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Okay may be 1998, but now which events are now,this year and where can I now these players see playing GC? Here in Europe nobody knows this game.In Germany we have the strongest first league of the world with many grand- and international masters from everywhere. But they play chess and only chess and they play for money in the tournements.(The only event is the JanusChess Championchips in Saarbrücken one time in the year, Kortschnoi was here and others).We have also here many newspapers of chess and correspondence chess and there are many good websites.And nowhere was mentioned Gothic Chess except your own site.I like this game, I like some other variants too, but it will be always a small minority of the chessplayers who are playing something other than chess.That`s the fact! What is the future of chess (I have heard here often)It is only ...chess.
Our last event has had only fifty participants without entrance fee.
But okay,try to organize a big tournement with 500 players and entrance fee,if you have success certainly you are right!
But better would it be first to restart and to finish our last championships! We all have waited and played here and now... nothing?
(ocultar) Si te interesa conocer la evolución del torneo que estás jugando, puedes charlar con tus adversarios en el foro de discusión del torneo. (HelenaTanein) (mostrar todos los consejos)