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For this situation, in my opinion is that the best solution would be a change in the rule of pawn in tournaments.
Current rule is a pawn can only be in 1 tournament at a time.
I think it should be change to:
Pawn can only be in 1 tournament at a time, OR if current tournament started 6 months ago or more, another tournament will be allowed to be started.
Most tournament (well if you play fast, you should join faster tournaments) last less then 6 months, so when these cases come up like this, then it would allow players to join other tournaments while the 1st one finishes.
Of course Fencer isn't programming much lately, so I don't think this will get programmed, but I think if possible, would be a good working solution. I agree. Sounds like a good idea. Or what about this: if the Pawn has finished all his game(s) in the tournament, he can join another one? It is not his fault that the others have not yet finished?
Aganju: Yes, that also (and of course as long as he can not advance to the next round) - Currently Fencer does sometimes let pawns join new tournaments once that happens - of course in the case we are discussing now, they will be in the next round..... once it starts, which will mostly likely still be awhile.
(ocultar) Si te interesa conocer la evolución del torneo que estás jugando, puedes charlar con tus adversarios en el foro de discusión del torneo. (HelenaTanein) (mostrar todos los consejos)