this is a board that talks about issues concerning animals...your own pets as well as animal rights,alerts,bills before congress that need our attention.This is a family board but as abuse cases may be posted it may not always be for the sensitive readers.Please be kind to each other,thanks!
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Just called to check on her and they told me she is fine and was sitting up in her kennel. We can pick her up after 4 this afternoon.
I cried when I left her this morning and they assured me she would be ok but I asked if they had a waiting room. Would you believe they told me no...I just can't imagine such a thing!!
Anyway, thanks guys for caring..God Bless You All!
You can rest now sweet boyfriend, your girl is ok. Just has to heal now and many thanks to you, Smooch and Ma for the prayers!!
Dolittle: Glad that all went well but shame on them for telling you they had no waiting room...where do the patients wait for the Dr when they come for an appt? do they all stand around the receptionists office??
Dolittle: am soooo happy at your news on Punkin...Binky will be missing his little play mate as you have to keep her quiet? and if so how the hell are you going to do that...after Bear had his hernia op and his sex life ruined LOL we had to keep him quiet, but couldnt, he raced all around the place LOL
kittens allready developing unique personalities:
bear..long haired definitely,only one in the batch....biggest in litter..ready fot real cat food already. w/ white boots & groucho mustache in white..the explorer.,rough,tumble,bite,scra tch,climb..ned I say more?,runt,quiet,reserved,cuddler.
Tuesday: we had foxes in our garden of our last house...I bought Si some new shoes & he left them at the back door & one of the fox cubs stole one! lol
I also saw another fox cub running up the street with someones clothes, must of been off the washing line!! lol
Hello all,jeez,bet you thought I forgot about this board...NEVER!! Animals are my passion,huh Gemina!!??!! I have been very busy with personal things as of late but wanted to give a little update on the pup! He is up to a bulking 40 pounds and was 15 weeks old this past Monday.Both ears are again standing up..they were up,one fell,now back up.Thought that was a sign (a welcome one!) that he would start to lose the little razor baby teeth but no such luck!! His training got delayed so he starts that this coming Monday.He walked his entire 50 minute walk on my left side for he first time since I started to walk him!! He sleeps the entire night through,till about 7 am without needing to go out at all.Unfortanatly,he still waked me up by slapping my face with his paw! at 6 weeks,that was cute,at 15 weeks and 40 pounds,it's painful! LMAO!!! He is the best,smart,funny,pleasant,cuddly..I just cannot say enough about him..I LOVE HIM SO MUCH! He really helped me feel better after Patch died..I wish all of you could meet him in person!!!!
Mitsy-Moo my little one year old tortoise shell has gone missing, she is always in for breakfast and always waits by the door for me when i get in from work, but nothing.
LOL!!! he had his first day of training today.I don't know who needs it more,him or us!!! We have to be trained as well! It was awesome though.We learned how to get him to "watch us" and how to get him to walk on a relaxed lead.He loves his trainer so hubby and I have decided that we will just stick with her for his next 3 courses of training.This first course is 8 weeks.She said that we are already well ahead of the norm because the obcessive person I am read all the books on german shepards that I could get my hands on when we got him!! She said that was good because we are more familiar with the breed because of it.She gave us some tips to keep his mind active and everything (almost!!) that we have been doing so far is good. I will let you know how he does next Monday!!
hi i am new..i have 2 dogs and 4 of dogs has arthritis.the other has heart of my cats had to have a tumer removed it was cancerouse..shes doing fine now..i lost one cat in 2004 she was very ill..
Tuesday: I STRONGLY recomend training to even the most laid back dog...just 1 session and the difference is marked.I feel we did a moajor injustice to our other dog by not getting him even the most basic of training.Money WELL SPENT as far as I am concerned.
CANDY22: Hi Candy and welcome!! I ahd a dalmatian that was 11 1/2 years old.We just had to put him down on March 10th because he had bad hips and had trouble getting up and walking.That's why we have the pup now,I was lost without a dog.
Niki: I wanted to,but hubby said no,he wasn't throwing money away on something stupid like that when he could sit,lay,come and stay.Well,that is really only a very small part of the training that they need.After he saw for 11 years how I stuggled with the dog (because we were always fighting for who was the dominant one) he said ok to us getting this one training.This one will get to over 100 pounds,the other only about 75.I told him I wasn't going to fight with this dog,I needed to be the one in control.He says he kicks himself too for not getting the other real training.
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