If you take your laptop to the bathroom instead of a business newspaper or magazine.
If you start calling TV Dinners - PC Dinners.
If you worry that you might get a tumor from being in front
of the computer too long.
If you think a night out on the town is drinking a beer while
hanging out in an Internet cybercafe.
If you get frustrated in waiting rooms because they don't
have any PC-related magazines to read.
you think (x6)+(x4) is a perfectly natural way to multiply by 80.
you've gutted and rebuilt your computer 5 times since you last changed the oil in your car.
you know what a router is, and you know what a bit is, but you've never heard of a router bit.
you know the square root of 65536 is 256 without having to do the math.
you see a good-looking girl and you DESPERATELY want her e-mail address so you can get to know her.
the only tan you've ever acquired comes from your monitor.
when asked if you have more than one hard drive, you answer "In which computer?"
you spend more time changing settings in Windows 98 than using it.
you can actually read the error message details when a Windows program has a problem.
you spend more time chatting on-line in one day then you do in a week's worth of actual conversation with people face-to-face.
when you're reading a magazine and you see an underlined passage, you feel compelled to click on it.
you dream in code.
you can program in more languages than you can speak.
you e-mail yourself notes rather than writing them...
(kaŝi) Ĉu vi emas je ludo garantie finiĝonta post 2 horoj? Kreu novan ludon laŭ via prefero, elektu 'Tempo por ludo' kaj metu 'Tempo' al '0 tagoj, 1 horo', Bonifikacio al '0 tagoj, 0 horoj' kaj Tempolimo al '0 tagoj, 1 horo'. (TeamBundy) (Montri ĉiujn konsilojn)