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nivabef & SafariGal: I believe when you really do roll a 6-6-6 the system kicks it to a 6-6-5. (This is going to make me sound like a dork...) But for a short while I was tracking what I rolled... and ummm... I found that 6-6-5 was rolled twice as much as any other 6-6-x number... while there was no triple 6's. Yeah... I guess I'm a dork...
Modificado por mctrivia (10. Julio 2006, 04:30:11)
rod03801: 3 6's in a row have a stitistical probability of 0.463% about the same as getting 30 passes in a row. I beleive are record is 48 times. There should be atleast 29 times that people got 6-6-6 before a 48 passes game happened.