Luisifer: Do maharadzy? Jestli to opravdu chapu spravne, tak dekuju za pozvani, ale nesel. Backgammon mi je sumafuk, ale abych byl uprimnej, tak bych se hlavne nezucastnil kvuliva tomu omezeni na Cechy a Slovaky.
Pedro: Taky to tak vidim. Ta deska by stopro rupla vlastni vahou. Kolik tun by to bylo, dva kubicky metry diamantu? A ty skody, ty skody...
(hide) If you click on a person's name and then click Finished games you will have a list of games that have been completed, then click on the name of the game to get a summary of all of these games, then click on the name of the game again and you will have a game to view and analyze. (Servant) (show all tips)