Also - Fellowship vs. Fellowship Challenges. Check out the Team BKR Ratings
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"... Users may not copy another user's post and place it elsewhere on the site."
The first infraction should be a written warning - since I don't know who did this, or if they got a written warning yet - but that should be done if Fencer wants to keep his rules respected.
I have not read the post, but if someone took a post out of the cave, and posted or pasted it to another user (other then Fencer) - then that person should be removed from this site also!
I would like to see the posts in question - that is the "bad" post and all the post that lead up to the offending post.
Just reading one part of a post can be easly taken out of context - for example, Rose wanted to do things to a mans butts with a DOOR! (Almost sounds like rape if it's taken out of context!)
Again, I haven't taken sides other then Fencer has done what he felt is best for this GAME site, and I know that the cave even though it is a private board, had been warned about the language and content that was posted there.
I was not going to say anything on this subject, but what the heck.
1st) What is said in a private fellowship should stay in that fellowship. If someone did copy - paste from the fellowship (no matter what it was) should be dealt with. If that person had a problem with the content, they should either leave the fellowship or take it up with Fencer directly.
2nd) Fencer has said that he does not want NO FOUL LANGUAGE on his game site. And as I took it, that meant not only public boards, but all boards - private and public. Fencer has a right to read any board, and I believe he does keep an eye on most public & private boards - and if he feels that something he sees warrents a fellowship to be deleted, then I support him in that decision.
I've noticed when paid members memberships run out, they (PAWNS) still show up in the Fellowship list.
This is good so they can at least continue any fellowship tournament they are in, but I was wondering if anyone knew if they can also still read / post to fellowship boards, or join new fellowship tournaments as pawns (that are still in the Fellowship list)
bwildman - I've read a little about what had happen (with the word beer and such), and there is one rule that you and everyone has to remember.
The BIG BOSS is in charge of a fellowship, and if they do not want certain subject, words, users, games, etc... in their fellowship, then it is their right to ask for it not to be there. I mean we can debate for months about what is approprate and such, but that rule is always rule #1 - and if the BIG BOSS says no, then no, it is not allowed there.
I'm guessing this thing about children on boards is about the use of foul language on the boards?
Well it is not only children that is offended by foul language. And sometime, the youngsters may be watching mom/dad/brother/sister play games & read the boards.
May I suggest that you change the name of the fellowship so it is not the exact name of another fellowship. (For example, "Boost A Pawn II", or something)
Well I think there should be a limit on the number of fellowships 1 person can have, but I think 1 would be too limiting. How about a limit of 2? That way for people like Jason who has 2 seperate fellowships can still keep them, and myself I could keep my Gammon fellowship & Battleboat fellowship - which would not make too much sence to merge. (I have 2 others, 1 all game & 1 test - which both could go if needed to get me below the limit.)
WARNING: If some of the current KM Fellowship BIG BOSSES delete their fellowships, won't the tournaments that are currently being ran in there be deleted? I was thinking they were, but I might be wrong.
Ideas for fellowships - One reason that there are many fellowships is because some people start a fellowship just to have their own private discussion board. (And have no games) - the idea is to let Rooks be able to create their own private discussion board. (Possible have a "Fellowships" section, and a "Private Boards" section.)
Sorry. You asked about O'Reily after saying something about people being afraid of posting in here - I wasn't sure where you were going.
I've seen O'Reily, but I've never watched it. Just as a suggestion, you may want to ask in General Chat since more people will read that board then read this board which is suppose to be for Fellowship discussion.
Oh.... OK, I see that now - now sure why I didn't see that earlier... guess since it had been 8 days since someone posted in here, I did not pay attention. :-)
It's because some users post the link without the "www" part, and if your cookies already use set with the "www" part there, it takes you to the logon screen.
The best solution is when users make links to other places inside of BrainKing, is just do it like this:
<A.HREF="/game/ShowFellowship?fid=100"> link <./a>
I think a good note to everyone is to keep checking the Fellowship list for the next few days. I'm sure many of the Big Bosses are planning on recreating the lost fellowships.
PLUS if you had signed up for any fellowships within the last couple of months, you may want to go and request to join again.
J.A.A.G. (Just Another All Game) Fellowship was just recreated by myself - Nothing special, just a place for people to gather and play games - JOIN HERE
With almost 400 players with extablished BKR, and 1,000 players with provisional BKR ratings - Backgammon is the most popular game here at BrainKing.
So The Gammon Cube is a place to discuss the game, have some tournaments, and possible create a team for once inter-fellowship tournaments start. (All are optional - meaning you can join and play in some tournaments but don't need to join a team if you are already on another team).
The Gammon Cube has all 5 of the current gammon games, and will include all the other versions that are yet to come!
EVERYONE IS WELCOME - All Skill Levels - So if you are interested, please come and join The Gammon Cube.
Well in my *BIG BAD* BattleBoats Fellowship, before BattleBoats was a game here, I started a Backgammon tournament because I wanted to run at least 1 fellowship tournament.
Unicode I believe (But I've been confused over Ascii & such for awhile)
Basiclly I went into Microsoft Word, and inserted a lot of special characters (some worked on this site, some did not) I then picked the ones that worked, copy-pasted all those symbols to a message to myself here - then whenever I want to use something, I go to that message and copy-paste it.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Some of the special characters MAY not work for all users in all countries (and all systems). I have not heard of anyone complaining that it did not work yet, but it is possible - so....... :-)
See, since I did not have access to the fellowship, and Icon could not see nothing (including inviting me for a short period of time), i enlisted harley to go the news archive part of the Chess analysis board (since I could not see it), find the "reply" link near the bottom of the messed up message, and give me the message ID#. I then took that number, along with the Fellowship number - inserted it into a "delete news message post" hyperlink (which only Icon could use) and send that link to Icon to delete the news post that could not even be seen by them! Once that news post got deleted, everything seemed to work fine. (Not sure what actually messed it up)
hum.... interesting. Everything looks OK to me, but then again - I'm not a member, so I don't see as much as you would.
Actually, on the main page the thing I would not see is the news message. Did Icon post a new news message soon before this problem started? Possible something in that got messed up?
I created a new fellowship a few weeks ago - my plan was to make it a BattleBoat only fellowship, and I was just going to wait until the game got here to start it up.
I decided to go ahead and open it before the game gets here - that way we can start to get BattleBoat players there, and once the game is here - we will have players ready to join team and play fellowship tournament if they want to.
So far, I have only invited a few people - where I have seen them post about BattleBoats somewhere on this site. Other then that, without the game here - it is hard to know who like the game and who does not, so it is hard to invite more people. But EVERYONE IS WELCOME!
I'm not sure of a good number because I'm new to Fellowships, but lets say for example 20 people can belong to each game in a fellowship. Lets say one of the team members do not actively play in their game in the fellowship, the Big Boss (or Captain) can remove that user and open that spot up to a new person.
So if someone really want to be in a chess team, and it is full on one Fellowship, he would have to find a new fellowship that has an opening.
I don't know if limiting the number of people to one fellowship would be good - you would get some of the current fellowships full, and new members would never get a chance to join & chat in their.
A question for people who already are running a fellowship. (which I'll be starting one soon, but just have a couple of questions before I do)
1. Can you change the name of the Fellowship at any time?
2. Can you add / subtract the games the Fellowship runs at any time?
... those are my main 2 questions. I've been slow in starting my own fellowship because I have a couple of idea... and I keep on changing my mind with what I want to do. (and it things can be changed easly, I don't have to worry about it much.)
I put my vote to not limit the amount of fellowships a person can enter. (maybe limit a Knight to 3-5), but as long as a person can handle it. And if it because a problem inside a fellowship, I would think it would be up to the Big Boss to take care of it and remove users if needed. I see more problems with a limit then without a limit.
As this site grows, more Fellowships will be started. If lets say I'm limited to 5 fellowships, and a new fellowship comes along that sound interesting - I would have to quit one of the first 5 fellowships that I have been playing all along to join the new fellowship -- WHICH the new fellowship would be slow to grow because some people would already be at their limit.
As I suggested before, I think Pawns should be allowed to join 1 fellowship - AND possible only join 1 team in that fellowship. This way, they will be able to know how the Fellowships work - and possible even upgrade their memberships to get more.
I have never played at GoldToken much, so when I joined here, I had no idea what Fellowships are - and not sure how they are different here compaired to other places.
I'm currently in 6 fellowships, but I have not joined any teams yet (I was waiting until the inter-fellowship tournaments started) - And at that time I will probable join at least 1 team in each of the fellowship - maybe to a team who needs a couple more players, or a team that has other players I enjoy playing with.
One things I would NOT like to see is fellowships getting more then 1 message board - There seems to be too many message boards around now... and I feel I need to read a lot of them, or I might miss something. So by having a lot of little message boards will only help in getting things lost..... in my opinion.
I like the idea that I can join as many different fellowships that I can (with no restrictions). Lets say there is a limit of 5, you are in 5 now, and as the site grows, there are new fellowships you want to join - well you would have to quit one fellowship which you like to join the new fellowship.
The limit should be that you can only join 1 team out of all the fellowships for each game type. So for example, in Fellowship #1 - I could join the Backgammon team (but could not join another Backgammon team in any other Fellowship) Someone told me this restriction is already in place, but I have never tested it to see.
As a side suggestion - how about letting un-paid pawns join 1 Fellowship. It would let them know how they work, and might get a few of them to join.
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