Ask questions or just talk about different languages. Since BrainKing is an international game site supporting many languages, this board can be kind of useful.
1. Probably it'll rain and It's likely to rain. are similar, I believe, and indicate a very strong possibility that it will rain. The sky is probably very cloudy as you say that. 2. It may rain., Perhaps it'll rain. and Maybe it'll rain. indicate that you believe that is some possibility for rain. Maybe in a decreased degree of confidence in that probability, though I'd say they may be used interchangeably. 3. It might rain. a bit like the previous one. But may also indicate a wish, like "I wish it would rain, the plants are thirsty and rain would help". 4. It'll possibly rain. doesn't sound right to me, especially with that contraction. But I'd say it accounts for a strong possibility too...
(ocultar) Si pinchas con el ratón sobre el nombre de una persona y luego picas en Partidas finalizadas entonces tendrás una lista de las partidas que ha completado. Una vez hecho esto, pincha sobre el nombre de un tipo de juego para obtener un resumen de todos estas partidas de este tipo y si pinchas sobre una de ellas podrás visualizar y analizarla. (Servant) (mostrar todos los consejos)