<I understand I perhaps have myself spread further than others... but I participate and visit all the fellowships I am a member of everyday... I think what is worse for teams and captains will be having team members who have no intention of joining tournaments but joined only to be part of a fellowship.. ( how is that quality?.. ) It is up to each team member to check on the goings on of their teams.. that should be ones responsiblity if they want to participate in team play.. ...
I also think what will be a big problem will be a team with 30 players challenges one with 6 ... who decides which ones get left out.. and why join a team if you never get a chance to play??>..
I thought the whole idea of fellowships was to create friendships and comaraderie among members and that team play was just a sideline to that...
I hope you do understand that I am not arguing with you on this .. just trying to keep a discussion going and trying to understand it all.. .... :)
(ocultar) Si deseas jugar una partida contra un adversario de nivel similar, puedes definir en tu invitación de nueva partida un rango BKR apropiado a tu interés. En tal caso, nadie con un BKR fuera de dicho rango podrá ver o aceptar la invitación. (Katechka) (mostrar todos los consejos)