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30. March 2006, 21:20:44
Subject: Tickwater
Walking along a brook a dwarf, named Tickwater, just kept watching an white object floating down it. He picked up a good sized branch to try retrieving the object with no success...

1. April 2006, 02:38:18
Subject: Re: Tickwater
The object started glowing in a pulsating mood. Tickwater waided near it and became hypnotozed by it. He ended up droping down into the water with his head back looking at the sky. Head started spinning before he ended up fainting.

1. April 2006, 17:09:16
Subject: Re: Tickwater
He came out of his slumber looking up at a starlite night. "How long had he been out?" He wondered and there between the rocks the object still sat. Tickwater didlodged the object and studied it. Some kind of Christal.

4. April 2006, 10:44:45
Mad April Hare 
Subject: Re: Tickwater

Further out at sea, a small fort sat in the shipping lane. Around the base, movement could just be seen as creatures swam near the surface of the water towards the shore.

5. April 2006, 00:09:49
Mad April Hare 
Subject: Re: Tickwater
As they approached the shoreline, the scaley creatures crouched, looking round cautiously. One kept low to the ground as he made a run for the woods.

5. April 2006, 00:13:36
Subject: Re: Tickwater
Reaching the safety of the trees, he waved to his friends to come on.

Tickwater watched, wondering if he was somehow in the Twilight Zone. Maybe he was asleep? He wished he hadn't eaten that cheese sandwich just before going to bed the night before. 'ouch' he whispered, as he pinched himself.

6. April 2006, 04:05:15
Subject: Re: Tickwater
Tickwater came out from behind his tree and went back to the babbling brook and continued to walk along it's bank.

16. April 2006, 03:36:22
Subject: Re: Tickwater
The poor dwarf couldn't figure why this Doctor Who and companion were following him, yet he kept hiding behind trees and bushes.

28. April 2006, 04:15:58
Subject: Re: Tickwater
The dwarf came upon a Queen who noticed the glowing object that Tickwater had in his hand. The Doctor feeling upset by this incounter but could not let himself be seen by Tickwater or this Queen.

28. April 2006, 04:27:00
Subject: Re: Tickwater
The Doctor, on one of his trips about the year 2268 learned about not interfering in someones world when he met up with a chap name James Kirk

28. April 2006, 04:44:16
Papa Zoom 
Subject: Re: Tickwater

28. April 2006, 04:45:46
Subject: Re: Tickwater

28. April 2006, 04:47:25
Subject: Re: Tickwater
Skyking: He got tired of doing silly commercials LOL

28. April 2006, 04:59:10
Subject: Re: Tickwater
Tickwater sliped the glowing object into his pocket as th Queen led him to her castle.

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