dicepro: No, I'm not saying that. What I am saying is that if the knights start on the same square, only the white knight can find itself blocked to access certain squares (because those squares are attacked by the black knight); if the knights start on different squares, only the black knight will be effected. And since it's black who decides whether the knights start on the same or on a different square, black has the advantage.
OTOH, white goes first, and that's an advantage as well (in this game, black will never have more moves than white, but sometimes white has one more move than black, and almost every move scores (except when hitting 00)). What the bigger advantage is, I do not know.
(ocultar) Si deseas jugar una partida contra un adversario de nivel similar, puedes definir en tu invitación de nueva partida un rango BKR apropiado a tu interés. En tal caso, nadie con un BKR fuera de dicho rango podrá ver o aceptar la invitación. (Katechka) (mostrar todos los consejos)