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joshi tm: I was considering this version ... without actually playing it there is no way to decide if this is a good idea ... for me, personally, one Knight is enough, the only improvement I would like to see is to have all the "mirror" squares visible at the same time and meditate on my strategy ... now we can see the squares we can jumo on but it would be really useful to see all the other squares that will be taken ...
dicepro: For me, two games is perfect :) Since those two concepts are so different, with total different game play, that these are two games. I think the two-knight version is also top-fun and very playable.
joshi tm: you are probably right ... chess variations are like garden of imagination ... there is no end to our fantasy ... Fencer is so busy that I am not going to push for this new version ... I would rather contemplate entirely different variant ... Andy.