That is the thing I noticed about one of the top players - I started to watch all their moves, to see how I could improve my game. For the first 5 moves or so, their bid were always higher then mine - nothing that would get them the bonus, but enough to start putting them further down the list.
Then all of a sudden, Boom - there they were at the end challenging for the win.
So yes, taking big chances may increase your chance to win - but I've noticed being nice and stedy - no real big chances will leave you with much beter chances of wins at the end. (in which my rate of wins has been increasing some I believe - took me forever to get to ten, and now all of a sudden I'm getting close to 20)
(kaŝi) Se vi alklakas la nomon de ludanto, kaj poste 'Finitaj ludoj', vi ricevos liston de finluditaj ludoj, poste alklaku nomon de ludspeco por ricevis superrigardon super ĉiuj tiuspecaj ludoj, poste alklaku denove la nomon de ludo, kaj vi ricevos tiun renkonton por rigardi kaj analizi. (Servant) (Montri ĉiujn konsilojn)