This board can be used as a missing folks board for people who are away from the site for a period of time. This rpobably would mean a month or longer.
If anyone has info on some one who hasn't been at the site for some time please let others know. The original intent of this board was to get and give info on missing people after Katrina and Rita hit the US..
Tuesday: she has had to go through some surgeries and was waiting till she was able to spend more time here before getting another membership.. I do believe she is on my Facebook I will have to ask her when she is planning on coming back.
(kaŝi) Se vi alklakas la nomon de ludanto, kaj poste 'Finitaj ludoj', vi ricevos liston de finluditaj ludoj, poste alklaku nomon de ludspeco por ricevis superrigardon super ĉiuj tiuspecaj ludoj, poste alklaku denove la nomon de ludo, kaj vi ricevos tiun renkonton por rigardi kaj analizi. (Servant) (Montri ĉiujn konsilojn)