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 Feature requests

Do you miss something on and would you like to see it here? Post your request into this board!
If there is a more specific board for the request, (i.e. game rule changes etc) then it should be posted and discussed on that specific board.

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30. December 2004, 18:38:30 
Subject: Year End List
Year end List.

Here are some improvments / ideas for this site that I would love to see.

1) Different types of tournaments. Right now we have a type of round robin it looks like (I think that is what it is called) - Other types like a bracket system would be cool. (and of course the ladder system would be nice also)

2) Gammon double cube. (And also fix the couple of the minor rules that needs fixed).

3) Option to make tournament (games) that will accept NO vacations and/or NO weekends.

4) Fellowship "Little Bosses" - where they will have power to create fellowship tournaments, invite / accept players, change players status to make captains for teams, and write in the news. (Basicly all the power the BIG BOSS has EXCEPT they can not remove players from the fellowship and they can not delete the fellowship.)

5) MORE GAMES! More games are always good. Different types of games will always make this site beter, but variants of current games are also good. I will not go through the list of games to consider, but would point towards more gammon variants. Backgammon is the most popular game on the site, once the cube & minor rules are fixed (#2 above) - any more variants like HyperGammon and other variants will only bring more users to this site. (And some like HyperGammon should be easy to make with current rules & board & such)

6) An option to have personal notes ABOVE THE GAME BOARD! Where it is now is useless most of the time since I will make moves and hit submit without ever scrolling down far enough to see my own notes!

7) Espionage - have a list of captured pieces. If a piece is unknown, let there be a ? in the captured piece area. Of course if the notes field was above the board, this would not be AS important of a request (well for me at least - others will think differently)

8) Bigger message input boxes. A suggestion from long ago which I was just reminded of recently. Still a very good suggestion.

9) Make things a little easier to read about the games. For example:

  • This game is: RATED (or UNRATED)

Ok, that is all I can think of off the top of my head!

30. December 2004, 17:05:40
Subject: Re: When entering a message...
Fencer: cool. Have a happy new Year.

30. December 2004, 16:55:16
Subject: Re: When entering a message...
Summertop: I want to add an option to customize message window width and height.

30. December 2004, 16:51:53
Subject: When entering a message...
Can the new message window be expanded? At least in width. Maybe expand the width so it runs right up to the "Search in posts" edit field. Sometimes posts get a little large and it would be nice to be able to see more of it. currently, I have to use notepad and then copy my text in.

30. December 2004, 16:41:52
Subject: Re:
MagicDragon: I want to add Pro Five in Line, Swap Five in Line and Renju.

30. December 2004, 16:17:01
Modified by MagicDragon (30. December 2004, 16:19:56)
Fencer, is there any plans in the future for version(s) of the game Tic Tac Toe? Can it be made a little harder. Something like 3 tiers being used & you would have to get a tic tac toe from 1 level to another? Just a suggestion but not sure if it is possible.

30. December 2004, 14:13:34
just create a new game and mention in the blurb that it's unrated etc., that way you avoid irking anyone who naturally assumes the games are rated.

30. December 2004, 01:57:23
yes i had a practice room , but there was not alot of interest so i got rid ;(

30. December 2004, 01:12:27
there used to be a fellowship for practicing, I can't rember what it was called

30. December 2004, 00:46:07
I do that on a real board, which is actually much better at it than an electronic one.

30. December 2004, 00:39:16
Subject: Re:
pauloaguia: Against who? And I'd like to be able to move a few moves ahead and then back up and move a few moves ahead on a different line and see which looks better. Playing with myself won't accomplish that.

30. December 2004, 00:33:00
Just play an unrated game...

30. December 2004, 00:00:57
Subject: My feature request
My top feature request would be practice boards.

29. December 2004, 22:24:00

29. December 2004, 22:10:54
Subject: Re:
Niki: yep, I was blind

29. December 2004, 22:07:28

29. December 2004, 22:06:00

29. December 2004, 22:04:44
Subject: Smileys
Am I blind...I don't see an animated Wink...That would be a nice smiley to add.

29. December 2004, 21:41:24
Subject: Re: Pop up Smiley window
Summertop: Yes, a new tab on Settings page is planned.

29. December 2004, 21:39:17
Subject: Re: Game times
Jason: I did not find a work around to the weekend issue. Changing the days will still leave me with the need to check on Saturdays which simply isn't always workable for my schedule.

The best workaround would be a simple 12 hour adjustment to weekend settings. This would allow those west of the server time for their day to catch up to the server. Now, I don't mean to exclude those east of the server, but instead they probably would need an adjustment at teh beginning of the weekend. They probably fall into Saturday (or whatever their weekend setting is) prior to the server.

grenv: I have not set the autovacation on. However, that will be my temporary workaround. I hate to do that because I would rather control my vacation days.

29. December 2004, 21:36:29
Subject: Pop up Smiley window
The popup smiley window won't close until you hover your mouse over it (I understand the reason why). When it pops up, could it pop up under the mouse, so when you move off, it will close? Also, could we have a setting in our profile to turn the auto-popup feature on or off?

29. December 2004, 21:30:43
Subject: Re:
Bry: Bumble hasn't been here since Christmas eve.

29. December 2004, 21:27:57
Why post anything at all because if it is not liked it will be censored or ignored.

29. December 2004, 20:13:45
If you would like a feature request - post it here. If there is a more specific board for the request, (i.e. game rule changes etc) then it should be posted and discussed on that specific board.

Anders - yes - perhaps it does need changing under the board name....


29. December 2004, 19:51:38
Modified by Andersp (29. December 2004, 22:40:33)
Do you miss something on and would you like to see it here? Post your request into this board!

maybe those lines need to be changed?


29. December 2004, 18:53:05
Brian: I've already asked that there be no more mention of autopass on this board. Further posts and you will be put on 'hide'.

29. December 2004, 17:27:24 
A discussion about possible rule changes are best in those boards.

Feature/rule change request are good here. But with a request like this, Fencer already knows about this request - so (in my opinion) the best thing to do now is try to continue the discussion in the game board - where Fencer will see the continue interest (and support) from many users - possible probmpting the request to be put on the list (or moved up the list.)

29. December 2004, 17:19:46
Subject: Re: Feature?
I can see both points of view regarding on which board to post on.
In an ideal world Fencer would have time to monitor all boards and pick up on suggestions for game changes. But he hasn't so I suggest that once an idea has been talked about on the respective game discussion board the final request/suggestion/proposal be posted here... which is one of the boards Fencer does look at frequently.

29. December 2004, 17:17:42
I would have to say a suggestion to change the rules does belong here as a feature request. I would also like a list of captured pieces, though I don't think the rank should be known if it wasn't discovered during the game (it could just be blank).

29. December 2004, 16:57:17
Subject: Re: Feature?

29. December 2004, 16:45:17
Subject: Re: Feature?
HIGHNOON: I disagree. I am asking for a feature change. Therefore, it belongs on the "Feature requests" board.

pauloaguia: I can see why some would not like 1 or 3. These would be nice as options at the game creation.

29. December 2004, 16:40:16
Not all other games have it: Line4, for instance doesn't have a captured pieces section

I disagree with 1 and think the answer is NO for 3. If you really want to know why, try posting this in the Espionage DB and lots of players will explain you why ;)

29. December 2004, 16:31:38
Subject: Feature?
Modified by Summertop (29. December 2004, 16:32:04)
Hmmm, I wonder if Espionage will be finished soon. Every other game shows the captured pieces...Espionage REALLY needs this feature. I don't know about others, but I feel that the game is incomplete without it.

1. When a piece is captured, it's rank should be revealed.

2. When a piece is captured, it should be listed (similar to the listing in froglet)

3. When you attack a piece and lose, should the rank of the opponensts piece be revealed?

29. December 2004, 14:46:11
Your cerise frock was a giveaway.

29. December 2004, 14:43:23
Subject: *phew*
If you had included me in the Gentleman category..Id have moaned about a mod attacking me

29. December 2004, 14:41:39
Duw, I get the short straw!
Ok, gentleman and Stevie , the autopass issue has been flogged to death and now you've given Fencer more food for thought and told him you're not giving up on the idea.
Your point has been made and Fencer has, I'm certain, read your posts so please drop the subject from this board... for a few weeks at least!

29. December 2004, 14:01:46
Subject: Re: Autopass for Brian
Walter Montego: The only "reason" ive seen for no autopass is that some people risk to "miss" a chatmessage. So why not take a look at user agreements: "This is a game site not a chat site"

Doesnt make so much sense does it?

29. December 2004, 13:58:49
Mine is soon....I wish I could get Autopass for my birthd'''''''
*stands up*
"Ouch Fencer thats a good punch you have there" LOL

29. December 2004, 13:53:32
Subject: oh oh, the "A" word is back!
Is anyone's birthday coming up? Maybe if we all keep making it our birthday wish!!!

(Sorry, Filip, I couldn't resist!)

29. December 2004, 11:04:22
Subject: Re: Autopass for Brian
Walter Montego: I have to agree with Brian. Autopass is a great, much needed feature that BrainKing does not have. As he says it only has to be an option to be set at the start of a game like any other option OR it could just come onto the screen when a player can not move, then they can either choose to Autopass or not. No one is forced to use it, BUT there are many who i know for a fact would.
Maybe Fencer may have a change of heart in the New Year
Oh, and yes Brian does get a bit carried away LOL

29. December 2004, 10:54:58
whatdidyousay - I agree with Vikings. Would changing your weekend days to Sun and Mon not help?

29. December 2004, 06:07:34
Walter Montego 
Subject: Autopass for Brian
Much as I would like it available, these kind of histrionics will not really help its cause. I still don't know the reason for fencer's objection to having it as a feature, but I do know that he is against it. I asked him to tell me what he has against it, but I haven't received an answer. This happened when I innocently posted to this board right after I started playing Backgammon on this site that I thought an autopass type of feature would improve the play of Backgammon. Little did I know the firestorm that would be unleashed concerning it. Apparently it had been hashed out quite a bit a few months earlier and fencer had grown weary of the subject. Unless he's changed his mind on it, I thought I'd let you and all others out there know that it ain't happening in near future or even the far future.
As I stated after hearing a lot of pros and cons for its inclusion, those that would use it should have access to it. Those that don't like it can create games and tournaments where it wouldn't be allowed. The rest of us could get on with our games and I wouldn't have to come to the page and see that I still have a blot on the bar and my opponent's home base has every point guarded. There's various ways autopass could be implemented too. As an option for yourself, or for your opponent, or both of you. The first time it comes up in an individual game you could be prompted if you want it until you can move. You could just have it on all the time for yourself. The game when created could have it automatically used whenever it happens in the game. It could also be used when after the dice are rolled you can't move, which is different than when before the dice are rolled you can't move. I can think of more ways to use it, but until there's a chance we might actually have it here I'm not going to bother with it. If there's ever a change in its status fencer, please ask around for how those that want it would like it done. I'll put in my 2¢ as will a many others. I'm sure it would take some play and using to get a feel for what would work best. The people that would use it will be the ones to test it out and report on it.

29. December 2004, 05:40:52
Subject: By the way...
did I mention we need to have an Autopass option available?? If I didnt, make autopass an available game option. PLEEEEEEEAAAAAAASSSSSSSEEEEEEE!!!!!!

29. December 2004, 03:42:30
change weekend days to sun and mon

29. December 2004, 02:30:55
Subject: Autopass
Attention We need AUTOPASS Again we need AUTOPASS Can we please get AUTOPASS as an option for games. Make it an option by being able to check a box if we want to play with it or not. Again make AUTOPASS available I hope I was subtle enough.

28. December 2004, 23:30:01 
yea... it really messed up my wife!

28. December 2004, 23:28:33
I think he's talking about "real life" time.

28. December 2004, 23:25:30 
I've actually set my time to be the same of the server time (so as I write this, it is 23:26 Server time.)

28. December 2004, 21:31:54
Subject: Re: Game times
whatdidyousay: out of curiosity what have you done to get round it ? have you changed your wekkend days to sat and mon or something

28. December 2004, 21:18:49
Subject: Re: Game times
whatdidyousay: I'm surprised you timed out. Every other player I'm up against goes to auto vacation. Did you use all your vacation?

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