ruby2shoes: How many total stones in one line is how many spaces you can move your piece.
So lets say there are 5 total stones in a line (3 of yours, 2 of your opponents), you can move one of your 3 stones taht are in that row 5 spaces in that same row. You can jump over your own pieces. You can land on your opponent piece. But you can not just over your opponents piece.
If you want to move a piece on a diagnal, it is the same thing. Total number of pieces on that line is how many spaces you can move one of your own pieces in the diagonal line.
(ocultar) ¡Juega una partida en tiempo real contra un adversario conectado! Tan sólo debeís seleccionar por defecto la acción "Mover y permanecer aquí" y ¡recargar la página con la tecla F5! (TeamBundy) (mostrar todos los consejos)