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I know only one person who would have also economic interests in
a server-crash to blur the verbal traces left by weeks of his execrable
notoriousness, awww and what a nice co-incidence, probably the only
one too, who's granted to upload scripts to brainking, because the
gothic homepage is hosted there ... now that is a speculation ...
documented then that I already had won my tourney-group,
but easy speculation again who was not pleased by right that ... blah ~*~
Dano: Please don't write about "coincidences", I'm starting to be allergic to this word. And nobody except me and Liquid is granted to upload anything to site. And I'm not going to write more details about the structure and security of our servers.
(ocultar) Si estás a la espera de tu turno para mover, pincha con el ratón sobre "cambiar" situado en la página principal junto a "Actualizar", entones establece el periodo de actualización de la página a 30 segundos para que se visualice con mayor rapidez el momento de tu posibilidad de jugar. (Servant) (mostrar todos los consejos)