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AbigailII: for someone that made the following statement you aren't doing a bad job
***I fully agree. There are many game related bug fixes/improvements/features I would rather have seen than archievements, photo albums, "walls" and other non-gaming stuff we've seen lately.***
AbigailII: I think most of those are actually quite good and hard to get. Real achievments if you ask me
I'd just like to add one to the Checkers list (why isn't there a checkers achievment section?) Power to the PeopleWin a game when your opponent had at least 2 queens before you got any (in checkers variants with queens, of course).
(ocultar) Si deseas jugar una partida contra un adversario de nivel similar, puedes definir en tu invitación de nueva partida un rango BKR apropiado a tu interés. En tal caso, nadie con un BKR fuera de dicho rango podrá ver o aceptar la invitación. (Katechka) (mostrar todos los consejos)