Ask questions or just talk about different languages. Since BrainKing is an international game site supporting many languages, this board can be kind of useful.
Lamby: So I win, huh? Assimilation is when a sound changes the pronunciation of another sound. It mostly changes just the place of articulation.
Ten birds is actually in rapid speech said : tem birds
That's because /n/ is a voiced, alveolar, nasal sound and /b/ is voiced, bilabial, nasal. When they come together, /n/ changes into /m/ which is voiced, bilabial, nasal.
As you can see, it is easier to pronounce /m/ and then /b/ than /n/ and then /b/.
Now see if you can get it about my other examples.
(ocultar) Si pinchas con el ratón sobre el nombre de una persona y luego picas en Partidas finalizadas entonces tendrás una lista de las partidas que ha completado. Una vez hecho esto, pincha sobre el nombre de un tipo de juego para obtener un resumen de todos estas partidas de este tipo y si pinchas sobre una de ellas podrás visualizar y analizarla. (Servant) (mostrar todos los consejos)