Also - Fellowship vs. Fellowship Challenges. Check out the Team BKR Ratings
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I guess thats a matter of choice for the boss! I emphasise fun at my fellowship, if you enjoy the game thats all that matters. Sure its nice to win but if you have had fun then you've won in that way!
What myself and MadMonkey were really wanting was ideas about the future of fellowships, what needs to be changed (if anything) in order for them to run efficiently.
Dream, for those who want separate discussion boards for each game.. depending on how many games they want to play.. wouldn't it be better/easier to have a different fellowsip for each game? That way you'd have a discussion board for each one. Would that work?
Yes Harley it would be easier to have a seperate fellowship for each game, this is how most clubs seem to set up at goldtoken.
Lovelysharon, it is going to be up to each individual big boss how they set up their fellowships, and completely up to their members whether they wish to stay and play with their fellowship, I would like to stress that I dont think playing in teams should be serious lets beat up the opponents type competition, (well most teams I am sure won't be like that) there is lots of friendship and fun to be had playing for a team...ALSO...if you are signed to a team for a particular fellowship and choose to only play in the very occasional tournament then that should be ok too...I would never insist players "play" when they may not want to. I guess this decision will again be up to individual big bosses.
I am sure it will all sort itself out over time, there will end up being tons of fellowships to choose from, some for team comp, others just for fun, and the members will be able to join exactly what they want.
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