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No big cover up. I've said I'll pass the name along. Not that it would really matter, enough people were unhappy that if it hadn't been one person, it would have been another.
Ughaibu, you can't say nobody has a case to answer apart from the person who expressed concerns. Its not ok to talk in this way about women. Thats the bottom line. Not how it got out of the cave. Once people started talking in this way it became the business of the people named in there. And in my personal opinion, the business of every woman here who has a right to know how they are being talked about in this fellowship. But thats just my personal opinion.
I've read what the convo was on the 'Cave' that caused the deletion and banning....
I really think that you over reacted. It's ok for the men to talk about beastiality re men but not make a 'steam/vent remark about women!! Don't women steam/vent on about men at all??
Sorry, but we are equal. My Mum says it is an offense to think of women as the weaker sex as you've had to put up with us men all these years!! lol
Sincerely.. I feel you over reacted because your name was implied in the sequence of remarks by certain people.
But I do agree, it is a matter of perception at the moment.