Ty pravidla by se stejne musely nejak upravit, kvuli ty mezinarodnosti, i když proste by se na zacatku reklo v jaky reci se bude hrat. A hralo by se cesky a anglicky. Kdyby chteli hrat dva slovaci, tak taky muzou.
Ted me ale napada:to by se sem musel dát kompletni ceskej slovnik aby bylo jasno co se muze a co uz je blabol. Zacina to bejt nejak moc komplikovany, asi je to blbost...
(hide) If you click on a person's name and then click Finished games you will have a list of games that have been completed, then click on the name of the game to get a summary of all of these games, then click on the name of the game again and you will have a game to view and analyze. (Servant) (show all tips)