It's a very great game to play though. Basiccally, of course, it's just minesweeper, although you have to score by shooting mines.
Futhermore, there are some other rules: The board is 18x18 and has 51 mines (i think!) if a player shoots a mine, he'll score, and may play again. (This could cause a problem in BK. But there should be a solution. Just pass the game directly back to the player after every move he scores a hit, like Dice Poker Style. If he didn't score a hit, the move is directly passed to the opponent.) If a player shoots a zero, ALL squares adjadent to that zero will also open, if there are any zeros among them repeat for each one the process. So shooting zeros is very bad, for you opponent has lots of mines to score.
Conclusion, as, especially I read Abigaill's post, we should add more mines (frogs, sorry) and remove guessing. Just shooting.!