Welcome to the Diet Board. This is the place for anyone wanting advice, support or just to meet other people trying to live a healthy lifestyle and lose weight too!
Well, Antje. I'm sorry for the no weight loss, but at least you have a reason for it now. I bet it was driving you crazy not losing, and not knowing why. I'm pullin for you to get the help and support you nedd to help you on your weight loss journey!!!
(kaŝi) Ĉu vi emas je ludo garantie finiĝonta post 2 horoj? Kreu novan ludon laŭ via prefero, elektu 'Tempo por ludo' kaj metu 'Tempo' al '0 tagoj, 1 horo', Bonifikacio al '0 tagoj, 0 horoj' kaj Tempolimo al '0 tagoj, 1 horo'. (TeamBundy) (Montri ĉiujn konsilojn)