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Vi ne rajtas afiŝi mesaĝojn en ĉi tiu forumo. La minimuma necesa nivelo de la membreco por afiŝi mesaĝojn en ĉi tiu forumo estas Brain-Kavaliro.
LOL, great, somehow the system mixed both of our messages together and we have a mess now. Hurry, don't let anyone know, I will change names you do the same. We will blame it on the kids or dog, or wife or girl friend or someone!!
It was like magic, I clicked it, then the blackness that had destroyed my post was exposed to the light. The dreaded demon whom infest this board was chased away by a scalding white light...I could not watch no more...thanks BBW, you are a prophet sent from God
BBW writes :"Unacanta, CLICK THIS LINK ", I did and now the board is on the right path. I look and wonder what would happen if I clicked it again. Would it destroy all that I have worked for, would it report me to the Gods and I would be banned to the outter reaches of darkness, never to see the light of paradise called BrainKing? I know I should not press the link again, yet, like a moth I am drawn near, ever tempting..ever calling, oh no...I must leave this place of inequity..