A sacred place for remembrance, prayer, support, love, affirming eachother, honor and praise.
For people from this site, but also for people in your life all around this globe; whom you would like to keep them in our thoughts and prayers. *Please, no cutting and pasting. Providing links is ok. *Avoid long posts. Most people don't read them anyway. *No religious debate please! (avoid trying to state a particular religious point of view and avoid sermonizing)
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*God bless you! Shalom! Salaam aleikum!
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Tuesday: His initial reaction to his situation is completely understandable. Yet this need not be his final reaction. Miracles happen. A miracle may take the form of a physical recovery, or it may be that he learns to live happily with his circumstances. His friends and family can only offer love and support.
TJ: It's a very nice bag. People should know that you have to enter one of those character codes (to prevent automatic voting by computer, I suspect) before your vote is final.
I say this because I clicked on the "submit" button and then went to another tab in my browser. Some time later I saw that there was another screen I had to complete before the vote would count!
I have recorded a guided meditation for healing which is freely available for download ... The text is at Healing Meditation and the mp3 download is at this link. Note: the mp3 is 30 megabytes.
Mousetrap: I think we may have wandered back on topic ;-)
I would say it's more than just getting more out of giving than receiving -- it's that the benefit of giving is felt in an entirely different way than the benefit of receiving.
SANDALS:Dear friend, God, the loving Spirit of the Universe, holds us all dearly close at all times. God cannot "take" what it already owns . . . let go and have faith that whatever the outcome, your brother will be safe and loved. We will pray that his surgery will be successful.
Ewe: It should be comforting to know that the apparent finality of death is only an illusion. It is due to the limitations of our earthbound perception. Death is more like graduation -- a transition to a higher plane. God bless your family.
Subject: Re: My New Year's Resolution For "2008" (and an incredibly beautiful hymn)
srnity: I was singing that song to myself all morning! Let Peace begin with me is the greatest message of all. Let 2008 be the happiest most loving year ever. Best wishes to all.
PS every Religious Science church service ends with that song!
srnity: I have no knowledge of her politics, and this would not be the place to comment on them if I did. However, violence is deplorable in any context, and I am saddened by her death. I can only hope that others will be inspired by this event to work harder for peace and justice on earth. I pray that the souls of those who died have found peace.
You are a perfect child of God, and all your needs are provided before you ask.
God's love enfolds you now, warming your soul and permeating your body, softening and driving out any appearance of negative thoughts, energies, and emotions.
God's light glows from your center, and its rays emanating from you shine forth in purity and power. No shadow of illness or infirmity can exist in the presence of this brilliant illumination.
God's peace is in you always, soothing and calming whenever you turn to it for comfort.
We are God's perfection manifest in physical form. We are one in God and God is one in us. This is the one Universal Truth in this moment and at all times, in this place and everywhere.
Pbarb2: Sorry, I couldn't get rid of the formatting marks and I got frustrated and deleted it.
Let's try again.
New Life
When Life begins, God is there. Life coalesces in the field of unversal energy. Life from Life, joy from joy! Each being throughout eternity Shares itself when Life is needed And draws Life in return. New Life, new strength, new joy! Joy is energy, energy joy. A new heart beats at the frequency of the Universe. There is One Life, timeless and Universal. Atoms touch across imaginary light years. Energy pervades time, unites all Life and matter. Every born and unborn wave and particle Harmonizes in the Song of Life unending. New Life yet not new, Organizing ageless atoms in new forms. Particles appear and fade, Now light, now matter, Now you, now me, And always God. Child of Light, my soul embraces you, Sings your Song, Warms to your vibration, Sees your energy swirl Like a galaxy of a trillion suns. Sharing songs that will be new When all these stars are dust. We resonate with energy of far souls, Sending messages that arrive at once And are answered before they arrive! Time and space do not constrain our energy and joy. Joy wells unsummoned, pervasive and intangible. Joy is God, God Joy. Bathed as we are in the depthless field of Joy, We share and grow together. You and I are one with all Creation and the Uncreated, Sharing Love, sharing Joy, sharing God. I bless you and receive your blessing, Touch you and absorb your touch, Join you in joyful meditation With God the Universal soul, Mindful in ecstatic peace.
Subject: Re: Update for John.. my daughter Brees Beau..
ScarletRose: It's wonderful that your daughter can see the positive side of things. Blessings on all of you through this difficult time. His infection will heal and so will his body.
Subject: Re: Please keep our family in your thoughts and prayers.
Pbarb2: Blessings on you both.
I have heard of at least one case in which a patient with early prostate cancer believed he was helped by reciting the mantra "Om arkaya namaha" (in addition to standard medical treatment).The mantra is said to help in removing afflictions of any kind. It is customary to recite a mantra 108 times at a sitting.
I am in love with Life and with this Universe, with every being and every soul within it. I have a covenant with the Universe; a covenant of love. I share the glow of my spirit with everyone and everything that I encounter, and the Universe offers me its glow in return. When I offer the world my soul’s unconditional love, it returns to me burnished and enhanced; the Universe absorbs and retransmits it amplified a hundredfold. There is no limit to the power of this love. It brings me comfort, accomplishment, and joy, just as it contributes to the development of those attributes in those on whom it falls.
I keep this covenant by dismissing all selfishness, all jealousy, and all rancor. The body and the thinking mind urge me to take advantage of the open givingness that my love engenders in the world around me. They want me to hoard the joy the Universe freely offers me, to gather it unto myself and shield it from others. They do not know that love and joy exist only in the measure that they are shared. Any happiness that I take away from another being is a subtraction from my own; any love that I withhold evaporates from my being. I pursue only those pleasures that promote the ease and happiness of all.
My love is innocent and untarnished. Its light surrounds me; my aura is enhanced by it. Those I meet respond to its warmth in kind. My covenant extends to every other soul, to keep this purity intact. I wear visibly the knowledge that all is safe, that the Universe is good, that each of us is God’s perfect child; and everyone I meet is warmed and reassured by it. I draw in the boundless loving energy of Spirit, cleansing and renewing my physical and energetic selves. With the miraculous power of my energetic self I return to the Universe more cleansing energy than I absorbed.
Foxy Lady: Who are the "right" people? This message should be shared with everyone! Christians and non-Christians alike can appreciate the lifting of the burdens of this world that occurs with the realization that the Universe is filled with love and forgiveness for anyone who cares to accept it. Indeed, the Universe is love and forgiveness, anything else is false and transitory. "Only Love abides." God blesses us all without reservation or judgment. Our part is to stop judging each other and ourselves.
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