ColonelCrockett: People tend to pigeon-hole the artform as being just one separate thing from Chess or even music, when really they are the same thing. They are all forms of art.
Art is a form of human expression and it comes in all sorts of shapes and sizes, colors, rythms, and mind games. In fact, I've often scrapped the actual object of Chess, particularly those variants where you can choose your setup, (which is to beat your opponent and protect your kingdom) and just make a design, a work of art, out of a chess position!
So, no, I don't agree with those who narrow art down to a small corner and stick some label on it.
It goes against the very nature of both the artist and their creativity.
(kaŝi) Se vi volas ludi kontraŭ ludanto de simila nivelo, vi povas difini intervalon de BKR ĉe invito al nova ludo. Tiukaze neniu kun BKR ekster tiu intervalo povos vidi/akcepti ĝin, (Katechka) (Montri ĉiujn konsilojn)