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2. March 2009, 18:03:44
Subject: Re:
anastasia: It's the battle of the sex's as i see it

2. March 2009, 18:03:09
Subject: Re:
anastasia: we take and never give back

Thats a pretty harsh assessment.... doesn't planting a new tree count towards "giving back"?

2. March 2009, 17:49:58
Subject: Re:
Pedro Martínez: you is MY opinion that humans are trashing the earth..we litter,we take and never give back,you can have YOUR opinions too,if you dont like mine why dont YOU move...and Earth is ALWAYS refered to as MOTHER EARTH,my god,educate yourself on that would ya please and stop dissing me when I do refer to it as such

2. March 2009, 17:47:57
Subject: Re:
"GERRY": what? lol

2. March 2009, 17:45:22
Subject: Re:
anastasia: I checked your profile you are a FE MALE what gender is that i no what a women is tho :))) & by the way CARL what price range do these cond's start at:))))

2. March 2009, 17:39:53
Subject: Re:
anastasia: Still looks pretty nice from where I sit...

2. March 2009, 17:09:56
Subject: Mars
Modified by tyyy (2. March 2009, 17:13:52)
sorry, but I have already got land rights on the prime sections, I'm having them subdivided and will be putting up condos shortly,, I could get you a sweet deal on one though

2. March 2009, 17:07:02
Pedro Martínez 
Subject: Re:
anastasia: Move to Mars. Look how nice it (or is Mars "he"?) is without us. I'm sure you'd feel very comfortable there. No man around... what an awesome place to live.

2. March 2009, 16:49:16
Subject: Re:
"GERRY": A true god would never create anything like the earth which we are all living in...

MAN has created what we are living in..look at how the earh was BEFORE man had it's hand in destroying it..use to be a nice place untill we messed it all up

2. March 2009, 15:44:43
Subject: Re:
Czuch: LMAO not really i had them on my farm at one time LMAO:)))) i had them for food LOL:))))

2. March 2009, 15:38:21
Subject: Re:
"GERRY": You have something against pigs?

2. March 2009, 15:33:26
Subject: Re:
Bernice: GOD spellled backward's is dog We are not pigs here on earth we are human's.GOD is a spirit within you not in books or anything else A true god would never create anything like the earth which we are all living in that is just my opinion

2. March 2009, 15:25:51
Subject: Re: The Pentagon Strike
The Usurper: Do you happen to also believe in fairies???? Because you seem to believe the tales they tell

2. March 2009, 15:20:44
Subject: Re: Oklahoma City
The Usurper: And my difference with conservatives is the same: they see the evil of Clinton, but not Bush, etc.

Problem with this statement, is it isnt accurate... the part about liberals and Bush is true, all liberals could talk about is how evil Bush was, but never anything on a substantive basis.....

But as far as conservatives and Clinton, aside from the part where he lied about an affair with an intern, conservatives simply disagreed with his policies and ideas, it was never about "he is evil and bad blah blah blah..."

Same for Bam.... we simply disagree with his and other liberals "collective" agenda, he is not stupid or evil, he is just misguided and wrong.

2. March 2009, 15:14:02
Subject: Re:
The Usurper: One word on why the buildings had to come down: "Shock and Awe"

Really??? Flying a plane or two into the WTC isnt enough shock and awe?? They had to also take the risk of implanting explosives???? Doesnt make any sense to me, had those buildings just burned to the ground, would have been enough, no need to blow them up on top of it all

Also, why "pretend" that a plane hit the pentagon, and instead fly a missile into it? and then hope that nobody notices when you make the plane just disappear?

and you never answered about the cell phone calls from the plane, all fake all part of the big master plan, to fool us all?

2. March 2009, 13:38:25
Subject: Re: The Pentagon Strike
Charles Martel: thank you

2. March 2009, 11:00:28
The Usurper 
Subject: Re:
Bernice: That is a very good analogy. What might one call someone who habitually snipes at the posts of others without contributing much to any conversation in particular? :o)

2. March 2009, 10:40:40
The Usurper 
Subject: Re:
(V): Both the Jewish scriptures & the Christian present profound truths but unfortunately organized forms of religion tend to forget that "the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life." Symbolism is the rule in the great part of Scripture, but so few seem to possess "ears to hear."

This discussion might belong on the Religion board except for the fact that these belief systems effect our world politically so greatly. I might sometimes sound like a "Christian hater" but I am far from that. In fact (a bit of history), in 1988 I returned from preaching a sermon on holiness to the pastor's house, only to watch Jimmy Swaggart breaking down on the TV. This devastated me...I could not comprehend it at the time. It challenged all my belief system to the core...about myself, about God, about holiness...about everything. So Paul said, "Examine yourselves, to see if ye be in the faith." And any kind of understanding of the world must begin with personal soul-searching.

2. March 2009, 10:08:53
Subject: Re:
Bernice: Ahhh, no worries. procedures.

2. March 2009, 09:30:30
Subject: Re:
The Usurper: I remember one bit where to describe God as an 'energy' rather then some old man with a white beard was considered heresy. Pity that those who tried that didn't understand that the only reason God is called Father aka a 'he' is in regards to God's relation to us according to strict Judaic understanding, and that the Jewish language is by nature one that uses male and female as per the French language.

2. March 2009, 09:21:49
The Usurper 
Subject: Re:
(V): You are so right on all these observations. God save us all from those who apparently call upon Him most fervently. And let's not forget that the ignorant St. Augustine, reverred by Protestants & Catholics alike, first laid out the doctrine that compulsion to make one a Christian, including by means of torture, was a good thing because thereby a soul was saved from Eternal Damnation. Amazing stuff, really.

I am beginning to wonder if, above & beyond all these forms of deception and control which seem to make of history a bloody shipwreck no matter the good intentions of the many, there might really be some demonic or otherworldly power pulling the strings....and perhaps feeding off the negative energy created through suffering.

I certainly don't know...but at least it's a theory which attempts to account for what is.

2. March 2009, 09:11:26
Subject: Re:
Bernice: What is a pig dog? I've heard of a bulldog.. which is a British dog, and to a degree a symbol of the British ability to hang on during times of great hardship (like WWII).

And referring to a person as an "it" is in reality a step towards the same ideas that certain people over the centuries with ideas of committing genocide thought. A step down a slippery ladder to hell and suffering.

2. March 2009, 09:01:38
Subject: Re:
The Usurper: Don't forget the crusades, the reformation wars and that the two founders of the protestant faith both wanted the Jews wiped off the face of the earth... for what they did to Christ, which I find kinda strange as if it wasn't for Their involvement in the 'death' of Christ we'd have no Christianity.

... Also if their wish had come true and the Jews had been wiped off the face of the earth then important info regarding the base of Christianity, ie Judaism and Pardes (a rule regarding interpretation of the Jewish scripture) would have been lost, and if that had happened, Christianity would basically have to shut up shop for being incomplete.

2. March 2009, 07:12:55
The Usurper 
Subject: Re:
Charles Martel: But at the rate we're going, we may not be here in 2,000 years, so it may be a moot point.

I also don't distinguish between Holocausts. Whether it is the events of Waco, the Germans exterminating the Jews, Stalin killing 20,000,000 Russians, Zionists destroying the lives of Palestinians, or Americans slaughtering Iraqis &'s all the same. A spade is a spade.

2. March 2009, 07:02:14
The Usurper 
Subject: Re:
Charles Martel: Very true, they certainly made a martyr of him. Total setup from the get-go. And whatever one might think of his religious beliefs, it's supposed to be a free country. The most unpardonable sin was the government's murder of innocent children.

2. March 2009, 06:55:51
I said once, in 2000 years, they might be calling David Koresh Jesus, but my audience didn't get it

2. March 2009, 06:55:16
The Usurper 
Subject: Re: "I've read the websites and I know the drill."
Artful Dodger: Well I guess then that one might say: You are without excuse. :o)

My beliefs about America have been severely modified by my research. There were plenty of sacred cows I had to slaughter. Its par for the course.

2. March 2009, 06:52:26
The Usurper 
Subject: Re: Oklahoma City
Charles Martel: Yes, Ruby Ridge is another major incident in the rise of the American police state. Waco is another.

My difference with liberals is this: they refuse to recognize the mal-intent of their Democratic leaders, while often recognizing it in Republican leaders. And my difference with conservatives is the same: they see the evil of Clinton, but not Bush, etc.

2. March 2009, 06:51:39
Papa Zoom 
And don't forget that going to the north pole was part of the conspiracy too. 

2. March 2009, 06:50:48
Papa Zoom 
Subject: Re: How the Mainstream Media works....
The Usurper:I love the blame America first crowd.  The only two aggressive nations are the US and  Israel.  lol

But do go on.  I've read the websites and I know the drill.

2. March 2009, 06:48:49
Subject: Re: Oklahoma City
The Usurper: well i agree on the militia part.. especially the Ruby Ridge incident

2. March 2009, 06:47:09
The Usurper 
Subject: Re: Oklahoma City
Charles Martel: Also an inside job, under the Clinton administration. Practice run for 9/11, and more importantly at the time, a way to put militia movements in a bad light.

2. March 2009, 06:45:20
The Usurper 
Subject: Re: How the Mainstream Media works....
Charles Martel: Well, we partly agree on this. The one other aggressive power there is the U.S. I guess you could argue they are the same, since Israel uses the weapons we supply them.

2. March 2009, 06:45:16
By the way,, any theories or opinions on the bombing of the fed building in OK?? you know the one that got blamed on poor Tim McVeigh and that other guy Nichols??

2. March 2009, 06:41:40
Subject: Re: "find a better forum to rant your drivel"
The Usurper: as always , quite welcome

2. March 2009, 06:40:49
Subject: Re: How the Mainstream Media works....
The Usurper: actually i say and have said leave iran alone, they haven't attacked anyone, there is only one aggressive power in the mideast and that is Israel, and they are the only one with nuclear weapons

2. March 2009, 06:39:11
The Usurper 
Subject: Re: "find a better forum to rant your drivel"
Charles Martel: Thanks for your well-meaning advice. I didn't realize how disinterested & benevolent it really was.

2. March 2009, 06:36:46
The Usurper 
Subject: How the Mainstream Media works....
"Mullen: Iran has fissile materials for bomb"

Setting you up for the kill. Leading you like lambs to the slaughter. That is the attempt. Who will believe these people? Not I.

2. March 2009, 06:18:24
Subject: Re: The Pentagon Strike
Modified by tyyy (2. March 2009, 06:30:11)
The Usurper: I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, and I didn't say your posts were meaningless..just that maybe you should find a better forum to rant your drivel

2. March 2009, 06:01:54
Papa Zoom 
Subject: Re:

2. March 2009, 05:55:38
now, now nice :)

2. March 2009, 05:54:35
Papa Zoom 

2. March 2009, 05:50:43
The Usurper 
Subject: Re: The Pentagon Strike
Charles Martel: You're one of the last people to define to me my duty. Yes you are naive, and yes it is understandable. A spade is a spade. I find your posts relatively meaningless also, so we're even.

2. March 2009, 05:45:07
Subject: Re: The Pentagon Strike
Modified by tyyy (2. March 2009, 05:45:59)
The Usurper:Buts its not your duty to continually, yes and repeatedly, even redundant, redundant ,redundant try to ram it down our throats, or subtly insult as calling us naive, and be condescending as saying its understandable.

2. March 2009, 05:45:01
Papa Zoom 
Subject: Re: hard times in Europe, probably bushes fault
Charles Martel:The world has gone mad.  Another call for yet another bailout. 

2. March 2009, 05:38:02
Subject: hard times in Europe, probably bushes fault

2. March 2009, 05:28:49
The Usurper 
Subject: Re: The Pentagon Strike
anastasia: I agree it was a great tragedy. 3,000 people died that day. Since then, many more have died, and thousands more are sick, who worked on the Ground Zero clean-up. But add to this, 5,000+ American soldiers have died now based on what happened on 9/11. More are dying. But we've barely touched the tip of the iceberg. 6 or 7 hundred thousand Iraqis have died. Millions more are displaced and/or homeless. This is not to mention Afghanistan, nor to mention the money we've thrown into this effort, helping to sink our economy. Nor to mention the destruction of YOUR civil liberties with the passage of the Patriot Act & the Military Commissions Act.

You may prefer that I change the subject, and that is your right. But as I see it, I owe it to the victims of 9/11, to those who have died in its wake, to my countrymen, to my children & grandchildren to come, to my deceased father & ancestors, and to myself, to expose the truth about 9/11, as I see it. I would also suggest that your relatively blind acceptance of the official account is naive, although it is understandable.

This is OUR time. It is OUR world. We must answer to generations to come for what we do now, and don't do. Liberty is always under attack, in one form or another. The price of freedom is eternal vigilance. While we are on this earth we have a job to do...afterwards we can hang it up & collect our wings or whatever. But while we are here, duty comes before pleasure & sometimes the case is such that doing one's duty leaves little or no room for pleasure. And THAT is why I continue to post as I do. Whether you agree with my position or not, I hope you'll be sympathetic to my intention.

2. March 2009, 04:27:57
Papa Zoom 
Subject: Re:
Bernice:I just found out that my credit union, who has been giving legitimate loans and has a healthy reserve of money, is in an insurance co-op as a result of other financial institutions and their bad loand, my bank is charged (hundreds of thousands) to help with the costs.  It's the way things are.  But it's sad that a responsible lending institution has to suffer because others gave bad loans and are now in trouble. 

2. March 2009, 04:23:10
Subject: Re:
Artful Dodger: yep as he took the money and ran LOLOL

2. March 2009, 04:22:01
Subject: Re:
Artful Dodger: the last one can only be guessed at, and your guess is as good as mine.

Mr Rudd is throwing so much money around to the needy/greedy is it any wonder we are going down. Personally it doesnt affect me because Im debt free. The only way it affects me is my interest rates go down on investments, but apart from that I could care less what happens.

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