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9. September 2003, 15:23:22
thank you fencer

9. September 2003, 15:57:30
Subject: Re:
This is not the first time Fencer has stepped in to stop that kind of thing before it got started. A lot of folks may not know but his vigilance has spared the site some very unsavory stuff. Our thanks.

9. September 2003, 16:54:20 
Subject: Re: F*** - in - LINE....1800+
I miss all the good stuff!

Now I'll never know what "F***" was - it will be bothering me all day!

Fork-in-line 1800+
Food-in-line 1800+
Face-in-line 1800+
Flip-in-line 1800+

.... ugh!


9. September 2003, 17:23:33
Subject: Re: F*** - in - LINE....1800+
I think it was farce but they couldn't count the asterisks :)

9. September 2003, 19:07:19
Have no intention to play in the $3000 tournament but for future similar tournaments i would like to know:

My wife and i are both paying members (rooks) but only one of us is allowed to participate because we are in the same household.
This means that one of us paying members cant play while not paying pawns are welcome?
Doesnt make sense to me.

9. September 2003, 19:14:24 
Even though I can not speak for GothicInventor, I would think if you discussed it with him, and he knew exactly what is going on - he may allow it - but again, you would probable have to talk to him.

He is a nice guy, but at the same time he does not want people who are trying to cheat in the tournament. :-)

9. September 2003, 20:11:30
Andersp: There are no limits for standard tournaments. However, every tournament director can define his own additional rules. If somebody doesn't like his rules, can sign up for another tournament. As a Brain Rook you can start as many tournaments of your own choice as you want to.

9. September 2003, 20:13:50
So you think its fair that non paying pawns can play but i cant if my wife signs up.
Thanks for your answer

9. September 2003, 20:26:40
Andersp: I don't think it's fair but it is not me who provides the $3000 prize, I simply cannot order Ed to change his rules. It's his money, not mine. Or what do you suggest?

9. September 2003, 20:41:19
Grim Reaper 
Subject: The rules
The rules are made just to frame the context of the event, and prohibit those from abusing them. Suppose all 8 of my family members were in the tournament, wouldn't people be a little suspicious? Could not one of my children say 'Daddy what would you do in this position?'. Would I have to audit every one of the games in the tournament to make sure I was not accidentally helping one of my own kids win?

Just think about it for a minute, and I am sure the SPIRIT of the rule makes sense.

If you agree with the spirit of the rule, I can extend acceptions. Like Fencer said, it is my tournament.

I just want to close the doors on cheaters.

9. September 2003, 20:46:00
Fencer, my suggestion is that "cheatholes" should be covered in advance.
If Eds 8 family members are paying members at BK they should have every right to play in ANY TOURNAMENT.

9. September 2003, 20:50:44
Andersp: but it is Gothic Inventor's tournament.
'He who pays the piper calls the tune' - or, he who pays the winner makes the rules.

9. September 2003, 20:54:25
i have a question while on this subject , we have two paying members here me & judd on separte pcs, so with some of the comment maybe people think we cheat ??
i assure you i kick his backside as much as possible lol its the only way he can improve in his games , when he starts to win me i have achieved my goal ..... not because i let him win

9. September 2003, 20:55:45
Andersp: How would you cover all "cheatholes"? Please give me a 100% working solution and I will use it.

9. September 2003, 20:56:04
Subject: Re: The rules
No !
especially the spirit of those so called rules makes no sense altogether.

As previously ignored, CaoZ' siblings are strong enough
to play any tourney here on their own strength ...

and who could stop anyone from cheating anway ...
ever've heard of telephone ?? ( basic technics in Europe )
it cAn deprive you from the need of living
in the same household with any imaginable helper ...

Again I second the idea to exclude pawns from the Championship,
3000$ should be luring enough to afford 10$ for a Knight-Strike ...

or - as peacepickle said - revealing sensible personal data
prematurely should (if anyway) be obligatory only for pawns ... ~*~

9. September 2003, 20:56:47
LOL Jason..guess who my favorite opponent is?..and
in Eds tournaments im not allow to whupp her!! :)

9. September 2003, 20:57:56
Sorry Fencer, you are the genious..not me :)

9. September 2003, 21:01:03
Grim Reaper 
Subject: Re: Danoschek's remark
I just have to disagree with this on principal, since money is at stake. If you are going to sit there and tell me a 5 year old girl is not going to get input from 'daddy' when there is a chance to win $3000, then you have to ask yourself what planet you are from.

If you want to play in a tournament with your kids, there are plenty out there for them to experience.

Read the rules for just about any contest here and you see ONE PER HOUSEHOLD.

It is not possible to AUDIT online participants. I suspect several of the pawn IDs that were made on the same day the tournament was announced are really duplicates of the same person.

9. September 2003, 21:05:43
Subject: Age Restriction :D
That's okay - we call that business-entry age
and 12-14 years are tolerable as limit ... ~*~

PS e.g. the father who has signed for his 5 years
old girl being brainknight merely be excluded ...

9. September 2003, 21:21:46
Brain Rooks

"The player is not limited by number of started games at once nor number of moves per day nor number of joined tournaments"

Hmmmmmmm ? maybe this should be changed?

9. September 2003, 21:27:11
How would you change it?

9. September 2003, 21:28:56
maybe you should add :

"but if you are married there are some tournaments only one of your wife and you can join" :)

9. September 2003, 21:29:09
maybe prize tournaments should have thier own page ... away from standard tournaments ,what do you think fencer ?

9. September 2003, 21:37:11
Subject: Re:
I am going to be starting a prize tournament with something like $25 to the to paying members only. There will be no limit on the number of nics they can purchase a membership for to get a crack at the $25. Fencer shouldn't mind that. :o)

9. September 2003, 21:38:10
Andersp: What about tournaments like "only for girls, only for boys, Europe players", should I forbid them? The membership description says that you can play as many tournaments as you want. There is nothing about "all possible tournaments, especially prize ones". I would also have to add something like "you can create your own tournaments but these tournaments must be open to everyone, you cannot add your own rules". It doesn't seem to be logical to me.
jason: Why prize tournaments should have their own page?

9. September 2003, 21:40:40
Thats ok Fencer..i know you think its fair that pawns can win $3000 but not a married paying have your opinion and i have mine.

9. September 2003, 21:42:54
just an idea , they would stand out from the crowd so to speak more easily , also prize tournaments seem to have extra restrictions

9. September 2003, 21:51:54
I think that $3000 tournament is the only one with some restrictions.

9. September 2003, 21:53:21
Maybe i should join and pm my password to Danoscheck LOL 60-40 Dano?

9. September 2003, 22:19:18
Subject: Gubbe
75-25 my final offer ... >8) ... ~*~

9. September 2003, 22:20:22
Andersp happy for 60 :)

9. September 2003, 22:35:51
Subject: Re: The rules
My two cents:
I have to agree with GothicInventor. One entry per household does seem reasonable to me. I have seen this same rule applied to everyday things like sale items in stores. I think it is reasonable for Mr.Trice to apply it in his tournament. Afterall,while the tournament may be played on BK it is owned and sponsered by Mr. Trice.

9. September 2003, 22:43:26
LOL..did we discuss sales? least i discussed how fair it is to paying members to be excluded from a tournament.

and to avoid further misunderstandings:

my offer to Dano was just to prove how easy people can cheat anyway.:)

9. September 2003, 22:55:08
Subject: Re:
Yes but obviously pawns can cheat for free in unlimited numbers. Paying members at least have to cough up some money to cheat when it comes to tournaments.

9. September 2003, 22:59:50
not fair either :)

9. September 2003, 23:05:00
Subject: Re:
Agreed LOL. But one positive is that the site will get more money.

9. September 2003, 23:08:57
The site? you mean the players who win ?

9. September 2003, 23:11:38
Subject: Re:
No if Joe Cheater buys 10 memberships to try to "dutch" a tournament then Brainking has 10 new paid members. Site benefits. Still not fair I agree.

9. September 2003, 23:16:28
Cheaters are everywhere you cant get rid of them.
Was more fun before the money entered this site.
They can cheat how much they i said in my first post i have no intention to join, so maybe my wife will "negotiate" with Dano :)
Took me more than 6 months to get my SSN so i shouldnt share it with anyone especially not over closed from this end :)

9. September 2003, 23:22:21
Subject: Re:
You made some good points and I agree about the SS# part. If you win at the race track over a certain amount there's an IRS guy there to grab some. But this seems to be different.

9. September 2003, 23:31:12
Subject: Sales ?
oops - I'll shush and wait until end of october to post it at the new board ... ~*~ 0:)

9. September 2003, 23:37:58
Subject: Kids asking for help from parents
Just because they are kids doesn't mean they aren't strong enough players to play on their own. I would not be suprised if there was a 5 year-old girl somewhere (probably East Europe) that could beat you GothicInventor.

9. September 2003, 23:53:54
Subject: and Household - what does it mean anyway ?
I have two valid addresses myself, in the same
house but different households - the effort seems
fuzzy as IP tracking is undermined by local network
and all the fancy stuff from my treasure chest of
sophisticated programs making an apple a prune.

Let's say it stiff ... superficial nonsense !

Robert J. Fisher made it although the Russians
evidently cheated by making easy draws against
each other while focussing against capitalism ... :D

Kasparov made it although Karpov cheated by occupying
the mental capacities of thirteen grandmasters and their ideas
which to use they were not allowed without first offering to him,
in the time of a desired lasting soviet chess dynasty ...

Sportsmen have always had only two secundants throughout history,
of course only for the daily game-aftermath ... ~*~

10. September 2003, 00:11:12
Subject: to clarify
before less wanted translators offer their services ...

I have posted my ideas to discourage cheaters ...

and somebody who has paid by personal transfer to brainking,
therefore should be spared out from further bothering by idle control ... ~*~

10. September 2003, 00:14:12 
You know there are many tournament I can not enter as a paid member.

There are Pawn-only tournament.
There are Fellowship tournaments (which i do not belong to)
There are High-rated tournaments
There are low-rated tournaments.

Now why is it I can not join the 1500 BKR and under tournament when a pawn can join!

If Andersp is upset that a paid rook can't play in the $3,000 tournament - I'm upset that I can't play in the tournaments listed above!


Note: This post is full of sarcasm. Ignore most of it! :-)

10. September 2003, 00:22:55

In your first post you said that G Inventor probably would allow my wife and me to play if we asked him "he is a nice guy", now you seem to have changed your mind?

Suppose you are as impressed as i am of how smart the tournament directors have solved the cheating problem.

Sarcasm?..whats that? :)

10. September 2003, 00:30:12 
Andersp: Yes, I still think it might be possible for you and your wife to both play in the tournament if you contact GothicInventor - but by posting everything in here, he is going to say no. But again, I can not talk for him - and if he does not, well then that is the rules he goes by.

Cheaters - there is no way to get rid of all cheaters. Someone will find away around the system.

What I think should be done: Just let paid members play. If someone wants to cheat THAT BAD, at least they are paying BrainKing money for the option of cheating! (But I'm not in charge - and the person who creates the tournament has the option to make whatever rules they want.)

10. September 2003, 00:40:01
BBW..Im not asking for a favour to join. As you say, why allow not paying members to play and not me (in case i wanted) because my wife is a member here too. It doesnt stop the cheating!!
Im sure many are annoyed but i prefer to share my opinion in public, im not so coward so i hide it in private messages. Ive had a lot of supporting private messages today, sorry i havent replied to them :)

case closed...for real :)

10. September 2003, 00:57:30
Subject: Re:
I'm sorry,but I honestly do not see how being a paid member of BK has anything to do with a tournament being held by someone who is not directly affiliated with the workings of this site.

10. September 2003, 00:59:55 
Andersp: Well let me ask you this. What should GothicInventor do with the tournament?

Do you think he should let anyone play?
Do you think he should collect personal data?
Do you think he should not let any pawns play?
Do you think he should limit one per household?

GothicInventor has already changed the rules around a couple of times, and if anyone can come up with a beter way to try to get rid of cheaters, he (and me and Fencer) will be happy to hear all opinions.

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