Yep, it was like Pedro and BBW said. In the actual rating system of ponds, I wanted to secure 2nd place more than risking and trying to won the pond.
Anyway, I think the actual pond rating system could be improved. It would be more fair giving some extra points, for instance, to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd of the pond. This way it would prevent those who make high bets, with no chances of winning the pond, but achieving good BKR on the game...
(kaŝi) Ĉu vi emas je ludo garantie finiĝonta post 2 horoj? Kreu novan ludon laŭ via prefero, elektu 'Tempo por ludo' kaj metu 'Tempo' al '0 tagoj, 1 horo', Bonifikacio al '0 tagoj, 0 horoj' kaj Tempolimo al '0 tagoj, 1 horo'. (TeamBundy) (Montri ĉiujn konsilojn)