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 Feature requests

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19. January 2005, 18:34:41
Subject: Re: Tree huggers vs. Lumberjacks
wekke: I've seen good threaded db formats (UI) and bad ones. "IF" implemented, I hope it is well done (like the rest of BK).

19. January 2005, 18:24:02
Subject: Re: Tree huggers vs. Lumberjacks
Summertop: Hmmm, I support the threated db's as well...So much easier to navigate.

19. January 2005, 18:22:11
Subject: Tree huggers vs. Lumberjacks
Apparently there is more support for non-threaded (non-tree outline) discussion boards. I prefer the tree, but I can live without it.

19. January 2005, 18:17:12
Subject: Invitations

I think it would be an asset to invite the whole of your fellowshop for a tourney with only one invitation...I mean, not sending out like 40 of them...

19. January 2005, 14:55:15
Subject: Re:
volant: If you mean like GT and IYT systems...I agree, I hate those sytems, and just cant seem to follow a discussion

I much prefer this board system

19. January 2005, 08:28:31
Subject: Re: Re:
whatdidyousay: not hiding stuff on purpose .. but usually a thread starts about something .. which is the main subject .. and then slightly changes into a slightly different subject .. not too much difference to justify a new tree .. but still something different :)

i do agree though .. lately when i come online in the morning i saw 200+ new posts on the general board .. and that was just done in about 10 hours of my night .. i then read the few first of the new ones .. and the last ones .. a tree would be easier that way .. but still it would be easy to miss something you could now stumble on accidently :)

i have been on many boards which have the tree layout .. and somehow i didnt like it .. but it might just be me who might be old fashioned ;)

18. January 2005, 23:41:00
Subject: Re: Re:
whatdidyousay: I think it's Fencer's version of "You can have any colour you like as long as it's black"

18. January 2005, 22:57:15
Subject: Re:
Modified by whatdidyousay (18. January 2005, 22:59:27)
Fencer: As Mel Brooks said, "It's good to be the king." lol

This should prove to be an interesting discussion - about limiting discussion. The mere fact that you are saying you will have a discussion is quite refreshing. I have come from a site where sometimes things just are "done" without discussion. Even if you don't agree with some on the site, it is nice that you are willing to discuss it.

Hrqls: I am not sure what they hide. Once again, it depends on how you handle the threads. You can leave it so that the Tree is always open. Then you can use your glance - if you want. It makes it easier to glance by a whole thread if you are unconcerned about regional flags, but are looking for a thread about new games for example.

18. January 2005, 22:09:42
Subject: Re:
Fencer: And make the hide feature work (no "1 new" if i have him on hide) then you can say "thank you" to your mods

18. January 2005, 21:28:58
Bry: I will make a proposal, then a discussion can be opened, and after that I will do it.

18. January 2005, 21:25:06
Subject: Re:
Fencer: On they have a export to text format for Backgammon...

18. January 2005, 21:21:16
Subject: Re: Re:
Thad: good shout re Help.

Fencer - do you propose opening a discussion about DB reduction, or will you just decide and do it?

18. January 2005, 21:17:14
i agree .. i love to see all posts in a glance .. and skip which i am not interested in .. threaded boards hide too much :)

18. January 2005, 21:14:23
Fencer please don't ever change to a thread system. This system is so much better it is like a conversation. And if you are not intereated in one part you don't have to read it.

18. January 2005, 20:56:32
There will be less discussion boards. Proposed changes will be announced soon.

18. January 2005, 20:50:27
Subject: Re:
Bry: And one for help/customer service!

18. January 2005, 20:50:21
Subject: Re:
Bry: and fellowships for the other themes

18. January 2005, 20:48:42
Let's have less discussion boards and more games. One DB for every game (or game type for the least popular games). One General Chat, and one Feature Request for discussions about features not related to existing games - for which a board will already exist.


18. January 2005, 20:32:29
Subject: Re: Discussion boards
Modified by whatdidyousay (18. January 2005, 20:33:21)
Thad, Summertop and Fencer: What we seem to be talking about is the "Tree" approach to db's. I really like that approach and think it would be beneficial. It would seem you have options in dealing with new posts in existing "threads" or "branches:"

1. Expand all threads or "Open tree" so that you can see subject lines within a thread; or
2. Leave the tree closed so that you can only see the main subject line and put a counter next to the thread showing the number of new posts (similar to the counter currently next to any db which you have not opened and the like); or
3. Open only those posts on a db that are new.

In the end, one of the prob's that I see with the current system is that if there are more new posts than you can open (in my case more than 100), you will never know which are new posts beyond the first 100 because once you go into a db, it triggers that nothing is new. Therefore, when I go into the second page of a db, I never know how many of the posts are new posts.

In the end though Fencer, as one of my dear friends has said to me recently, when you are working on the game improvements, you are working on far more important things than DB upgrades. So, just because I am engaging in this discussion doesn't mean that I consider this my dearest want - I love it when you give us new games.

In that regard, I am with Kevin when he asks for Trax and its variants.

Also, I agree with Brian on the FAQ issue. It would be a great idea to use that for "resolved" issues. Sometimes, new members - like me - do not know which issues have been resolved.

18. January 2005, 19:59:23
Subject: Fencer
Thank you for outlining your reasons. I was asking for this all along. I wrote you a private message in response to it. I hope you will read the message and give it thought and maybe follow through on one of the ideas. For the masses thank you for putting up with my postings. One of the ideas I gave to Fencer was to post his reasons for autopass on the FAQ section so of anyone else brings it up they can be redirected there. ALso a brief explanation of what autopass is would be beneficial to go along with the reasons.

18. January 2005, 19:44:21
Subject: Re: Discussion boards
Modified by Thad (18. January 2005, 19:47:22)
Summertop: This would require removing the "Subjext" and "Message" text boxes that currently appear on each DB page and replacing them with a "New Topic" link. Many people just 'reply' to a post by filling in the message box that they now see. The problem with doing that is that they aren't really replying to any particular message (at least not as far as the system knows).

This is a feature that I would like to see corrected. I have never mentioned it before, because I know there are many users who are either unaware of how to proprtly reply so that a subject apprears in their reply (which would make threads easier to read) or simply too lazy to do it properly. Removing the "Subject" & "Message" textboxes would force replying users to click on the reply button in the message they want to reply to (or click on the "New Topic" link). Hopefully, this would result in fewer blank subjects in posts.

Another feature that would hlep would be to force a subject to be entered.

Also, eliminating the ability to change a subject when replying might hlep too, but I'm not sure if that is a good idea or not.

18. January 2005, 19:42:51

18. January 2005, 19:42:06
Subject: Re: Re:
Andersp: Which is related mostly to discussion boards, of course.

18. January 2005, 19:40:34
Subject: Re: Discussion boards
Summertop: How would you measure a number of new posts displayed at the Favourite Boards column? The number wouldn't disappear until you visit all threads containing new posts which can be kind of frustrating.
Not to mention an additional load on the database server which we cannot afford.

18. January 2005, 19:40:06
Subject: Re: Re:
Fencer: Your "reason 3" doesnt make much sense if you read YOUR BK guidelines

This is a game site, not a chat site.

18. January 2005, 19:36:13
Subject: Discussion boards
I would like to see the discussion boards expanded. On some of the busier one ( and Feature requests), there is often LOTS of posts that tend to hide other posts. Especially if the "New" posts don't all fit on one page.

Each discussion board needs to be threaded. That is, all of the posts for a specific topic are grouped together. You can collapse/expand individual topics. This would be similar to a real forum. Here is a freeone. You can see it in action here.

18. January 2005, 19:35:17
Subject: Re: Text File Format...
Daniel Snyder: There is already a pgn/pdn support for chess/checkers games. I am not aware of similar formats for other game types.

18. January 2005, 19:32:37
Subject: Re: Re:
Brian1971: My understanding of "good reasons" can be far different from yours. However, let's show a good will and describe them for the last time:

1) Autopass disproves the basic meaning of rolling the dice. In order to simulate this event, the dice are rolled when the player to move visits the game page for the first time. Autopass would mean that some background process without any user interaction is used instead - BAD.
2) Less experienced users might be very confused when they see a new position after, say, 8 autopasses. They would send me many complaints "hey, the position is bad, the game must be corrupted!" - BAD.
3) Autopass lessens the interactivity of players because they cannot continue with the in-game conversation when such event occurs - BAD.

IMPORTANT! This post is NOT to start a new argument about my points, at least not on this board. There will be no more warnings.

18. January 2005, 19:32:22 
Brain1971: Actually I fought for the same autopass feature also for awhile, and it also took me awhile to get over it without, as you say (and I do some-what agree) a good answer as to why not. There are many things that I have suggested that does not get done, like being able to hide yourself from the online lists and such. I just don't harp on the issues over and over and over again because it does not help.

18. January 2005, 19:24:26
Subject: Text File Format...
Games I play I would like to save as Text file format... Example... Spider line4... I would like to download previous games to have and to study with... Is it hard to program this?

18. January 2005, 19:21:30
Subject: Re:
BIG BAD WOLF: It is easy for you to say BBW. Fencer does many things that you ask for and doesnt ignore your ideas. You dont have to fight to be acknowledged. All I have asked for is soem kind of response from the head honcho about the subject I have brought up recently. I dont think that is asking for very much. If he can answer my request sufficiently sighting good reasons then I wont bring it up again. I am a paying member and thought that counted for something. I hear responses from everyone else but the man who can lay the issue to rest. Please Fencer respond in kind. It will put a quick end to the madness.

18. January 2005, 19:12:21 
For ponds, it is pretty easy to look at the main Ponds game and find the red "you are signed up" next to the tournament name to see how many you are signed up for.

To have the same, or something like that for regular tournaments would also be nice.

Autopass - it is a good feature request, but since it has already been discussed and rejected at the moment, then there is no reason to keep bringing it back up. This board is "Feature request", not "Harp on rejected feature request" board.

18. January 2005, 18:38:35
Subject: Hodgepodge
Ok I can understand removing posts that are way off topic for a certain board. I have absolutely no problems with that. I think that is a good thing so we dont have a bunch of pointless rambling going on that has nothing to do with the purpose of the board.

However a game request did come from yesterday's off topic chat. I suggested the the game of Risk or some variation of it. You could have different versions for differnet parts of the world such as a game just for Europe or North America or you can have the classic World domination style game. this would also advance of the idea of more than 2 players playing a game like the ponds idea.

Also it must be nice to threaten banning a paying member for keeping the autopass issue alive. Now I am not going to get on my soapbox about this. However I dont get why Fencer doesnt just outline a solid case against it for all of us or if he doesnt wish to do a public posting, he can just send out private messages to those who wish to ask for it. Make an outline, save it and when someone asks about it, just cut, copy and paste the outline to the asking party. I am looking at it from a customer service angle. Until the majority of masses who wish for this feature get a real answer for not having it, the subject will never be dead and buried. I would think if Fencer wants it dead and buried he would step up and lay it to rest once and for all. Ignoring it wont make it go away. Like I said I would accept a private message from him stating why he is against it. That way if I wanted to debate it with him I could in private and it wouldnt play out on the various boards. Now if I am banned or hidden for making this statement so be it but that is all I have to say on it for now.

Finally, since this is a request board, I have one regarding ponds. Is there a way we can have a section on our main page listing the ponds that we have signed up for but havent started yet. As a brain knight I have a limit of 50 games and like to know the total of outstanding games I have yet started. We could have a similar thing on our main page for tournament signups. It would help in planning my game spaces. Thank you. Now lets have fun playing games.

18. January 2005, 15:12:12
Subject: Re: Message Box
Fencer:Thanks. It'll be easier to keep my Inbox clean from now on.

[The quality of service here at BK is just great ]

18. January 2005, 15:04:06
if you reply to a message in your message box underneath you now have the option to "Delete the original message after sending this reply"
i think thats whats been added

18. January 2005, 14:53:44
Walter Montego 
Subject: Re: Message Box
Fencer: What is it that is different in the Message Box, fencer?

18. January 2005, 14:52:52
Subject: Re: Message Box
Fencer: stay ill. the results when you are are great

18. January 2005, 14:49:56

18. January 2005, 14:49:15
Subject: Re: Message Box
Hrqls: Not yet. I don't want to make any more complicated changes when I am ill.

18. January 2005, 14:47:06
Subject: Re: Message Box
Fencer: great! can the checkbox be checked by default ? (or via settings ?)

18. January 2005, 14:46:04
Subject: Re: Message Box
pauloaguia: Try it now.

18. January 2005, 14:28:58
the reason for mods is because the owner cant be online 24/7 and mods could be able to cover the times he isnt .. and to split the work load :)

i can hide someone who is posting something naughty .. but there are children on here as well .. who might not hide anyone and still read it all

18. January 2005, 14:27:06
we can "prevent" by hiding those we dont went to read posts from. A lot of naughty things stay a while anyway, not always a mod is on line

18. January 2005, 14:25:34
eh ? only mods can do a hide isnt it ?

of course we can all set our personal hides .. but that doesnt help if something naughty is posted on here

18. January 2005, 14:22:15
Subject: Re:
Hrqls: we dont need moderators if the hidefeature works

18. January 2005, 14:17:37
heh .. thats what the mod position is all about yet .. hmm not really .. the mod position is to keep the boards balanced .. they are the real wizards .. trying to keep the good and evil (fun) balanced in this world ;)

18. January 2005, 14:12:35
Hrqls..I have no expectations to get autopass, "wrong" people has asked for it ..My point is that it must be a nice feeling for one paying member to tell other paying members what they are allowed to say

18. January 2005, 14:05:19
shhh ... i think she is about right .. it is mentioned .. it has been discussed .. it is in the freezer .. maybe in a freezer deep down the ocean .. when i was a little kid (hmm even still now when i ask my gf ;)) .. the more i asked for candy .. the less i got ;)

18. January 2005, 13:56:05
must be nice to have the "modpower": "Mention autopass and get hidden or banned"...did anyone say ridiculous?

18. January 2005, 13:19:47
Subject: Message Box
Could there be a button "Delete after Reply" or something like that? When you hit that button you'd go to the normal Reply form. After sending the reply the original message would automatically be deleted...

Something like the option "Delete After Sending Invitation" that now exists for game over notifications.

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