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this is a board that talks about issues concerning animals...your own pets as well as animal rights,alerts,bills before congress that need our attention.This is a family board but as abuse cases may be posted it may not always be for the sensitive readers.Please be kind to each other,thanks!

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25. August 2007, 20:02:41
Subject: Re:
Tigger: If you are referring to me regarding barbs, then I make no apologies as to what I have said!
I have said nothing I wouldnt say face to face. Infact it would be alot worse face to face as I would take action to get that poor defenceless chimp free & back where it belongs.....assuming the story is true!

25. August 2007, 19:55:04
Papa Zoom 
I wouldn't be doing my job if I didn't ask the board to table the monkey discussion.  Actually, the discussion itself is fine, but I do ask that barbs aimed toward ChillChick be stopped. 

Interestingly as I type this, Fox news has a piece on a custody battle between a woman and the State of Maryland.  And the custody is over?  You guessed it, a monkey.  I suspect she is in violation of the law too and they took her Monkey away.  I'll report, you decide. ;)

25. August 2007, 19:53:04

25. August 2007, 19:49:34
What about the micheal vick thing? that made me sooooooo mad

25. August 2007, 19:48:17
Subject: Re:
"Snoopy": I cant believe she has the audacity to come on this board & brag 'Ive got a pet chimp'!!
What kind of person has a chimp as a PET!?

Im absolutely fuming!!!

25. August 2007, 19:41:37
Papa Zoom 
Subject: Re:
ChillChick:  This discussion board talks about issues concerning animals.  The people that participate on this board are very sensitive to animal rights and adherence to the laws of the state.   You're new around here and yet you've managed to have one of your posts moderated on the general chat board on your first post.  And after that experience, you manage to get into arguments with the people on this board.  As a moderator of this board, that sends up a red flag for me.  I want to caution you on any further provocation of others.

25. August 2007, 19:40:56
Subject: Re:

thank you couldnt of put it better myself

25. August 2007, 19:38:04
Subject: Re:
ChillChick: Would you like to leave your address aswell so the authorities can decide if you know what youre doing? Somehow I think not!
People like you need putting in cages, see how you like it! 

25. August 2007, 19:37:45
We were created from GOD!!

25. August 2007, 19:35:24
Subject: Re: Animals
ChillChick: Not only is keeping a chimp CRUEL, but where you live it is ILLEGAL too!

Asides to the cruelty & legalality issues, chimps can also be very aggressive, extremely complex & very territorial & they can carry disease communicable to humans. You have said you have a small child! Not very responsible!

My blood is boiling at the very fact you have a primate which such a close relative to humankind as a PET! Im utterly disgusted!!

25. August 2007, 19:31:55
i'm done i know what i am doing and thats that u wanna chat message me and i dislike u all.

25. August 2007, 19:31:42
Papa Zoom 
Subject: California Laws and pet monkeys
it is no legal to own a pet monkey in the ENTIRE state of California.  If anyone owns a pet monkey in that state, they are breaking the law.  

25. August 2007, 19:30:30
Papa Zoom 

25. August 2007, 19:30:07
Keeping a chimp as a pet IS CRUEL!!

25. August 2007, 19:29:23
Subject: Re: Animals
this is the animal discussion board and im talking about animals so i keep it out in the open
thank you

25. August 2007, 19:28:34
Papa Zoom 
Modified by Papa Zoom (25. August 2007, 19:29:08)
Read California's Wild Animal code to find that owning, importing and possessing monkeys is illegal in the entire state. Exceptions are only granted to zoos, museums and universities after a hearing and issuance of a permit.

25. August 2007, 19:25:30
Subject: Re: Animals
stop replying to me u wanna talk message me in my inbox

25. August 2007, 19:25:09
Subject: maybe someone
can tell me the laws in the USA governing the keeping of such animals or has each state there own set of laws

25. August 2007, 19:23:48
Subject: Re: Animals
ChillChick: your attitude towards Gods creatures leaves alot to be desired

25. August 2007, 19:21:39
Subject: Re:

Whatever to u too there fine where they are and i live in california.

25. August 2007, 19:20:43
Subject: Re: Animals
Whatever my monkeys are fine I don't really care about what u say its not cruel.

25. August 2007, 19:16:31
It is illegal in most places now days to own monkeys or chimps. if your chimps lives out doors I assume you live in a hot climate?

25. August 2007, 19:15:21
Subject: Re: Animals
that wasnt the point i was making to keep any kind of monkey by itself is cruel they need to be with there own kind

25. August 2007, 19:11:12
Subject: Re: Animals
they live out side mine do at least

25. August 2007, 19:09:25
Subject: Re: Animals
dont you think it is cruel to keep such animals in a house

25. August 2007, 19:03:48
Subject: Re: Animals
No its not a joke i have a pet chimp and soon to have a spider monkey as well.

24. August 2007, 22:37:16


thought the above websites information was incredible!
Hope everyone who has a cat or a dog takes a look!

24. August 2007, 22:27:31
Subject: Re: Animals
Modified by Ewe (25. August 2007, 00:09:10)
ChillChick: You have a pet chimp?!!! This is a joke right?

24. August 2007, 21:47:02
Subject: Animals
I got a pet chimp

24. August 2007, 06:58:47
Subject: Re: 1. Everything here is mine
wetware: LOL - And this is why I'm not a cat person A dog will go lay down when you tell it to, or be easily bribed with a nice long walk, a treat or two, or a tennis ball. Cats seem to be always thinking, thinking, thinking...I watched a friends cat for five months one time, and even tho I was allergic to it, and he had a great bed to sleep in, every morning I'd wake up with a cat on my face. It was as if he knew that was the one way to get me. He was also the only animal that scared my dog at the time, if another dog tried to eat out of the dog's dish, it was a fight to the death, but that cat just did whatever he wanted...again, as if that cat just knew he had the upperhand...Cats are too smart for me

24. August 2007, 06:46:07
Subject: Re: all cats will be given the option to join me in the shower

srnity: Those are some funny tales, srnity!

Mornings here require some planning: must set out cat breakfast so I can have 5 minutes free to shave at a bathroom sink.  I'm not sure why some of the girls would much rather drink what drips out of a faucet, than what they can get from their cool cat fountain.

Then I've got to race back to where breakfast is served, to make sure that the fast eaters don't start poaching from the more leisurely eater.

Ever seen some of Nicole Hollander's cartoons?  In one of her works, a news reporter informs us that scientists have finally managed to crack the secret of cat communications.  In essence, all of their vocalizations mean one of two things:

1. Everything here is mine

2. Hurry up with that dinner, will ya?

24. August 2007, 06:34:46
Subject: Re: cats that had been trained by trainers used for film work were tossed
Jim Dandy: Your obviously feeling insulted. The SPCA that I volunteered at put down over 40,000 animals a year at the time that I was there, so I saw a whole lot of abused/neglected/and just not properly cared-for animals, I guess that makes me a bit jaded, but I don't think it necessarily makes me wrong. I apologize, your entitled to your opinion, as I am to mine.

24. August 2007, 06:25:38
The Col 
Subject: Re: cats that had been trained by trainers used for film work were tossed
srnity: I have no interest in an argument,I made my point.I can do so without putting into question your or anyone elses commitment or love of their animals, good night

24. August 2007, 06:17:13
Subject: Re: cats that had been trained by trainers used for film work were tossed
Jim Dandy: Sorry, but that statement in itself says it all....."Cats" (or ANY animal) should never, ever be "tossed", anywhere, at any time.....You could cause an animal to have heart failure doing that, nevermind damaging them psychologically.....there's a "trust" that an animal should be able to have in a human, I've been with my present shelter-dog for over three years and she STILL doesn't trust me.....probably because of what another human has already done to her in the just worries me that you (or anybody else that has a pet) would find that funny - I don't "get" it, I truly don't, I think it's abuse In my mind, if you wouldn't do whatever to a child, then you shouldn't do whatever to an animal, pets are like small children that never grow up & except for some teeth and some claws, they are defenseless against whatever a human wants to do to them...I wonder if any of those cats used for "entertainment" in that video were forever damaged because of "tossing" them - I don't see a "pet" as my child, I see a "pet" as a beautiful animal entrusted to my care & if I don't have it in me to do right by them, then maybe I shouldn't call them "mine". But, just like my kids, money has nothing to do with it, it's all about them knowing that they can always trust me to do right by them

24. August 2007, 05:59:02
Subject: Re: all cats will be given the option to join me in the shower
wetware: LMBO - I should say that my one bathroom has an actual "walk-in" shower, so other than slinking his roly-poly-fat-self over the lip at the bottom, he was home-free (he was in a shelter for over two years & boy did he fatten himself up when we bought him home with us). First thing in the morn, when I went to brush my teeth, he'd climb his old-as-dirt-big-self up into the sink and lay there belly-up to get petted. But he would shower with you, ferrets (even fixed) get stinky after a couple weeks, and I think the "bath" thing, even holding onto him in the sink, scared the heck outta him. Also, we kept his nails cut short - have fun with those claws (ha-ha)

24. August 2007, 05:42:04
The Col 
Subject: Re: but have no doubts they were fine.
srnity: Saying that you don't "get" pet wners like me is dissapointing.I'm sorry you feel that way without knowing my involvement with both my two girls and stray animals at large.I personally did not throw the cats into the water,my only comment was that I was comfortable that it was done under the strictest supervision and only cats that had been trained by trainers used for film work were tossed.In hindsight it was probably not a wise idea to post the video,but if you would like me to give you both the website I have for the adoption of pets or info on the time and money I donate to the love of animals I will gladly do so.

24. August 2007, 05:29:47
Subject: Re: Bathtub Hockey

srnity: I like seeing the ferrets at local stores.

Tomorrow, there will be an experiment in wetware manor: all cats will be given the option to join me in the shower.  I'm guessing: there will be no takers.  But these girls aren't done surprising me, so who knows what may happen?  A couple of them are usually waiting for me to emerge afterward, one of them does most of her day's vocalizing at that moment--I have no idea why.  Maybe she's wanted to join me all along, and I just never realized it.  Or maybe she's telling me how brave I am to voluntarily battle the spraying water-beast...

24. August 2007, 05:21:51
Subject: I Wish I Could Get My Dog To Do This With Me :)

24. August 2007, 04:04:40
Subject: Re: Bathtub Hockey
wetware: I had a ferret (a lot like a cat, but more attention-hungry, like a dog) who used to play in the tub (or sink, or a bucket) with a little bit of water, and occasionally walk right into the shower with you, but never, ever did he want to be submerged, and he never was, we'd just soap him up in the shower (keeping his head dry, and hold him close to rinse him off). I guess I always thought that's how a cat would like to be bathed, if they had to be.

24. August 2007, 03:53:59
Subject: Re: They absolutly LOVE to please me on the field and the way I feel about them,the bonding I have with them I cannot put into words
anastasia: As much as the "average homebuddy" dog loves to please a human being, I can just imagine how much a dog that's being put through actual "training" must want to make you proud. I think it's a great life to give a dog, it gives them purpose and accomplishment. I had a neighbor once who was an undercover narcotics cop with a canine partner. No one (and I do mean no one) could go near his beautiful dog, but the way he trusted that man was an amazing thing to see. I used to tell my neighbor that nothing ever better happen to him, or that dog would be heartbroken, and I believe it would've been. Go You for having the patience, perseverance, and understanding to get Damien to trust you SO much that he would follow you blindly It took me three months just to get mine to come swim with me, this summer I've been trying to get her in a canoe, but I think she somehow knows that the water that far out there is way too deep for her liking

24. August 2007, 03:40:00
Subject: Bathtub Hockey

I'm one who'd never fling my cats into water.  I haven't viewed the video, but what I've heard reminds me of one of my cats (Comet) from decades ago.  Her name came from her habit of ranging unseen in far corners of the apartment, then every so often racing past wherever I was, only to disappear once again.  She made me think of a comet's trajectory, and their occasional speeding passes near our Sun.

One of our play habits was sliding a plastic button around inside the bathtub, where it would follow nice curvilinear paths around the banked sides.  She enjoyed it so much that sometimes when she saw me headed that way she'd race to the bathroom and leap right in, anticipating another wonderful play session.  Once--only once--she leaped into the tub to find that I'd drawn a bath about 15 minutes earlier...

24. August 2007, 03:36:22
Subject: Now This Is A Cat Who Made A Choice To Swim :)

24. August 2007, 03:20:13
Subject: Re: but have no doubts they were fine.

srnity: I had decide to finish reading the posts and then go back and watch the video BUT after reading the posts of those of you who DID watch..I feel no need to go back and click the link.Throwing any animal into a situation is cruel...If the cats had gone in on their own then that is different.

 When Damien was going through his fear stage,for some reason a HUGH fear were manhole covers (I dunno either,lol) but I never FORCED him to go next to them.He got over it tho,thankfully,lol...point is that I didn't FORCE him to do something like I am guessing the cats were forced into the water.Thats just stupid.

 I do train humanly...ONLY positive reinforcment for my animals..if they are having a bad day then off the field we go so I don't get upset..I need and WANT everything to stay fun for my animals....They absolutly LOVE to please me on the field and the way I feel about them,the bonding I have with them I cannot put into words...Thank you Srnity for your kind words :)

24. August 2007, 00:19:00
Subject: Re: but have no doubts they were fine.
Jim Dandy: I had a dog for over twenty years who LOVED water, he even went out past the breakers in the ocean with me (WAY too deep to stand) but NEVER, EVER, was he picked up and thrown into any body of water, I respected him more than that - you really don't seem to think that a small, defenseless cat has the right to feel safe in it's surroundings - sorry, but I don't "get" pet-owners like you.....

24. August 2007, 00:12:15
Subject: Re: but have no doubts they were fine.
Jim Dandy: One question - did those cats that they were tossing into a swimming pool have claws? Doubt it. Like I said, try doing that to a dog and see what happens - right is right, and wrong is wrong

24. August 2007, 00:04:10
The Col 
Subject: Re: but have no doubts they were fine.
srnity: I respect your opinion.I may have had a differant experience than you.I had a dog who couldn't wait to get in the water,and I know of cats who love water too.With the tight regulations in filming and the inspectors on site I would think the company hired to provide the cats would choose cats that like water.If they didn't,their name would be toast in the movie industry.

23. August 2007, 23:36:41
Subject: Re: but have no doubts they were fine.
Jim Dandy: With all due don't KNOW wasn't you, in the body of a small animal, that was thrown into a huge body of was (and always will be) abuse, just because the cat can't tell you it's scared, worried, frightened, or terrorized, doesn't make it so....try to do that with a dog, you'll only do it once, the second time, they'll bite you, guaranteed - my dog would, without a doubt, and you'd deserve to get bit

23. August 2007, 23:27:39
The Col 
Subject: Re: The article
srnity: You're preaching to the choir,and I mean that with respect.Animals used in films are hired from companies that are very diligent in their treatment.They get the utmost care and inspectors are on the set at all times.I can understand how on first blush it may invoke a feeling of "poor little kitty",but have no doubts they were fine.

23. August 2007, 23:15:01
Subject: Re: The article
Jim Dandy: Totally sucks that SNL didn't have a problem doing that to animals - cats are creatures that feel pain, angst, terror, etc. just like we do. I spent a couple years volunteering at a city SPCA, and most every animal - be it dog, cat, bird, ferret, snake, rat - were not there because they were dearly loved and well-treated. The only pets I've ever (and will ever have) had were from shelters because of what those poor things probably went thru at the hands of humankind. I just don't think a higher power put them on this earth for our amusement &/or entertainment

23. August 2007, 22:59:10
The Col 
Subject: Re: The article
srnity: Yes,they are cats,and we don't even bathe them,though they do love playing in the tub.For about the last 40 years or so strict regulations have been in place in regards to the treatment of animals in film.Horses for instance are no longer allowed to be tripped by wires in westerns.The clip I posted was done by the cast of Saturday Night Live, a film called Mr. Mike's Mondo Video. I can assure you that the cats tossed in the water were cats that have no major issues with water or swimming.Pretty much the entire cast of SNL were in the film.

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