AbigailII: Abigaill, I appreciate your comments, as always, since they provide smart insights into the game rules and so on ... however, I think I found out an elegant solution to Knights of Fury ... please read my last modification to the rules I posted on the blog ... mirrors are not used anymore, only 4 groups of numbers, those with digits 7,8,9 plus 6 doubles that give a margin of 37 percent of all the numbers on the board ... so, as an effect, we have well ballanced game having "solo" numbers and those that cause other numbers to disappear ... you are right, it will not be a shorter game but the illusion of having a smaller board will make it "shorter" ... you were also right saying that 25 percent of numbers have no mirrors ... but, instead of lamenting I turned around the whole idea and gave up the need for mirrors and replaced them with non-mirrors as the numbers that cause disappearing ... as you can see, there are many ways to let the fantasy manouver around the issue ... thanks again, Andy.
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