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this is a board that talks about issues concerning animals...your own pets as well as animal rights,alerts,bills before congress that need our attention.This is a family board but as abuse cases may be posted it may not always be for the sensitive readers.Please be kind to each other,thanks!

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3. June 2007, 19:41:59
Subject: BrainKing's Flying Dragon

My youngest cat still loves the Dragon.  It's so funny to watch her tracking it as it glides across the screen.

I might have to disable it, though, before she lunges and shoves the display to the floor.


1. June 2007, 05:45:52
Subject: Re: I hope jokes are ok on this forum :)
Modified by Bwild (1. June 2007, 17:16:03)
****Post deleted

31. May 2007, 12:45:18
Subject: Re: I hope jokes are ok on this forum :)
Tigger: Too funny!

31. May 2007, 03:26:09
Subject: Re: I hope jokes are ok on this forum :)

31. May 2007, 03:02:27
Papa Zoom 
Subject: I hope jokes are ok on this forum :)
A famous art collector
is walking through the city when he notices a mangy cat lapping milk
from a saucer in the doorway of a store and he does a double take. He
recognizes that the saucer is extremely old and very valuable, so he
walks casually into the store and offers to buy the cat for two

The storeowner replies "I'm sorry, but the cat isn't for sale. 

The collector says, "Please, I need a hungry cat around the house to catch mice. I'll pay you twenty dollars for that cat." 

And the owner says "Sold," and hands over the cat. 

The collector continues, "Hey, for the twenty bucks I wonder if you
could throw in that old saucer. The cat's used to it and it'll save me
from having to get a dish." 

And the owner says, "Sorry buddy, but that's my lucky saucer. So far this week I've sold sixty-eight cats."

30. May 2007, 05:59:38
Subject: Re:
Tigger: and intent.

30. May 2007, 00:53:24
Papa Zoom 
Subject: Re:
anastasia:  And teh funy thnig abuot spelng is that evn if we spel wrods worng, our bians can mak out teh maening. 

30. May 2007, 00:30:10
Subject: Re:
Bwild: didn't know we were graded on spellin here..puleeze forgiv my igoranc

29. May 2007, 18:02:44
Papa Zoom 
Subject: Becoming the Alpha

I had a dog that thought she was the top dog from the day I brought her home as a pup.  It didn't occur to me that she was asserting herself as the alpha until one day when she went after the two neighbor's dogs (they were much bigger than she) and they took her down by her neck.  All my commands were ignored as my dog raced to defend her territority.

From then on I asserted myself over her.  Eventually my "STOP" would stop her dead in her tracks. 

I had to learn gentle training methods because when I was close to her and was disciplining her, she'd get so excited that she'd wag her tail and pee.....and spray us all.  lol 

Here are a few sites on Becoming the Alpha  (googled)

29. May 2007, 17:42:31
Subject: Re:
Bwild: When your right, your right.....My present dog is older and from a shelter, she was absolutely gorgeous when we took her home but SO untrained...she just had to learn who was in charge, and we still have our "moments", but three years later and she knows who's the "boss" and it's not her

29. May 2007, 14:26:12
Subject: Re:
Rose: Having somewhat an education, I am fully aware of the was the spelling I found rather amusing. Although I could mention that any form of electronic training devices use methods not particularly favorable to the pet....what big difference is there between so called "professional" use and just an owner who has finally figured out that their pet has control of the enviroment he/she lives in?
Be the "pack leader" and you'll find theres no need for such contraptions.

29. May 2007, 14:09:29
1.    foolish, unintelligent, or silly; stupid: It is surprising that supposedly intelligent people can make such asinine statements.
2.    of or like an ass: asinine obstinacy; asinine features.

'Bout sums it up I would say!!!! Cruel as hell too but hey some folks are asinine and cruel.

29. May 2007, 14:01:51
Subject: Re:
anastasia: assinine?

29. May 2007, 04:11:30
Subject: Re:
Bernice: maybe thats not such a bad thing then him barking at them,lol?? But if it does annoy you you can still use my trick...just have to change it up a bit...use it more like a desensitising thing for him.

29. May 2007, 03:36:34
Subject: Re:
anastasia: these arent neighbours :( they are from the caravan park down the road, all strangers...he barks at them all....every day there are different people....I live in a horse training area, where most my neighbours train horses...neighbours are OK...he dont bark, but when the owners of the horses come he goes beserk...too many strangers coming on our footpath is what gets him going....he will sit on command, always has, he shakes hands, (both hands...paws) singularly and both together when he sits up...he is obedient, he just hates strangers

29. May 2007, 03:25:29
Subject: Re:
Bernice: Damien needs to know the difference between barking at the fence because I am in the house and he is outside and he needs to "protect" and when I am standing out by it talking to the nieghbor.Your dog first need a VERY good grip on the basic sit command....I found that when Damien would go running up to the fence like a fruitloop...I would grab his kong (his absolute FAVORITE toy) walk over to him...stay calm,and very matter of fact with him...I would step into his view and tell him to sit..if he kept barking I would grab his collar and lead him away from the fence..tell him again to sit.If he did it he got his kong (but I wouldn't let go of it) I would keep the string in my hand..tell him good him up..let him know THAT is what I wanted.I would start to talk to the nieghbor..still with the kong in his mouth and me playing with him..then I would give the out command and tell him let him know he was relised from the sit..if he choose to hang out with me and want the kong to play then after one more sit (he works for everything he gets) he would get the kong free and clear to go play..if he chose to go back to the fence..the excercise would start over from square one.Honestly..if you can get a friend to help you do this..he will learn alot faster!! I agree 110% with have to do this over and over and over..he will get it,it just takes time and ALOT of patience on your part,lol.Now...When the nieghbor walks up to the fence...Damien will run over and bark a few times..look back at me...if I command him away from the fence then he will come to my side or go get his toy.Good luck and let us know how it goes :)

29. May 2007, 03:18:37
Subject: Re:
anastasia: the collar that im getting cannot be heard by is only detected by dogs...there is another sort that emits a "smell" when the dog barks, it isnt pleasant for the dog and apparently they learn not to bark....Im really at a loss what to do

29. May 2007, 03:15:21
Subject: Re:
Bwild: I think shock collars are assinine...they should be used ONLY by a trained professional,ONLY as a last resort, NOT by someone that wants to teach their dog a lesson.

28. May 2007, 17:54:58
Subject: Re:
Bwild: Ouch Have you ever seen the uTube video where the guy tries his dog's shock collar? It hurt

28. May 2007, 17:41:27
I think the shock treatment is much more entertaining >:)

28. May 2007, 17:21:31
Subject: Re:
Bernice: Maybe you could try carrying some small treats on you and when he starts, call him to you, get him to stay put near you, and give him one - I think dogs are like three-year-olds, they only get it when you do things over and over and over.................

28. May 2007, 08:21:52
Subject: Re:
srnity: oh yes Im home.....he isnt allowed outside if Im not home....Im sitting in the pergola in the back yard and he races up and down the front fence, barking at all in sundry:(

28. May 2007, 07:50:52
Subject: Re: Is this cruel?
Mousetrap: Oh nooooooooo, he's paying rent next year

28. May 2007, 07:49:16
Subject: Re: Is this cruel?
srnity: Don,t worry, it will be back for winter

28. May 2007, 07:48:08
Subject: Re:
Bernice: Are you home when he does this?

28. May 2007, 07:46:00
Subject: Re: Is this cruel?
Mousetrap: Speaking of mices.......the one that was living in my kitchen exhaust fan FINALLY left for the great outdoors

28. May 2007, 07:44:01
Subject: Re: Is this cruel?
Bernice: I would,nt know I,m a mouse not a dog!

28. May 2007, 07:41:17
Subject: Re: Half German half lab
Mousetrap: We got her at the age of 6/7ish so teaching her ANYTHING is tough...she won't fetch, hides instead of guarding the house, won't catch a frisbee (but she's really good at eating them), and keeps the neighborhood free of cat poo (yuch)...I'm just trying to find her "talent", I guess

28. May 2007, 07:35:52
Subject: Re: Half German half lab
srnity: Sounds like a sensible dog lol!

28. May 2007, 07:34:01
My Bear will NOT go anywhere near any sort of water unless I bathe him...he hates it.

Now what do you people think of this...
I have sent away for a collar that emits a noise when he will not be on all day, but in the afternoon when people are walking their dogs he goes ape----, and it is annoying and got the collar to put on in the this cruel? I wouldnt hurt him for quids, he is my one and only son LOL....and my cat loves him as well HAHAHA

28. May 2007, 07:28:04
Subject: Re: Half German half lab
Mousetrap: I'm working on getting my current "shelter-doggie" (part beagle, part somekindasetter, part collie, maybe?) to swim...she'll go in creeks but if there's a fish, frog, or snake anywhere near her, she's right back out...she's been in the ocean twice, but I had to REALLY coax her to go in with me, and once a wave washed over her, she was again right back out

28. May 2007, 06:38:06
Subject: Re: Half German half lab
srnity: I am not sure if she would have followed me or let me drown

28. May 2007, 06:33:30
Subject: Re: Half German half lab
Mousetrap: The trick with him was that we had to be in there with him in order for him to swim all the way out past the breakers

28. May 2007, 06:31:07
Subject: Re: Half German half lab
srnity: I don,t think mine appreciated water lol! I took her to the beach at Blackpool once but she would not go near the sea although she enjoyed the beach.

28. May 2007, 06:28:42
Subject: Re: Half German half lab
Mousetrap: An incredible swimmer too, he could outlast the ducks AND swim thru ocean tides like a pro

28. May 2007, 06:26:20
Subject: Re: Half German half lab
srnity: I should have known

28. May 2007, 06:20:56
Mousetrap: LMBO - YES, he was half german shephard and half black lab VERY smart dog

28. May 2007, 06:18:25
Modified by Mousetrap (28. May 2007, 06:24:29)
srnity: Was it a German shephard I had one that did that and had to turn all the door handles upside down and they are still upside down about 15 years later! And I just rememberd, this was when I was living at my mam,s and if I was carrying two plates into the dinning room and the door was shut, I just had to say open the door" and she would. She did not like strangers though and we turned the handles upside down to stop her getting in if anyone else was there but of course she could push them up as well as down.

28. May 2007, 04:48:10
anastasia: I had a dog who could actually turn/lift doorknobs and open doors if you didn't lock them, he just let himself out into the yard and back in

28. May 2007, 04:42:25
anastasia: As all my cats have all their claws, I never give them a chance to get at the screens. I'm sure the screens would no longer keep insects out, once my girls had their way!
Years ago, a friend had a cat that got through a screen window, taking a nighttime plunge from a 3rd floor. (She survived.)

28. May 2007, 04:31:32
Modified by Bernice (28. May 2007, 04:32:34)
anastasia: just last week my cat was trying to get out to go toilet...the fly screens (not security) were closed and he lunged at the he didnt go through the screen but he shredded the curtains....I had to renew the curtains in the computer room (spare room) harm done

but I remember 4 years ago when Vern was alive we had to go out....I always lock the dog in the house, but used to leave the window open for the cat to come and go.......we went out leaving the gates open, and when we come home....who came to greet us with tail wagging....Bear the dog....he had climbed on the bed and jumped out through the window...they are resourceful when they want to be LOLOL

28. May 2007, 03:51:57
 If you have any animal that is able to get to your screens in your window..PLEASE take note that they can EASILY go through them!! My husband and I left the house the other day without Damien but we were in Damien's car..(yes he has a his own car,lol) anywho...he knws that when we go somewheer in his car it is either to traing,a walk,or tracking.He was so desperate to come with us that he jumped onto the couch and right through the screen! We had no idea this had happened!! THANK GOD that he wondered into our niehbor's yard and was seen.The nieghbor brought him back over and put him in the garage.Now...German Shepards are naturally cautious of people they don't know well..he knows our nieghbor,but not well...but because of his training and us socializing him since the time he was 6 weeks old..he overcame his cautiousness and went with the nieghbor back to the house.PLEASE DO NOT leave windows fully up if you leave the house..take it from me...they WILL go through them!!

19. May 2007, 03:57:06
Subject: Re:
Rose: even an animal control agency from another town should be able to come in and get these should have a COUNTY dog warden....that is so sad..I don't understand how people can just "throw" their dogs away for them to fend for themselves..makes me sick

18. May 2007, 20:36:14
Subject: Re:
Tuesday: oh wow i had no idea.. didnt mean to sound off on my comment.

NO wallyworld? Yikes! LOL

18. May 2007, 20:23:59
Subject: Re:
Tuesday: Wow that is soo different than here or many other places.. Im surprised. Is there no animal control organization there?

18. May 2007, 20:10:28
Subject: Re:
Tuesday: Why isnt animal control catching them an taking them to the SPCA? here you wont see a dog on its own for more than a day before they scoop em up an take em in to the SPCA. If they are healthy they try to adopt em out

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