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this is a board that talks about issues concerning animals...your own pets as well as animal rights,alerts,bills before congress that need our attention.This is a family board but as abuse cases may be posted it may not always be for the sensitive readers.Please be kind to each other,thanks!

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9. March 2006, 04:36:33
anastasia: I'm happy to see the new board. Hope everyone can tell good stories! I had the best peke; only to lose her after eleven short years.
Shall we talk about our dog's good, better, best attributes? LOL

9. March 2006, 01:56:54
Subject: Re:

9. March 2006, 01:45:20
Subject: Re:
Tuesday: too!! I love him SOOOOO very much,he is my best bud in the world,never gets mad at me or judges me and he loves me even first thing in the moring when I could scare frankenstien wiith my hair,lol...BUT I cannot stand to see him barely able to walk.My husband makes him go lay down so he is off of his hips,but what kind of life is that? Always laying around,pooping and peeing on yourself!!?? I knwo hubby doesn't want to let him go because he is his bud too and hubby is home all the time now so they hang out togther,lol.I don't know..maybe he is just having a couple bad days

9. March 2006, 01:40:23
Subject: Re:

9. March 2006, 01:34:29
Subject: Re:
Tuesday: awww!!! mine is getting very weak...the past 3 days he had gotten worse.Will call vet and see about different meds,but I think his time is coming soon :(

9. March 2006, 01:20:53
Subject: Re:
Tuesday: OMG! A lady I use to clean for had a dog that smiled at me too,I had never seen it before,had heard about it's cool!!

9. March 2006, 01:14:29
Subject: Re:
Tuesday: LOL awwwwwwwwww!!! Yes I know that smile you are talking about!! My parents dog did exactly the same!

9. March 2006, 01:03:37
Subject: Re:
Tuesday: awwwww what did they do, just gave you 'that look'? LOL

9. March 2006, 01:00:37
Subject: Re:
Tuesday: I did'nt want to start bidding too early!! LOL

9. March 2006, 00:49:12
Subject: Re: Dog Urine :(

9. March 2006, 00:35:38
Subject: Re: Dog Urine :(

9. March 2006, 00:30:09
Subject: Re: Dog Urine :(
BerniceC: at first I thought Patch was being spiteful when he strated going in the house then I relized,as much as we would like to think...dogs are not spiteful,they truelly don't know how to be (although sometimes I REALLY wonder,lol) So,when he kept peeing in the house then on the shoes,I knew something was wrong..he has had several infections since.Poor guy,his hips are getting so bad now he falls alot because he can't turn and he wobbles when he stands....Hubby still won't see it and I HATE keeping PAtch if he is in pain,the thing is Patch isn't vocal about anything,so hubby thinks nothing is wrong with him,anywho...sorry got off the topic, may at least be able to give you some retraining tips if it isn't an infection.

8. March 2006, 21:46:05
Subject: Re: Dog Urine :(
Dolittle: thanks problem you answering LOL....yep he is coming up that is 28 in human years....just a young buck LOLOL...good looking too hehehe....I never thought of an infection, but really do think it is laziness...he wont go outside without me :(
I never leave him alone for long.....only when I go shopping..about 3 hours, and when I go to work, one day a week :( for about 4-5 hours. I always make sure he is taken outside before i go anywhere tho. He knows he has done wrong because he looks at me with the hang dog eyes and rushes for the door LOL....I must admit i never smack him when he has gone inside because i never see him do it and will NOT rub his nose in it, as some friend have suggested. Im at a loss and will probably have to go to the Vet about it ...more money LOLOL

8. March 2006, 16:47:30
Subject: Re: Dog Urine :(
anastasia:hate to answer for Bernice but I know the age of her little dog. he was born Aug.16, 2002....the way I know is that's the day my little ShihTzu was born.

8. March 2006, 15:31:42
Subject: Re: Dog Urine :(
BerniceC: how old is your dog? Ours had a problem with his bladder so we went to the pet store and bought him 3 wraps..they are just that..a denim wrap that velcros together on his back..inside we put 2 pads (the adult kind that older people wear...depends pads,thats it,lol...At first Patch wasn't
to happy at all but it doesn't bother him at all anymore and he is able to be with us all the time now.I wouldn't have a dog that I had to keep outside or in the basement..he is part of our family.Maybe you should also call the vet...have you noticed when he goes a stronger smell then usual? Ours when he was younger started peeing in the the house out of the blue and then walked right over and peed on my husbands shoes,THAT was funny,but we also thought,hmmm,maybe something is wrong.Took him to the vet and sure enough,bladder infection with a calcium deposit in his bladder that needed surgery.It may be just because he misses his daddy,but the vet could tell you for sure..please keep us updated!! Dogs can't actually talk to us so they try to tell us what is going on the best way they know how.

8. March 2006, 06:55:02
Subject: Re: Dog Urine :(
thanks ladies...will let you know what happens but I do notice a lessening in the odour so perhaps it will improve on it own:(

I used to think he was piddling in the house because he missed Vern but now I think he is just being naughty as it is nearly 5 months since Vern passed.

I just cant leave him outside at night as he would drive the neighbours mad with his barking and for sure I couldnt lock him in the shed so it looksa as tho Im going to have to just keep my eyes open a bit better :*(

8. March 2006, 02:29:55
Subject: Re:
Nirvana: definatly agree!!

7. March 2006, 16:25:09
Subject: Re:
I agree, I normally hate circuses that involve animals, it's degrading to them. But these are domestic cats, and there is no way they will do anything unless they are happy.

7. March 2006, 14:36:36
Subject: Re:
Nirvana: I don't like circus's of anykind...but it seems a bit different when you are talking about having a cat play with a ball comparred to taking an elephant,keeping it shackeled for 18 hours a day and making it do things like stand on a barrel or something.

7. March 2006, 11:07:33
Modified by Nirvana (7. March 2006, 16:33:19)
No cat will do something if it doesn't want to.

This was amongst my emails today:
Amazing acrobatic cats

(the advertisements at the beginning are irritating, but thankfully short)

For those with webtv or without Internet explorer who can't access it:

it's a video of this:

Amazing acrobatic cats

6. March 2006, 22:09:27
Subject: Awesome board!
Sorry it took so long to find your new board ladies!
Trying to catch up on the posts now.
Bernice, we have a product called ProSolve that takes the stink right outta anything even furniture! No clue if you can get it down there tho!

As for calico's Torties and gingers, well I have one of each! Yup the Calico an Tortie are both female and the ginger is male. I call him our special cat cuz if he could wear a helmet he would ( as in really special) I wonder if it is possible for a cat to have downssyndrome?)
We have 11 cats in all right now ( cat rescuers but we fall hard for em when we take em in to heal em up an get em fed then refuse to find homes for them)
Our latest adoptee is a Maine Coon cat who I just adore. She was emaciated, had very little fur on her and beside flea bites was just a wreck. The SPCA said if they took her they would put her down cuz she was far gone in their books. Well today she is a fat, sassy beauty who sits on my desk or monitor all day long with me! Can't imagine her not being part of our family!

6. March 2006, 14:50:09
Subject: Re: Dog Urine :(
Lamby: odo ban is primarily sold at Sam's club,as far as I know...I promis though,that stuff from the vets will work,it's like magic in a bottle!! We had scrubbed our floors 4 times and still couldn't get the smell out,just overwhelming and I PRIDE MYSELF on my house NOT smelling like an animal,lol...went to vet,he has 4 dogs,like 3 cats a goat and some ducks and chickens..only dogs and cats are in house,lol...he said try this,it's what we use and WOW!!! Let us know how it works for you!

6. March 2006, 14:39:53
Subject: Re: Dog Urine :(
anastasia: yes thats right! I had to pull my carpet up & scrub the floor boards too because the pee does sink right down :o(
Im in UK...havent heard of odo-ban but I'll have a look out for it...wonder if they have it where Bernice is?

6. March 2006, 14:36:59
Subject: Re: Dog Urine :(
Lamby: I have also used the stuff from the vet,I also cannot remember the name of it,but is squirt in onto the carpet and just let it soak down in...because I'm sure the urine has gone all the way down to the padding..then you clean it up.....also,not sure where you live but there is stuff called odo-ban that is teriffic...try the vets office first though,tell them what happened and they will know EXCATLY what you need :)

6. March 2006, 14:05:24
Subject: Re: Calico cats...
anastasia: awww that's sweet & sad too!

6. March 2006, 14:04:29
Subject: Re: Dog Urine :(
BerniceC: the best stuff I ever used to get rid of animal pee (especially dry as it's more difficult to get rid of) was a special liquid from the vets. I can't remember what it was called but it has special enzymes in it which break down the smell & also stop the animal going back to the same spot to re-pee there!
It wasn't too expensive either!
So it might be just as well to try your vets to see if they sell anything like that........

6. March 2006, 13:37:12

6. March 2006, 10:48:45
Subject: Re: Dog Urine :(

Fuller's earth is great for this kind of thing. Wet the area concerned and sprinkle fuller's earth over it, allow to dry thoroughly and vaccuum. It absorbs the offending mess plus the smell.
It's also good with oil and petrol on lounge carpets!

6. March 2006, 10:47:01
Andre Faria 
Subject: Re: Hi!
For those who still believe on the perverse meat industry, it worths a look:

6. March 2006, 07:16:12
Subject: Dog Urine :(
can anyone help me

My Bear (dog) (shih-tzu) has at some time piddled in my spare room, and I havent seen it until today when I smelt it....YUK POO!!!!!.

It had dried and all I could see was the outline of the original "wet spot". very strong urine smell

I have cleaned it with carpet cleaner and also have sprayed around room deodoriser to no avail :(

Are there any "home remedies" I can try??

thanks in advance...all suggestions, except getting rid of Bear, will be considered LOLOL

6. March 2006, 07:08:56
Subject: Re: Calico cats...
Modified by Bernice (6. March 2006, 07:09:43)
with reference to the fact that most calico cats are female...did you also know that most ginger cats are male?

here is the article where I got that information, it is also an australian site.

eshell, Calico and Ginger Cats

Cats come in a kaleidoscope of colours – sometimes all in the one litter, and among the most popular (and some owners would say the most attractive) are tortoiseshell and gingers. Tortoiseshell cats are considered lucky in Scotland and Ireland.

Tortoiseshell cats are a patchwork of black and orange in a random pattern. When tortoiseshells have white markings they are sometimes also known as calico cats.

Most tortoiseshell and calico cats are female. The gene for the red colour (O) is carried on the X chromosome and for this reason it is called a ‘sex linked’ colour. Females of all species have two X chromosomes and males an X and Y chromosome. If both X chromosomes carry the Red gene, then the cat will be Red. However, many females carry the Red gene on only one chromosome, which allows the blackbased pigmentation to show through in patches. This combination of red and black is called tortoiseshell. For a male to be a tortoiseshell, he must have a genetic mutation that causes the male to have two X and one Y chromosome that usually renders male tortoiseshell cats sterile. It is estimated that only one in about every 1,000 torties is male and that only one in 10,000 is fertile.

However normal males normally only have one X chromosome and so if a male carries the Red gene at all, he will be ginger.

It is possible to have a ginger female but since males only need to have the orange gene on one chromosome to become ginger, and females have to have it on two, ginger males outnumber females 3 to 1.

Mating together a red male and a red female can never give a tortoiseshell because the cats can only pass on the “O” genes to their kittens.

Tortoiseshell cats are fondly called ‘torties’ and are renown for their independent and resilient nature, although some people more unkindly call them temperamental! Perhaps their individual nature mimics their individual coat colour as no two torties will be identical in markings.

6. March 2006, 03:44:55
Subject: Re:
Modified by Doris (6. March 2006, 03:46:07)
ScarletRose: Great exercises...but I had to improvise, especially with this one"Calves: (alternate) Run after dog - pick any reason, there are plenty. Dogs of any size can be used for this exercise. Greyhounds are inadvisable.".....I have 4 Greyhounds

6. March 2006, 03:28:05
Subject: Re:
Tuesday: haha.. I was going through my email just a bit ago and ran accrossed that.. Thought it would bring a giggle..

6. March 2006, 03:23:40
Subject: Re: Calico cats...
Lamby: I actually had a male calico!!! his name was Brutus..The mommy kitty came up to my parents house the one night during a rain storm and was HANGING onto our screen door..I asked Dad if we could bring her i out of the rain,he was a sucker for animals too..I can tell you some stories about HIM with the animals,lol..well,we kept her and the one day she got out,gone for three days,she was in heat when she got out..didn't relize for sure that she did get pregnant till she went into labor and started to scream.I got her out from under the hutch and pet her while she strated to come out but got stuck...good lord!!! lol,I had to help her deliver the little guy,she only had the one.She couldn't produce milk and tried to kill him right off the bat so I had to keep them seperate.From 1st feeding it was me with formula and a tiny tiny bottle..he grew and grew but then found out he had feline lukiemia..he died up at my parents house :( He was really cool while he was here though,lol.

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