind of brainwashing. A different one from country to country, but still prevents people from thinking logically!
The main reason is religions again, but not the only one. I don't really know what religion is better from the other, but i try not to involve them in my logic and my thinking.... I say, "i try" because even me(one of the greatest nonconformists!) haven't escaped completely from the training i've suffered.

So to come in this specific example: Reza believes that is logical:

-If a man kills someone, he should be killed
then (The "then" is very important because it shows that everything starts with the man. If a man does something then OK, the woman should be allowed to do it too. Although seemingly we have an equality we don't have a FULL equality since the MAN has to do something in order the woman to be able to do it too. As i will say a little below that MAY not be Reza's thinking and i may interpreted it wrong.....)
-If a woman kills someone, she should be killed too.

Or he may mean in Tuesday's question(the other interpretation):
-If a man kills someone, he should be killed.
-If a woman kills someone, she should be killed.

That is FULL equality between man and woman.

-If a man gets $100 for working an hour, a woman must get the same amount of money for doing the same job with the same quality and in the same amount of time.

That clearly shows that we don't have equality! Since the man defines the standards! The woman should be able to work with the same insensity and quality as the man did, to take the same amount of money. And i ask why not the opposite? Why not the woman to put the standards of quality and speed time etc...? Full equality means that both man and woman will gain the same money without any restrictions in their work.

-If a man can study, a woman must be allowed to, too.

Again that clearly shows that i interpreted the first statement correctly and that woman should follow man. If a man can do it then yes woman can do it also....But if a man can't do it then woman can't do it also.......

-If a man can vote, a woman should be able to vote too.
Again the same. Woman follows man.....

-But, if a man is allowed to leave his hair uncovered, it doesn't mean that a woman should be allowed to do that too.

Well of course! Who said that the same logic of "Man does this=>Woman does this" has to continue?
This sound crazy to me that i think strictly with MY logic.....

-Since a man's hair is of no sexual attraction to a woman, but a woman's hair sexually attracts men. That's what Islam says and I totally believe it.

Bad for you of course.....I'm not judging your religion ONLY, but every religion in the world!
Religions are the reason of 2 extremely bad things:
-the countless wars are happening all over the history.
-the oppression of people and the limitation of the free will and free thinking.....

PS: I hope you will not feel offended in any way! My purpose is not to offend people and here you, just to express my thoughts without any mean purpose.....

6. January 2006, 11:50:33
Reza: Nice one. A very enjoyable read.

6. January 2006, 10:50:46

6. January 2006, 09:36:34
In the next day or so I'll be putting all the questions together for Pedro's interview. So if you have a question for him but haven't sent it, now is the time to do it before its too late!

6. January 2006, 02:54:49
Subject: Re:do you have anything in the pipeline to encourage more?
Fencer: Filip, I asked a serious question for a change,, your answer is?

6. January 2006, 02:25:52
Subject: Re:
Czuch Chuckers: no matter what.. the site clock still moves,, that cannot be stopped :o)

6. January 2006, 02:24:42
I am naiive about these things... but I dont understand why when the game time is suspended that all games times not just stay where they are and resume the countdown again when the time is resumed?

6. January 2006, 01:49:08
I still wish this downtime issue with Fischer clock games would be addressed. I am most likely going to time out in a couple Fisher stair games in the next day or 2. I depend on weekends to build my time up in these games, because if they get below 14 hours,( I am away for work 12 hours every week day) I will most likely time out on them (if my opponent moves at just the "right time")
One is down to 10 hours, and if that opponent makes a move tomorrow morning after I go to work, I will definitely time out. I had this game built up to over 3 days, before the downtime. So, I will lose, through no fault of my own.

It isn't a big deal when it is just a couple hours that the site is down, but I think for a 30 hour downtime, some special consideration needs to be given to this type of game.

6. January 2006, 00:44:45
So when suspended game time ends, is that when the auto vacation steps in? So anyone in red numbers who has auto vacation will have time added to their games? Wha about Fischer clock games?

5. January 2006, 01:37:37
Subject: you only have 6 gold rooks...
Modified by Stevie (5. January 2006, 21:44:05)
do you have anything in the pipeline to encourage more?

*edited at glob request to remove unesecary line*

4. January 2006, 06:24:53
Subject: Re: What will happen in this tournament?
playBunny: They are counted as a win and a loss, not a draw. But if you by a draw mean that both players get the same number of tournament points from these two matches, then yes it's a draw.

4. January 2006, 06:00:25
Subject: Re: What will happen in this tournament?
frolind: If it's two matches per pairing and there's one win and one loss per player...?

4. January 2006, 05:41:20
Subject: Re: What will happen in this tournament?
Only if it's possible to agree upon a draw in a cube-match. The two matches are unrelated.

4. January 2006, 03:56:21
Subject: Re: What will happen in this tournament?
Rod: That's what I was thinking it sounded like. Hmmm, so draws will be possible... Thanks Rod.

4. January 2006, 03:41:58
I believe it will be two 13 point matches with each of your opponents, playBunny.

4. January 2006, 03:32:53
Subject: What will happen in this tournament?
A tournament has been defined as follows:

Match type: 13 points match with doubling cube
Tournament type: two games (switched colors) for each two players

So does this mean there will be two 13-point matches per pairing or does one of these parameters take precedence?

4. January 2006, 03:18:45
Looking more closely at his ponds he fell in, it does appear the time "stopped" while down. He must have been confused about it being a problem.

However, back to the Fischer clock games; while they may not "time out" and go into negative time, which is fine for "normal" games, it looks like time still "ran down" on them. Or am I confused on that, too? (very possible, lol)

I am almost positive that on some of my Very Fast Fischer stairs, I had built them up to 3 days or more (as of a few hours before BK went down) However now, they are down to a little over 1 day. .. Again, yes, while game time is suspended, they won't time out, however I seem to have lost all the "bonus" hours I had built up!

Feel free to straighten me out if I'm missing something! :-D

4. January 2006, 02:44:44
I agree for normal "short" downtimes, Stevie. But 30 hours isn't pushing their luck. I didn't mean suspend the time NOW, I meant they should be given 24 hours from the time the site comes back up, though.

I'm confused anyways. I wish the ponds had a time stamp saying exactly when you made yer bid.. LOL...

In MY ponds, it does look as though time DID stop. I have a 2 day per move pond that started at 8pm on whatever day it started, however, it NOW comes up at 5pm the next time, instead of 8pm, when of course each round should be starting at that same time of day.

But looking at this other's person's ponds, it is confusing me for some reason! LOL

4. January 2006, 01:56:58 
Subject: Re: Ponds
Stevie: Not a problem for me since I'm only in 4+ day ponds, but i could see where some would have a problem with (for example) a 1 day pond where they did not have any chance to make a move.

I can remember awhile back when there were site problems, ponds were stopped - kind of surprised they were also not help up for an extra day this time also.

4. January 2006, 01:51:55
Subject: Re: Ponds
rod03801: ponds should be left as they are.. its been the same from the start... that suspended time doesnt cover them.. and they have an "auto move " feature anyways :o) so waht if someone else falls off the bottom, they obviously pushed their luck in the previous round ;op

4. January 2006, 01:50:07
Subject: Ponds
Should ponds have continued in the downtime????? I know someone who fell in 3 ponds this morning, when the site wasn't even up. Can't time on those be stopped for a short time when the site goes down???? (Or at least stopped DURING the downtime???)

Did the time stop in the Fischer clock games??? I understand when it wouldn't for a brief downtime, but 30 hours is a lot of time! (I haven't checked mine yet..)

4. January 2006, 01:37:40
Subject: Re: Thank you Fencer
657: I spent a good 24 hours trying to get on before I finally found that page! It would be nice if it was updated more regularly, even if to say nothing is different. I actually did a search for brainking, and found a website with a few members from here discussing the problems. It was nice to see.

4. January 2006, 00:19:39
Subject: Thank you Fencer
for using the Brainking info to report the status of the problem, it saved me from hours of frustration

3. January 2006, 22:53:16
Subject: Re:
Czuch Chuckers: It's in our time zone, GMT+01:00.

3. January 2006, 22:51:59
Subject: Re:
Fencer: Why does the time stamp when you reported it fixed say 1:31 Jan 2nd, but the next post is not until 16 something on Jan 3rd?

3. January 2006, 22:51:42
Chicago Bulls 
Subject: Re:
pauloaguia: Thanks. One step is gone! The next is to tell me where are the server news?

3. January 2006, 22:49:23
Way to go, Fencer! 30 long hours!

3. January 2006, 22:48:36
Subject: Re:
Pythagoras: Read server news ;)

3. January 2006, 22:47:22
Chicago Bulls 
Modified by Chicago Bulls (3. January 2006, 22:47:43)
Brainking is back, is back!

I have many games on red showing a negative time, that will end with a time out, if the time will be
back again. Since i can't play them right now and since there are many games with NO days off, can i safely play them tomorrow(at around 12-14 hours from now) without be in danger of losing them?
I mean until when the "time is suspended" will be ON?

3. January 2006, 22:25:00
Subject: Re: BK down
emmett: About 30 hours 20 minutes.

3. January 2006, 22:18:43
Adaptable Ali 
Subject: Re: BK down
emmett: go to

3. January 2006, 22:18:04
Subject: Re: BK down

3. January 2006, 22:16:08
Subject: BK down
I was hoping for an explanation as to why I could not access BrainKing for so long. I believe it was over 24 hours. Did I miss something? I'm sorry if this question is redundant. Anyway, thanks to whoever does answer.

2. January 2006, 07:31:01

2. January 2006, 01:28:18
Subject: Re:
emmett: You're welcome :O) The best way to learn is just to click on all the links and see whats there!

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