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this is a board that talks about issues concerning animals...your own pets as well as animal rights,alerts,bills before congress that need our attention.This is a family board but as abuse cases may be posted it may not always be for the sensitive readers.Please be kind to each other,thanks!

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27. Enero 2009, 19:22:17
Asunto: Re:
Tuesday: Interestingly enough, I had done a search on this not long ago.

If you scroll down a little bit it explains it a little.

27. Enero 2009, 19:26:40
Asunto: Re:
rod03801: I had a friend with a dog and a cat, and he never had to clean the kitty litter. The dog took care of it.(a quote off that site,lol) how about giving the damn dog an egg a few times a week instead of letting it do THAT...thats friggin nasty on the owners part,lol

27. Enero 2009, 19:40:18
Asunto: Re:
anastasia: I remembered a better link that I had found:

This one goes into more detail and gives more reasons why. It is more about eating poop in general, not just cat's.

5. Febrero 2009, 01:52:40
The Col 
Asunto: This is beautiful,I'm determined to decipher the language
Modificado por The Col (5. Febrero 2009, 01:53:29)

18. Febrero 2009, 15:59:01
Asunto: Re:
Tuesday: How did you get through it?? I can not watch those shows! I would have been balling my eyes out like a baby, I'm sure. That stuff totally breaks my heart. Yeah, I'm sap. LOL. And it probably would have bothered me for a while afterwards. I tend to just avoid that channel, because it seems like anytime I come across it, a show like that is on.

18. Febrero 2009, 16:06:04
Asunto: Re:
Tuesday: OMG,I have seen that one before..amazing how people can just throw an animal away like that...if there is a hell,people like THAT should be going to it after this life

19. Febrero 2009, 01:07:35
Asunto: Re:
Tuesday:  Thanks for rreminding me.  I've wanted to thank Sarah for her involvement.  I needed to hug my girls (especially my rescue kitty) when I watched and listened.

Excuse any typos in this message...tears are making it hard for me to see:

19. Febrero 2009, 01:51:06
Asunto: Sam(antha) the Koala
Maybe some of you have already seen or heard about Sam--koala survivor of recent fires in Australia:

Aside from the staggering losses of human life and property, there were huge numbers of wild and domesticated animals and loss of habitat.

19. Febrero 2009, 23:56:38
Asunto: made me jump when i first saw

20. Febrero 2009, 00:21:28
Asunto: Re: made me jump when i first saw
Snoopy: that was funny!

27. Febrero 2009, 20:29:57
Asunto: SO WRONG!!!!!
i never thought i see this happening in UK circuses again
its so cruel to keep these beautiful animals this way

27. Febrero 2009, 20:55:21
Asunto: Re: SO WRONG!!!!!
Snoopy: I won't ever go to a circus. Elephants are amazingly beautiful intelligent animals, and are not meant to be performing silly tricks.

I have read that elephants can't possibly be trained the way we train dogs. What I was reading, said that the only way to "train" an elephant is to totally break their spirit and make them fear NOT doing what you want them to do. (I don't know how true that is, as it was a PETA article which could of course be exaggerated)

It is probably a little sick, but I actually get a little joyful when I hear of elephants finally having enough and attacking people. That is probably misguided, I suppose, because they probably get killed after doing that

I absolutely LOVE elephants..

1. Marzo 2009, 15:13:56
Asunto: Re: SO WRONG!!!!!
Tuesday: many different groups have got involved on this highly emotional subject including some MP's
but still no positive outcome
but i will keep you informed of any updates

1. Marzo 2009, 15:21:54
Asunto: Re: SO WRONG!!!!!
Modificado por Snoopy (1. Marzo 2009, 15:22:51)
rod03801: this is how they should be seen having fun in there own way

21. Marzo 2009, 21:27:08
The Col 
Asunto: Pit bull kills two ponies, hurts another
Modificado por The Col (21. Marzo 2009, 21:27:34)

28. Marzo 2009, 22:56:24
Asunto: dont think i trust it

7. Abril 2009, 03:05:46
Asunto: shelter animals....

are being sold for experimental research

8. Abril 2009, 22:27:33
Asunto: everyone loves a happy story

29. Abril 2009, 22:55:31
The Col 
Asunto: Molly is now a confirmed diabetic
I'm pretty busted up and emotional about it,she's only a kid(7)

but it is what it is,and if insulin injections are needed,so be it, right now we are going to try and regulate her with Glyburide pills,5mg twice a day.In a month her doc will see if she needs the twice daily insulin.If any of you find yourself in this situation you may feel the need for a support network,I know I do,so I just joined this messege board

If you want to share,my profile name is Molly's dad

I feel I owe it to Molly to be as informed as possible

take care

30. Abril 2009, 01:40:30
Asunto: Re: Molly is now a confirmed diabetic
Jim Dandy:  Nice site!  Thank you, Jim.  I hope that some of their recommended dietary changes will also prove to be a help to Molly.  2/3 of my girls have now switched from kibble, but for different reasons (crystals in their urine).

30. Abril 2009, 05:53:25
Asunto: Re: Molly is now a confirmed diabetic
Jim Dandy:  Jim.. is there a way you can control it by making your own cat food? I know my one friend would feed her dog with a good diet other than prepared dog foods.. is there anything on that support site that talks about making your own.. the you can control the sugars going into the foods.. Since she has diabetes.. that would suggest they use sugar in the prepared foods..

30. Abril 2009, 18:00:44
The Col 
Asunto: Re: Molly is now a confirmed diabetic
ScarletRose: I'm coming to terms with it, it's not a death sentence, but will require lots of discipline.One of the people from the feline diabetes messege board spent an hour on the phone with me yesterday discussing so many aspects of the situation,what a tribute to her late cat.People can be so helpful and kind in situations such as this, cuz I really didn't have a clue.I will be looking to have Molly taken off the pills and put on the insulin immediatly.I learned that the pills virtually squeeze out all the insulin they can from the pancreas,making it work extra hard.The insulin provides a break for the pancreas,giving it time to heal , regenerate and possibly allow the cat to stop taking insulin at some point.Yes Scarlet,diet will be important,we're going to go to a raw diet.I'm learning so much,and everybody has been so helpful

12. Agosto 2009, 18:16:54 
Someone asked me, and I'm not sure - so I'll ask others. Anyone know what type of animal this is?

14. Agosto 2009, 22:43:41
The Col 
Asunto: Re: It's a catcoon

28. Febrero 2010, 22:54:32
The Col 
Asunto: Re:
Tuesday: girls have always cost more, in my experience...........turning my feral girl into a cuddle puss, is one of my joys

5. Marzo 2010, 18:14:43
Asunto: Re:
Tuesday: I can't watch it.

I also avoid the Animal Planet channel, because there are too many shows about abused/neglected animals (or animals in peril for other reasons), and it always breaks my heart and ruins my day.

5. Marzo 2010, 18:33:36
The Col 
Asunto: Re:

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