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6. March 2009, 06:33:24
The Usurper 
Subject: Re: Ron Paul 03/04: The end of the war in Iraq is not near!
Bernice: That's right. Which means Americans have no cause for complaint now should a war be fought on its own soil.

6. March 2009, 06:20:46
Subject: Re: Ron Paul 03/04: The end of the war in Iraq is not near!
The Usurper: I liked one of the comments someone left after viewing that vid.
***If you don't want wars fought in your own backyard don't start them in someone elses.***

6. March 2009, 06:13:58
Papa Zoom 
Subject: Re: Ron Paul 03/04: The end of the war in Iraq is not near!
The Usurper:Ron Paul for President. 

6. March 2009, 06:11:10
The Usurper 
Subject: Ron Paul 03/04: The end of the war in Iraq is not near!

6. March 2009, 06:07:08
Papa Zoom 
Subject: Re:
Foxy Lady:Plastic will be taxed to the max 

6. March 2009, 06:06:43
The Usurper 
Subject: Re: A full investigation, if truly unencumbered by White House & other pressure, would reveal plenty. And heads would roll.
(V): "It's makes me think that the land of the free is not a land of the free anymore. And the core of your government has sold out."

That is correct. And if we want it to become the Land of the Free again, it must first become, again, the Home of the Brave. We need an informed, courageous citizenry to stand up to the powers who have consistently & continually violated our Bill of Rights, and asserted control in all our private affairs...and, more, taken our wealth to enrich a few through the slaughter & subjugation of multitudes.

In short, the Contract is null & void. It has been broken by the Government. It is high time to bring this system to its knees, alter or abolish it, and constitute new government better fitted to secure the rights of the people.

6. March 2009, 06:04:14
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re:
Artful Dodger:

6. March 2009, 06:02:06
Foxy Lady 
Subject: Re:
Artful Dodger: Does plastic count?

6. March 2009, 05:56:26
Papa Zoom 

6. March 2009, 05:45:06
Papa Zoom 

6. March 2009, 05:35:55
The Usurper 
Subject: Re:
Czuch: "I think capitalism can get past this time as well"

I have great respect for the libertarian ideal of free market capitalism, because its underpinning philosophy is one of individual liberty in all phases of life. I've said before that a better solution than we have now, for every man, is the end of all welfare, to rich and poor alike, the stripping of corporations of their political ties, the repeal of the Federal Reserve Act, etc.

However, we have also established that you are a not a true libertarian. You don't support a free market (which is the definition of capitalism), but welfare to the rich. It is not intellectually honest to uphold the wonders of capitalism when combatting the socialist tendencies of the left, only to turn around and abandon or undermine capitalism while embracing the fascist tendencies of the right.

Look, we all need to examine ourselves, and get back to basics. Let's remove the inconsistencies and become a united people against tyranny. The intellectual right points out many abuses of power in government, up to an including false-flag operations like the Oklahoma City bombing, the Waco massacre, the unconstitutionality of the Federal Reserve, and even 9/11. The intellectual left points out abuses of power also, such as 9/11, the false War on Terror, the Patriot Act, and the wedding of corporations & government.

So, both the intellectual right & the intellectual left are CORRECT, as far as they see things. They both recognize the abuses of power. But both are inconsistent, in that neither recognizes the full spectrum of abuse, and each neglects to examine its own inconsistencies. But many people are waking up, and recognizing it is time to take back our country from the demagogues in power, both Democrat & Republican.

6. March 2009, 05:11:19
The Usurper 
Subject: Re:
(V): "In the short term, New Deal programs helped improve the lives of people suffering from the events of the depression. In the long run, New Deal programs set a precedent for the federal government to play a key role in the economic and social affairs of the nation."

I think this is a correct analysis. Over time, the programs which improved the lot of the common man were gutted, while the corporatism set in place led to the fascist state now entrenched in our political culture. Was this the plan all along? An argument can be made for it.

6. March 2009, 04:56:21
Papa Zoom 
Subject: Re:
Czuch:I think that says it all.

6. March 2009, 04:50:22
Subject: Re:
(V): Well it certainly didn't cause your country to fall into complete ruins.

Well, if your point is that a bit of socialism didnt totally ruin the US, well, maybe you are correct.... Now we are getting a dose even bigger than before, I think capitalism can get past this time as well, maybe in spite of it, maybe because it gaver us a boost we need... but I also believe that it wont be too long before we are capitalists using a bit of socialism once in awhile to get us through the hardest times, to becoming socialists

Let me ask you a question... this recession is affecting you guys as well as many other countries with socialized models, what do you do when things get rough????

6. March 2009, 04:37:40
Subject: Re:
Artful Dodger:

6. March 2009, 04:13:21
Papa Zoom 

6. March 2009, 01:17:43
Subject: Re:
(V): There are many economists who believe that we would have come out of our depression faster had we done nothing at all.... that the new deal actually ended up making things worse......

I happen to think that is the case right now too

5. March 2009, 23:58:47
Subject: Re:
Czuch: Well it certainly didn't cause your country to fall into complete ruins.

Highly controversial... explain.

5. March 2009, 23:20:52
Subject: Re:
(V): The effects of the New Deal still remain a source of controversy and debate amongst economists and historians...

The consequences were predictably uneven. (See "Recession of 1937 and recovery," below). Whether the New Deal can be credited with the economy's eventual recovery, or blamed for impeding it––and which of its aspects were most effective––thus remains a complicated, and highly controversial, question.

5. March 2009, 23:05:36
The Usurper: Won't you be surprised when you figure out your Problem-Reaction-Solution scenario has real merit. :o)

hahahah.... what makes you think I will be surprised?

Now too... Al Gore et al are in cahoots to create a big scare over global climate changes, causing john q public fear and panic to the point that we will give up anything..., money, other luxuries, even our economies future, Then they can make tons of cash and power getting us to pay for new energy sources and paying carbon credits taxes and a whole bunch of stuff they havent even decided on yet!

5. March 2009, 21:14:33
Subject: Re: UFO Contact - Former Canadian Defence Minister
The Usurper: Interesting that the book confirms other observations regarding UFO's

They started to appear more soon after we exploded atomic bombs.

Maybe they have experience with planets being at this stage of development and choose to send a message in their coming here. "You are the human race and we are visitors from other races... get it human race."

5. March 2009, 21:03:03
Subject: Re: A full investigation, if truly unencumbered by White House & other pressure, would reveal plenty. And heads would roll.
The Usurper: It makes me think that America is heading towards a even bigger crises in the long run. Or..... A lot of people are going to get locked up.

.... It's makes me think that the land of the free is not a land of the free anymore. And the core of your government has sold out.

5. March 2009, 20:58:43
Subject: Re: ".. There is a government inside the government and I don't control it."
The Usurper: Big business tries to run America but fails badly. The way your lobbyist system allows so much pressure and greed within your political system it's diabolical. It seems that problem with the USA is the level of corruption and 'departments' that are not answerable to anyone.

... Oh I forgot... It's a secret. We shouldn't be talking about such things.... or we might get lent on.

5. March 2009, 20:52:55
Franklin D. Roosevelt and his new deal......

" The New Deal Roosevelt had promised the American people began to take shape immediately after his inauguration in March 1933. Based on the assumption that the power of the federal government was needed to get the country out of the depression, the first days of Roosevelt's administration saw the passage of banking reform laws, emergency relief programs, work relief programs, and agricultural programs. Later, a second New Deal was to evolve; it included union protection programs, the Social Security Act, and programs to aid tenant farmers and migrant workers. Many of the New Deal acts or agencies came to be known by their acronyms. For example, the Works Progress Administration was known as the WPA, while the Civilian Conservation Corps was known as the CCC. Many people remarked that the New Deal programs reminded them of alphabet soup.

By 1939, the New Deal had run its course. In the short term, New Deal programs helped improve the lives of people suffering from the events of the depression. In the long run, New Deal programs set a precedent for the federal government to play a key role in the economic and social affairs of the nation. "

5. March 2009, 20:25:22
The Usurper 
Subject: To Restate My Position
I don't blame the Jewish people, or the American people, or any other people. But the global elites, both Jewish & American and others, are blameworthy.

5. March 2009, 20:05:45
The Usurper 
Czuch: Welcome back Czuch.

Won't you be surprised when you figure out your Problem-Reaction-Solution scenario has real merit. :o)

5. March 2009, 19:58:03
The Usurper 
Subject: Re:
saeco: As you prefer.

5. March 2009, 18:03:47
wow... i'm done with this forum...
i prefer a baseball bat

5. March 2009, 17:39:01
Im starting to see the merit to this theory, especially with it now hitting us smack in the face in regards to the so called "global economic crisis"......

Obama is in cahoots with other government leaders to purposely create a global financial crisis, which will lead to a reaction of fear among the common people, enough to allow us to permit and approve the creation of one global new deal and more, to allow the creation of one global government.....

wE aRe alL dOoMEd......

5. March 2009, 17:25:49
Subject: Re: Where is Czuch?
The Usurper: Sorry, I had a late start and over 100 new posts to muddle through....

5. March 2009, 15:40:21
The Usurper 
Subject: Re: UFO Contact - Former Canadian Defence Minister
(V): A book everyone should read is this:

It has a tacky name: "The Flying Saucers Are Real," by Donald Keyhoe, who....

" a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy at Annapolis. He flew in active service with the Marine Corps, managed the tour of the historic plane in which Bennett and Byrd made their North Pole flight, was aide to Charles Lindbergh after the famous Paris flight, and was chief of information for the Aeronautics Branch, Department of Commerce."

Published in the early '50s, its importance lies in its real-time tracking of the shifting U.S. official response to the widespread UFO phenomena of the time.

5. March 2009, 15:28:13
The Usurper 
Subject: Re: "US - Israeli UN Resolution Hypocrisy"
(V): To further bolster the point, the PNAC document, "Rebuilding America's Defenses," publishing September 2000 & laying out a strategy for future control of the Middle East (with the help of "a new Pearl Harbor"), is a Neo-Con document, many of whose contributors made it into Bush's White House and are duel Israeli-U.S. citizens.

5. March 2009, 15:24:18
The Usurper 
Subject: Where is Czuch?
I usually wake up to a lamblast or two from that fine gentleman. It is worrisome to find the board thus vacant of his sarcastic rebukes and I miss them. It's like being ready for a fight and having nothing to punch. lol :o)

Teasing, of course....but he usually has posted by now, or so I thought.

5. March 2009, 15:16:18
The Usurper 
Subject: Re: "US - Israeli UN Resolution Hypocrisy"
(V): "If that is true, then there needs to be a full investigation of 911 ASAP"

It is very true, and one of the dozens of reasons I and many others are calling for this full investigation. Lie detectors & subpoena power, absolutely.

Your point about Israel's influence on the U.S. is well made. This would seem to be part of a joint global for eventual world domination, beginning perhaps with the overthrow of the Arab regions. A full investigation, if truly unencumbered by White House & other pressure, would reveal plenty. And heads would roll.

5. March 2009, 15:13:04
WOOOOAHHHHH I am glad i put my rubber boots on because some post's get pretty deep I could be here all day reading or maybe week's lol:))))

As old RED alway's said GOD BLESS

5. March 2009, 15:09:13
The Usurper 
Subject: Re: "US - Israeli UN Resolution Hypocrisy"
saeco: "thats just ludacris.. feel free to convince me of the opposite."

An article in Foreign Policy Journal has the following:

"Baer also indicated that the 9/11 Commission Report had been a cover-up of what really happened and questioned why certain other oddities about 9/11 had not been investigated, such as “the famous white van”, which he said was “an intriguing story” that “deserves a book”.

"He was referring to the case of the five Israelis who were witnessed on 9/11 celebrating beside their white van at the sight of the smoking towers from a parking lot in New Jersey. They were later arrested and detained. Upon arrest, the driver of the van told the arresting officers, “We are Israeli. We are not your problem. Your problems are our problems. The Palestinians are the problem.”

"The van was registered to an Israeli-owned company called Urban Moving Systems, whose owner immediately closed shop and fled to Israel. At least two of the five Israelis witnessed videotaping and celebrating the attacks were learned to be operatives of Mossad, the Israeli intelligence agency."

This articles, entitled "High-Fivers and Art Student Spies: What Did Israel Know in Advance of the 9/11 Attacks?" has more:

To find these, I just googled: "israeli art students celebrating wtc collapse on van"

There are plenty of related articles to sift through.

5. March 2009, 14:51:47
The Usurper 
Subject: Re: ".. There is a government inside the government and I don't control it."
(V): Franklin D. Roosevelt:

"The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the large centers has owned the government of the U.S. since the days of Andrew Jackson."

The question, as you seem to hint at, then becomes possibly more sinister, stated thus: Who controls the financial element?

5. March 2009, 13:10:53
President Clinton...

".. There is a government inside the government and I don't control it."

5. March 2009, 13:08:06
Subject: UFO Contact - Former Canadian Defence Minister
Modified by Mort (5. March 2009, 13:15:38)

Recorded at the April 2008 X-Conference at the National Press Club, Washington D.C

5. March 2009, 12:37:39
Subject: Re: some of your 'leaders' are being bribed, blackmailed ..... elaborate plz
saeco: Israel has interests in keeping the USA on it's side re UN resolutions, etc. Just think of the CIA and how it's worked over the last 50 years or so, or the KGB, and other organizations related to Intelligence. Our British Intelligence use to pass on info to Loyalists in Northern Ireland re IRA supporters or activists that they wanted removed.... The Loyalists would then kill these people.

"thats just ludacris.. feel free to convince me of the opposite."

Ok, this is what I've found on the matter so far......

"May 7, 2002 | In January 2001, the security branch of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency began to receive a number of peculiar reports from DEA field offices across the country. According to the reports, young Israelis claiming to be art students and offering artwork for sale had been attempting to penetrate DEA offices for over a year. The Israelis had also attempted to penetrate the offices of other law enforcement and Department of Defense agencies. Strangest of all, the "students" had visited the homes of numerous DEA officers and other senior federal officials."

"....... Reports of the mysterious Israelis with an inexplicable interest in peddling art to G-men came in from more than 40 U.S. cities and continued throughout the first six months of 2001. Agents of the DEA, ATF, Air Force, Secret Service, FBI, and U.S. Marshals Service documented some 130 separate incidents of "art student" encounters. Some of the Israelis were observed diagramming the inside of federal buildings. Some were found carrying photographs they had taken of federal agents. One was discovered with a computer printout in his luggage that referred to "DEA groups."

......"In some cases, the Israelis visited locations not known to the public -- areas without street addresses, for example, or DEA offices not identified as such -- leading authorities to suspect that information had been gathered from prior surveillance or perhaps electronically, from credit cards and other sources."....

".....The document detailing most of this information was an internal DEA memo: a 60-page report drawn up in June 2001 by the DEA's Office of Security Programs. The document was meant only for the eyes of senior officials at the Justice Department (of which the DEA is adjunct), but it was leaked to the press as early as December 2001 and by mid-March had been made widely available to the public."

5. March 2009, 11:44:19
Subject: Re: From the American Thinker:
Artful Dodger: It's inconsistent.....

It says..... "Following a 30-year trend of warming, global temperatures have flatlined since 2001 despite rising greenhouse gas concentrations, and a heat surplus that should have cranked up the planetary thermostat."

and then.... "This current cooling doesn't have one."

Flatlined or cooling, which is it?



"How does this square with temperature records from 2005-2007, by some measurements among the warmest years on record?"

and .... "When added up with the other four years since 2001, Swanson said the overall trend is flat,"

This to me confirms that the weather HAS got warmer over the last 3 years, also that misusing stats doesn't work. It'd be more accurate to use the 2008 temp figures to see how the current trend is going. Averaging out doesn't always give an accurate answer when dealing with trends.

5. March 2009, 11:23:28
Subject: Re: "US - Israeli UN Resolution Hypocrisy"
The Usurper: So if Israel has a high level of spying in the USA, then from past knowledge of how certain aspects of spying work.. It would be fair to say some of your 'leaders' are being bribed, blackmailed, or if they are sympathetic.. basically working for Israel and not the USA.

"Also, a group of Israeli "art students," later discovered to be spies, were seen videotaping the planes striking the WTC from the top of a van on the New Jersey side of the Hudson...taping & cheering.

If that is true, then there needs to be a full investigation of 911 ASAP.

And I would insist that all people giving evidence have lie detectors attached to them... knowing that many that would be called are use to lying and can do so very well.

5. March 2009, 11:17:35
Subject: Re: So, because humans are not a logical being, it means we cannot have a logical government?
Czuch: when have we had a logical government ever?? Politics is not logical, it is a matter of opinion and belief. You've already stated that you are not entirely logical when it comes to thinking (re instinct aka gut feeling) so why presume our politicians are any different?

5. March 2009, 11:02:25
Subject: Re: How do you think when it comes to matters?
Czuch: So if Bin Laden was not responsible for 911, who is?

5. March 2009, 09:36:04
Subject: Re:He wants to destroy the America I know.
Artful Dodger: They over here changed the tax laws which affected the poor more then the rich. Brown was forces by the public uproar to amend the policy so that the poor did not lose out so much.

The America you know is in trouble, he's trying to fix it. Sure that might mean an increase in taxes in the short term, but TANSTAFL!!

If he fails, then your country will be in a bigger mess, even if the Repub's get in, it'll take a while for any new ideas or policies to come into effect. That's not a good idea, which may result in a longer recovery period.

And I don't see the problem with properly organised and regulated abortion. Better that then back street jobs like in the old days which resulted in baby and mother dying.

And to blame is ALL your governments that have refused or plain well couldn't be bothered to introduce proper regulation of your financial system.

Gordon Brown over here is facing a grilling over such lack of regulation, especially after we had a similar incident in the 80's (ie Black Monday) in which it was lack of regulation in the financial market and lack of regulation in certain aspects of the 'buying a house' market (guzumping [sp]) that caused the downfall back then. Also it must be noted that back then a boom system of fiscal policy was being used and like now.. the bubble burst.

How many times do we have suffer before the lessons are learnt?

5. March 2009, 07:45:49
Papa Zoom 
Subject: Re: Time for Nite-Nite
The Usurper: I've used up my copy and paste privleges for the night anyway.    g'nite my antagonist friend  I'll set you straight someday. 

5. March 2009, 07:43:16
The Usurper 
Subject: Time for Nite-Nite
We keep winding up here, at the close of each day. But who knows (sinister pipe organ here) where the P-Board will lead us tomorrow.....

As always, enjoyable. Sleep well cuz I'll be coming back loaded for bear. :o)

5. March 2009, 07:42:58
Papa Zoom 
Subject: Re: "I blame the democrats for the war in Iraq."
The Usurper:Good analogy.  Johnson was a horrible President.  He is responsible for the deaths of thousands of young men in the armed services.  He knew we couldn't win, wouldn't win, and he escalated the war anyway.  Then he lied to the troops about our war effort and winning possibilities.  He was only trying to save face.  What an ass.

5. March 2009, 07:40:07
The Usurper 
Subject: Re: "I blame the democrats for the war in Iraq."
Artful Dodger: Ok, some consistency begins to emerge. Thank you. Let's look at Vietnam, for example. Nixon is rightly blamed for not ending it quickly enough. But Johnson, the corrupt Democrat, is the one who escalated it to full-scale war to begin with. Guilt spreads across the board, for many issues. Thus, my contention that we're watching Good Cop/Bad Cop smoke screens to keep us entertained while the guy in the shadows steals the loot.

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