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18. March 2003, 18:40:41
Subject: Re: Spider
I did 2 start with, now it just seems Spider & Nack - i do have that problem with a named game though...

18. March 2003, 18:38:26
Subject: Re: Spider
I'm having trouble with ALL my games, if I click on 'move and go to next game' I get a white screen, same if I click on 'move and go to main page'... or to a named game. Its taking me ages to get any moves done!

18. March 2003, 18:34:39
Subject: Spider
Is anyone else having trouble getting into Spider 4 games ????

18. March 2003, 16:06:07 
Subject: Re: Let's promote BrainKing and eliminate IYT
(reply to Dmitri King message from way below)

What point was I trying to make by rewritng them? Well take a look at the very next thing I wrote - "Simple Suggestion: Just don't go there no more". If someone does not like a site, do not go there! (At least I think it sounds simple enough).

It is a game site. If you don't like how it is ran, don't go there. They have non-paid memberships so everyone can try out their site before they pay. If they do not like it, well try another place - there are more and more turn-based game sites comming up (including this great place - BrainKing).

As for the negative thing. When I see a post that puts down one site, and then turns around and tries to promote a second site - I PERSONALY feel that it reflects negativly against the second site! I know not everyone will agree with my view (and that is fine), but to me it just seems like the second site has people go out and destroy the first site. Even though the second site might not approve of what is going on (which I have not heard how BrainKing feels about it) - but to put down IYT and turn around and tell people to come here looks very negative to me.

I mean if you are going to do that, why not also post the bad stuff about BrainKing???? Don't get me wrong, I love BrainKing - but there are bad things here also. Why not include how it is hard to follow threads in the message board? Or how the Backgammon games will let you make illigal moves? Or how they also limit their free users - and you can only join 1 tournament at a time as a free users (and even if you are out of the tournament - you can't join a second one until ALL users in a section are done - not just you).

Bottom line: All sites are different (THIS IS GOOD). People should try all sites and play at what they like best. For example, I do not like to play at GoldToken. But, every once and awhile I will post a message on IYT about different turn-based games sites. I include GoldToken, LittleGolem, DailyGammon, and now BrainKing. Even though I do not like all the sites - everyone should find what they like the best - and if you do not like it, DO NOT GO THERE! (sounds so simple.... but I guess it is not)

And again - I know not everyone will agree with my opinion, and that is fine. Good Luck in your elimination plans of IYT.


18. March 2003, 14:41:18
Subject: cariad, to please you is a pleasure :D
<but pssst !
when you whisper so close to
my ear your breathe tickles ...

and I have to be calm and composed ;)

have to check the doublesided janus blonde indeed
uhhhm - just the vision of having a dance ... WOW !. 0:)

even as obligation, most likely a pleasure too ... >:) ~*~

18. March 2003, 14:32:36
Subject: Re: IYT - Problem solved.
danoschek - LOL LOL I like that!

Whisperz - Well all the brunette pieces squealed (they would, wouldn't they) but the brunette bishop was a proper wuss!
I'm glad they haven't got Janus chess there. Imagine grabbing the King's Janus...
The blonde pieces, though, were very obliging.

18. March 2003, 14:27:09
Subject: Re: <envision your first subject line ... >8)
you think not
- okay that's understood :p ~*~

18. March 2003, 14:25:10
Flippin Maniac 
Subject: Re: <envision your first subject line ... >8)
If I had smiled and said Please would you have posted your complaints elsewhere, I THINK NOT!
An addiction is hard to break.

18. March 2003, 14:05:19
Subject: <envision your first subject line ... >8)
you did not smile and did not say please
indeed that makes it difficult to respect
either your flawly summary or your
futile attempts to command me ... :) ~*~

exercise that grin yet
a bit before publishing .... - please 0:)

18. March 2003, 14:00:36
Flippin Maniac 
Subject: Re: quite tempted and with a ruler-attitude
Are you hard of hearing? Do I need to shout?

I was just stating that if you had complaints about IYT, Go and do it somewhere else!
AND you accuse ME of constantly complaining......

I doubt you
found the time to read yet before blasting

This is my second only post on these boards..
Unlike some I have a life outside of BrainKing and IYT
** BIG GRIN **

18. March 2003, 14:00:31
Subject: Re: IYT - Problem solved.
awwww :D
pleased to meet you Mylady, my hero ;)

_ _ _ _ _ . - ' - : _ @}%-;-'---

as blonde gurlz seem to be a feature here 0:)
I'd like to balance your effort by providing
the blondes joke to end all blondes jokes ...

There was a blonde woman who was having
financial troubles so she decided to kidnap
a child and demand a ransom. She went to
a local park, grabbed a little boy, took
him behind a tree and wrote this note:

I have kidnapped your child. Leave $10,000
in a plain brown bag behind the big oak tree
in the park tomorrow at 7 A.M.
Signed, The Blonde

She pinned the note inside the little
boy's jacket and told him to go straight home.

The next morning, she returned to the park
to find the $10,000 in a brown bag behind
the big oak tree, just as she had instructed.

Inside the bag was the following note ...

Here is your money. I cannot believe
that one blonde would do this to another !

18. March 2003, 13:54:59
Subject: Re: IYT - Problem solved.
Cariad: which piece squealed the loudest when you pinched it?

18. March 2003, 13:51:52
Subject: IYT - Problem solved.
Again it takes a (blonde) girl to solve the problem. I've been over to IYT and pinched their dice and chess pieces.

18. March 2003, 13:40:13
Subject: quite tempted and with a ruler-attitude
are you shouting at me ?

that's idle - got used to it ... :p
I CERTAINLY won't disturb in any of
your fellowships created and, I doubt you
found the time to read yet before blasting ...

as I happened to express my pleasure
of finding features here, that I missed ...

and I CERTAINLY will give note about
my developing opinion ... as mentioned

I don't know why you
are constantly complaining

get over it ... *grin* ~*~

18. March 2003, 13:39:03
Subject: Re: Blah! Blah! Blah!
Humble, honest and supported. Let's talk about how good this site is and give thanks to Fencer for the great work he does and how he responds to all suggestions.

18. March 2003, 13:33:15
Flippin Maniac 
Subject: Blah! Blah! Blah!
Hey! I thought the title of this message board was for everybody who is interested in itself, its structure, features and future) Doesn't IYT have it's own gripe board, Maybe we should ask Fencer to create a new board just for those who wish to complain about IYT or better still lets have a seperate board for danoschek then if anyone wants to read his constant drivel they can add it to their favourites.
This site speaks for it's self, Fencer has done a great job and i'm sure it will continue.
YES! Some sites are better than others (Some MUCH better) But why clogg up the message board with constant complaining?
If you don't like a certain site then DON'T PLAY THERE!
Lifes too short
Just my humble opinion :)


18. March 2003, 12:53:31
Subject: You're welcome D'mitri
let them have a grudge against ME - I'd knew
some reasons, valid or not ... ;) there has always
been a lot of noise around me at the boards as -
unlike many others, just giving up exposing - I did
not retire when I faced concerted mobbing, instead
severely struck back ...

multiple accounts applauding each other for
the humbug they summon and complain together
when the echo becomes uncomfortable ... :P

the main disadvantage of boards not monitored
and, open to insults and filth - some live for it only,
I have to assume - can't happen here, the fellow-
ships are simply ingenious ... :)

everybody has the space to play the little and
modest and worldfamous superhero in his own circle
-- onto that without disturbing the whole picture,
that's simply great ! 0:)

back to paragraph 1 - let them be grumpy with me
as reason for additional background mailtraffic.

but Savage didn't publish anything
also top player - also paying member ...

not to mention, claiming draw aware of a sulky
opponent not taking a perpetual check as given,
worked again - even by quick response ! (1 day)

once they apologized for losing the entire
mailtraffic of 3 days - I honestly don't know
- got tired of analyzing the failure-pattern why
some technical dissonances just were ignored ~*~

18. March 2003, 12:21:50
Dmitri King 
Subject: Thanks Danoscheck
Danoscheck is making an excellent point that I think is being overlooked. What happened to him is a SERIOUS FOLLY on the part of IYT. screwing up the final round of a topurnament like that is about as big of a screwup as can happen, and they responded to it very poorly. Would any of you want soemthing like that to happen to you? Well, if not, what makes you think it won't? do you think they have a grudge against Danoscheck? That seems unlikely. SO what happened to him can only be chalked up to gross incompetence.

18. March 2003, 11:35:09
Subject: I like icecream too :Þ
but indeed my first icy feeling at iyt
occured when realizing that amazingly
the correct progress of a tourney was not
important enough for websupport to fix it
- in between THREE months - despite of the
independent complaints of two PAYING top-
players. that's just a fact to state like many
other examples, reported not only here and,
not to oppress any final summaries ... ~*~

18. March 2003, 11:19:08
Subject: As what is a 'loyal' user defined anyway ? :p
sounds strange - if I play at iyt and
join for realtime, am I illoyal ??

regardless of being fairly successful
at iyt-chess :D still will
remain THE official chess-server for me,
just because it IS.

maybe the language barrier prevents me
from understanding the sense altogether ;)

and actually the term 'eliminate' in the
original subject line sounds very strange
also - a server not matching gamer's needs
will eliminate itself period - why pushing ?

I shared my main objections moderately and,
like to share the attracting properties better,
- what server ever. some of the board features
here are exactly what would have avoided a lot
of trouble at iyt, no doubt ...

tournaments are better structured here,
at first sight, I'm still a newbee. optional
rating-restrictions seem good to encourage
beginners who'd be else taken out too quickly.

there are a lot of details to compare ...

I'll certainly give note about
the development of my opinion ... :D ... ~*~

18. March 2003, 11:16:42
Dmitri King 
Subject: Re: Ice Cream...who wants some
nighthawk.. you say "DO NOT invalve other innosent parties for they have no fight with these site that your on and they're not... "

who is involving innocent parties? We are simply stating the facts of ehat happened at IYT. Why are you and lindalou being apologists for their site? They screwed up, and our recourse is to a) not pay and b) tell others we think IYT is no god. If you purchase an inferios product, are you going to sit by idly while your friends suffer the same fate? NO, you will tell them (your friends) how much their products suck!

Well, that is what we are doing here. IYT has a long history is poor service, and they are reaping the rewards for their action! I would write to them a DOZEN times for ap roblem, and get the run around or no respsonse, or a response that insulted my intelligence.

And, what is all this crap about Ice Cream? Can we try to stay on topic? I would only veer off intop a discussion about Ice Cream if I felt my argument was lacking merit.

NIghthawk-- I am glad for you that you have not had the misfortune of lousy dealings with IYT, consider yourself lucky. Several of us have provided specific examples of their poor service, perhaps you could volunteer soem examples of their good service to you?

18. March 2003, 11:02:12
Dmitri King 
Subject: Re: Let's promote BrainKing and eliminate IYT
Lindalou, I must poitn out again that IYT does NOT have a million players. They used ot have the number of games played next to the number of registyered users-- and the number of games played worked out to about 1.8 per registered user. What does that tell you? Some people play hundreds or thousands of games, so the actual number of players is way below 1 million.

You say it is impossible to satisfy that many people?? What a cop-out! That is really lame. They should hire more people, or lowere their rates, NOT raise their rates and not hire more people. ALso, only a small portion of the users were paid members--- and even those people received poor service. They said they would look into a stats inaccuracy for me-- after a week of giving me total B___S__T reasons for the inaccuracy (which I easily shot down) they told me they would get back to me and never did. you say you never had a problem with them-- can you give an example of soemthing they did successfully for you? I know soem people who have had no problems, but they never had to request anything either...

18. March 2003, 10:56:47
Dmitri King 
Subject: Re: I have read Gary's message at IYT
Danoscheck, I very much doubt that ITY has a million players. that is just their number of registered users (many of whom have multiple user names), and many of whom never play a game or played one or two and then stopped.

18. March 2003, 10:54:56
Dmitri King 
Subject: Re: Let's promote BrainKing and eliminate IYT
"PS: That last paragraph where you say you are not sure what I'm saying here - I was just re-writing some stuff that Gary Barns had wrote.... that was all! :-)"

ok, but what point were you making by rewriting them?

as to the rest-- you mention it is not a good idea to offend the loyal IYT users. I have not met a loyal IYT user. If you do meet one, please have him contact me.

Also, you said the owners of the wite (Brain King) probably do not want anything negative associated with them. Who is associating anything negative with Brain King? The negatives are being associated with IYT....

18. March 2003, 09:27:07
Subject: Re: Let's promote BrainKing and eliminate IYT
Oh, heck. This isn't going to deteriorate into a slanging match board is it? You pay your money and you take your choice - except you pay your money after you find the site that best suits you.

I'm with loggerhead - who's got the ice cream? Let's party. I can bring a gorgeous brunette, a delightful redhead and, er, a bluehead. Oh, and a blonde I suppose (okay cariad?).

18. March 2003, 08:38:51
Subject: Ice Cream?
Ice cream? Who got ice cream? Flavour matter not...

18. March 2003, 08:15:17
Subject: different experiences
I for my part would not state any critics here,
that I haven't directed to iyt support as well. :)

rather would believe that after several
successless attempts of requesting a closer
review of incorrect tournament progress my
12th complaint did not exaggerate reserved
style anymore :) I described that case on the
tournament board, here. did it not for selfish
just for the spirit ...

'don't eat the chocolate if you don't like it'
is missing the point a bit far. as I don't happen
to buy chocolate for one year in advance, we
'ate' promises that simply have not been kept ...

announcements from April 2001 still pending.

I'm certainly not the one who likes to
complain once a week, as founder of the biggest
iyt group at yahoo, always have tried to bundle
requests and to promote patience there ...

and my style forbids also to suggest lindalou
to stay there if she thinks everything is gold.

stereotypes rarely help ...

there are so many players worldwide, for sure
several servers for millions have their space.

may the competition of ideas bring out the best.

good luck yet, to brainking for the time of
the first bottleneck-effects that WILL come
as I am sure aware of its attractivity ... ;)

Happy St Patrick's Day ! ~*~

18. March 2003, 07:25:58
Subject: Re: Let's promote BrainKing and eliminate IYT
Good or bad different strokes for different folks.I personally have not had any bad experiences with IYT or their custormer service department.In fact only good service... To do away with any one game site or anything else for that matter would create a monopoly, which would be very bad not only for game sites.This is relatively a new site.IYT has over a million players as to a few thousand here. How will this site be if it grows that big? To keep that many people happy is just unheard of.Sure voice your opinion to IYT staff and if you're unhappy don't play there. I'm sure they have a lot of satisfied customers too.Complaining about IYT at BK is useless and would be like complaining about Wal-mart at Sears.Some people like chocolate ice cream, while others like vanilla.If you don't like the chocolate,don't eat it....

18. March 2003, 06:56:03
Subject: I have read Gary's message at IYT
it appeared only at a few boards
(pente analysis for instance) and,
it definitely was moderate ...

I don't think either server-bashing
would bring anything good - too
many clubs have been already
wasted by notorious gang-wars ...

IYT remains a remarkable place
to play anyway - a million players
per se means a rich pool of opponents

but, just as well, to state appropriately the
existence of many misfeatures, support snoozing
somewhere between, buried under and looking over.

premium service not for premium fee aye ... ~*~

18. March 2003, 05:26:56 
Subject: Re: Let's promote BrainKing and eliminate IYT
I guess what I'm trying to say:

It is wrong to make things into a IYT vs. BrainKing. It is much better to say "Hey, there is a new great site called BrainKing. It's growing quickly. Come and check it out at:" - that way you don't make enimies from loyal IYT players, and you get more people to come and check out this place.

BrainKing is a great site - and I think having negative things assotiated with it is just the wrong way to go. And I would think the owners of this site would not want that either. (but maybe they do... I guess I can't really talk for them)

I'm not saying there are not things wrong with IYT, but as a site grows - more problems come. Just wait about 6 months and see if BrainKing is having problems. If it keeps growing as fast as it has in the past few months, I bet you it will. (Hope not, but ....)

So I'm not saying there are not things wrong with IYT, I just think you are going in the wrong direction to get people to try BrainKing. But that is a difference of opinion which neither of us will probable change - so Good Luck in trying to eliminate IYT.


PS: That last paragraph where you say you are not sure what I'm saying here - I was just re-writing some stuff that Gary Barns had wrote.... that was all! :-)

18. March 2003, 05:06:34
Dmitri King 
Subject: Re: Let's promote BrainKing and eliminate IYT
no one is "spamming" message boards. Also, you say

"I think it is really good to let people know about BrainKing - BUT I think it is REALLY bad to talk bad about IYT and recommend another site in the same post."

why? I don't see it that way at all. It is a foregone conclusion that Gary and I will not be playing there any more, but we don't feel like leaving it at that-- IYT pissed off a lot of people and now they are paying for it! They deserve whatever bad publicity they get, it is their own fault. you make it sound as if the complaints against them are insignificant, you say

"So you think the owner and customer service dept. has an attitude. So you think that IYT has become one of the snobbiest businesses. So you think they have the worst customer service.

I am not sure what you are saying here-- it seems that you are minimizing the importance of these facts, when in fact, those are several major strikes agfainst IYT! Gary and I were paying members of IYT and like many others, we felt jilted by their terrible responses and service. We are encouraging people to play games at Brain King because Brain King has shown itself to be what IYT is not, and that is great!

18. March 2003, 04:44:03 
Subject: Re: Let's promote BrainKing and eliminate IYT
May I ask you a question?

Why do you want to "eliminate" IYT? So you think the owner and customer service dept. has an attitude. So you think that IYT has become one of the snobbiest businesses. So you think they have the worst customer service.

Can I make a simple suggestion? Just don't go there no more. I mean if you don't like it that much, just don't play there. Ask any friends you have there to come and play you here.

I'm not trying to start any IYT vs. BrainKing (there is good and bad about each) - but the bottom line is you play where you like.

I think it is really good to let people know about BrainKing - BUT I think it is REALLY bad to talk bad about IYT and recommend another site in the same post. It is just the wrong way to do it. Also spamming different message boards with the same post is also not a good way to do it.

Again, I'm not trying to start anything - I just think you are going about it the wrong way. Suggest BrainKing, and let everyone decided what they like the best! :-)


18. March 2003, 04:39:57
Subject: Re: Let's promote BrainKing and eliminate IYT
IYT ignores or is unaware of a fact that this site is aware of.most online users are fairly intelligent,liberal.they talk on/off line among themselves.good or bad customer service = the word spreads fast.this is also true for site performance.

18. March 2003, 03:03:56
Gary Barnes 
Subject: Let's promote BrainKing and eliminate IYT
Hey all -

There's something that I want to bring to everyone's attention. That is the attitude of the owner and customer service dept. of the gaming site referred to as IYT at They have become one of the snobbiest businesses with some of the WORST customer service that I have EVER done business with, internet or not!

I have posted messages on 4 different IYT game analysis discussion boards telling of many of their problems in detail and HIGHLY recommending Brain King to everyone. My basic objective is to take them OUT hard and fast!

If you are like me and many others who have had many bad experiences with IYT and agree that they have become a terrible site, let your thoughts be known on both the BrainKing AND IYT discussion boards as many places as you can. That will give this site more exposure and will help eliminate an eyesore from the internet gaming landscape!

Gary Barnes

18. March 2003, 01:35:22
Dakota Spring 
I'm only here for a couple of minutes before the night is out just want to say Happy St.Patrick's Day to everybody :)

18. March 2003, 00:07:19
Subject: Re: Solution to prevent war?(tell your aunt..)
tell your blue-haired aunt in florida thee 2 then:
2 old girls,long time friends were had recently began dating again,"do you beleive in sex after 60?".she asked her friend in confidence,who answered with a grin"oh sure dear,but you can always stop the car".

nice girls use ky-jelly.
florida trailer park momma's use polygrip.

any more pillsbury jokes & you guys are gonna get in trouble with the blondes.

17. March 2003, 23:30:38
Subject: Re: My Favorite Niece!!!
Hey, I resemble that remark!!!!!

17. March 2003, 23:06:19
NOT a floosie 
Subject: My Favorite Niece!!!
Cariad was visiting her homeland, and while there went to a nearby supermarket on singles night to pick up a few things.

Several people noticed her sitting in her car with the windows rolled up and with her eyes closed, with both hands behind the back of her head.

One customer who had been at the store for a while became concerned and walked over to the car. He noticed that Cariad's eyes were now open, and she looked very strange. He asked her if she was okay, and she replied that she'd been shot in the back of the head, and had been holding her brains in for over an hour.

The man called the paramedics, who broke into the car because the doors were locked and Cariad refused to remove her hands from her head. When they finally got in, they found that Cariad had a wad of bread dough on the back of her head.

A Pillsbury biscuit canister had exploded from the heat, making a loud noise that sounded like a gunshot, and the wad of dough hit her in the back of her head. When she reached back to find out what it was, she felt the dough and thought it was her brains. She initially passed out, but quickly recovered and tried to hold her brains in for over an hour until someone noticed and came to her aid.

And, yes, Cariad is a blonde.

(The names have been changed to protect the innocent.....or have they?????)

17. March 2003, 14:23:04
Subject: Re: Solution to prevent war?
Thanks for sharing, bumble! In reply: What's black and blue and brown and lies in a ditch?
A brunette who's told too many blonde jokes.

What do brunettes miss most about a great party?
The invitation.

Any more, dear bumble, and the guitarist jokes come out!

CleverHunk: How do you know when a redhead has been using the computer?
There's a hammer embedded in the monitor.

I won't say any blue hair jokes as I might offend a certain auntie that lives in a trailer in Florida.

17. March 2003, 11:29:34
I reckon we get Saddam, Blair, Bush and the rest of the UN inspectors etc to join BrainKing and argue out their diferences over a few games.
Theres no nationality differences on this site, everyone gets along great, be them from the US, Iraq or the UK. They should take a lesson from us, a couple of games, maybe a fast tourney and they'd all be best of friends and wondering why they were arguing in the first place!!

17. March 2003, 11:03:29
NOT a floosie 
Subject: ROFLMAO
Katsiki.....Nagging is good, and we are becoming professionals! I say we start with Bumble and Loggerhead!!! Is this going to be a one on one...or a team effort!!! Either is going to be fun!! :)

American there is a game that I might be able to beat Cariad at!!!!

Humm.....nude twister: (Hey Katsiki!!!! Think we could talk those two big blokes into this one?????) LOL

17. March 2003, 09:28:34
Subject: Re: Weapons Inspectors---Women!!
Not a floosie - Me, you, cariad and red dragon, we scolds and nags Saddam good yes? We has practise first I think. Now who we picks....?

17. March 2003, 09:11:47
Subject: nude twister
nude twister...hey fencer what do you think?maybe we can crack a copy of"sims"&make a few changes.
I was only kidding about gypsies,don't believe any stereotypes.especially about men & blondes.

bush,sassam...lets stop worrying about who has the biggest missile(phallic symbolism)...too much tetosterone poisioning.I hope the world grows up & abandon the need for weapons of mass destruction..thro our energies into something more positive...need more good karma.

if there is "liquid-white-out" & a postage stamp on your monitor screen,a blonde has been using your computer trying to send email.

17. March 2003, 08:59:33
Subject: Solution to prevent war?
I think Bush, Blair, Saddam and Bin Laden should get the 'Twister' mat out and the whole thing should be televised worldwide. To make it twice as humiliating, make it 'nude twister'.

Joke: (sorry cariad) How do you drown a blonde?
Glue a 'scratch and sniff' card to the bottom of the swimming pool.

17. March 2003, 08:37:24
Subject: Re: LMAO he's right about gypsies too? I wouldn't want to think what his rules for American checkers are.

16. March 2003, 23:47:59
Subject: Re: honey checkers
fencer..great idea..will watch for honey checkers.
did you ever play gypsy checkers?
you steal the opponents

16. March 2003, 23:24:14
Subject: Re: Weapons Inspectors, - Women.!!!
ok,true some of us men couldn't find our butts if we were naked in a hall of mirrors.
but we learn it early.
at the moment of human conception,millions of male sperm cells are released,all looking for the egg cell.not one will stop & ask for directions.
and some men have a handicap,not enough blood to run the brain & the penis at the same

seriously,about war:
war is destructive,wasteful,generates more hate& revenge.NO war ever resolved any deep rooted issue.a diplomatic solution must eventually be reached.but also true,we are forced in life sometimes to stand or fall.if do nothing,the terrorrism will spread.saddam is not just going thro a faze,to beleive that is niave.also,we live in a culture that is impatient,instant graitification.I hope we dont rush into anything we will regret.I dont have a solution,I hope the powers that be find the wisdom to find an answer.

16. March 2003, 21:25:25
Subject: Re: Weapons Inspectors, - Women.!!!
AH.....what a wonderful thing to wake up to....a little levity on the board LOL...never has a truer word been spoken..

16. March 2003, 18:43:22
NOT a floosie 
Subject: Weapons Inspectors---Women!!
LOL LOL LOL LOL Good one Ian!!! And how true!!!! :)

16. March 2003, 15:41:20
Subject: Weapons Inspectors, - Women.!!!
This is a little something that i found at Dailygammon.:)


Let's lighten the mood! UN Inspectors!

Posted By: Summer Rain
Date: Saturday, 15 March 2003, at 8:55 p.m.

Have you noticed anything fishy about the inspection teams who have arrived in Iraq? They're all men!* How in the name of the United Nations does anyone expect men to find Saddam's stash? We all know that men have a blind spot when it comes to finding things. For cryin' out loud! Men can't find the dirty clothes hamper. Men can't find the jar of jelly until it falls out of the cupboard and splatters on the floor.... and these are the people we have sent into Iraq to search for hidden weapons of mass destruction?
* I keep wondering why groups of mothers weren't sent in. Mothers can sniff out secrets quicker than a drug dog can find a gram of dope. Mothers can find gin bottles that dads have stashed in the attic beneath the rafters.* They can sniff out a diary two rooms and one floor away. They can tell when the lid of a cookie jar has been disturbed and notice when a quarter inch slice has been shaved off a chocolate cake.* A mother*can smell alcohol on your breath before you get your key in the front door and can smell cigarette smoke from a block away. By examining laundry, a mother knows more about their kids than Sherlock Holmes.** And if a mother wants an answer to question, she can read an offenders eyes quicker than a homicide detective.
* So... considering the value a mother could bring to an inspection team, why are we sending a bunch of old men who will rely on electronic equipment to scout out hidden threats?* My mother would walk in with a wooden soup spoon in one hand, grab Saddam by the ear, give it a good twist and snap, "Young man, do you* have any weapons of mass destruction?" And God help him if he tried to lie to her. She'd march him down the street to some secret bunker and shove his nose into a nuclear bomb and say, "Uh, huh, and what do you call this, mister?" Whap!* Thump! Whap! Whap! Whap! And she'd lay some stripes across his bare bottom with that soup spoon, then march him home in front of the whole of Baghdad.* He'd not only come clean and apologize for lying about it, he'd cut every lawn in Baghdad for free for the whole summer.
* Inspectors my eye... You want the job done? Call my mother.

After giving it some thought, my mother would probably say he is just going thru a faze, he will get over it....lolol

Thanks Summer Rain.:)

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