Sam has closed his piano and gone to bed ... now we can talk about the real stuff of life ... love, liberty and games such as Janus, Capablanca Random, Embassy Chess & the odd mention of other 10x8 variants is welcome too
For posting: - invitations to games (you can also use the New Game menu or for particular games: Janus; Capablanca Random; or Embassy) - information about upcoming tournaments - disussion of games (please limit this to completed games or discussion on how a game has arrived at a certain position ... speculation on who has an advantage or the benefits of potential moves is not permitted while that particular game is in progress) - links to interesting related sites (non-promotional)
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Asunto: Well - seems Law and Order settled down here.
So we should look mildly over intercultural differences
due to the language barrier and try to keep it straight
at business ... Shortly, good to have a Gothic Chess DB finally. ~*~
I'd make a hyperlink, but it appears that AOL's browser doesn't do it inside web pages.:(
Anyway, for a crazy position you might want to play along with this game. Lots of trades for different pieces and threats of checkmate for a few moves.
That's a shame you're leaving, even though I don't know the particulars between you and Fencer. I just learned how to play this Gothic Chess and had been looking forward to playing a couple of games sometime. Oh well, maybe next time.
My oh my, good bye GothicInventor.
Hey, I'll take the job of moderator. Sure it can't be that hard, and I'm sure the need for censorship won't arise all that much under my tenure.
Hi all. I'll mostly stay in the sidelines though I will post from time to time. I suppose I'll eventually find out what went down on the other board, but in the meantime feel free to type about Gothic Chess and related subjects on this board. You may certainly send private messages to me too.
I'm new to playing Gothic Chess, and I'm up for learning a few things about it. I've finished seven games and have picked up a few things about the relative strengths of the pieces on the larger board and the two new pieces and the two extra Pawns. I also visited the previous regime's Gothic Chess web site and viewed a few pages to see what's happening over there. Dark Chess is still my best game on this site, though that doesn't make it my favorite game! As I get acquainted with my role as moderator and various subjects that come up, I'll try to do what I can to keep information flowing. Hopefully some of the stronger or more experienced players will kick in the answers regarding strategy and tactics.
Seeing how the inventor and the highest rated player on this site has left this site, we'll miss some of his commentary about those aspects of the game.
From the sounds of the way he responded to some of the posts he probably should have asked me or someone else to be moderator. Kind of reminds me of a Keryo Pente discussion board a couple of years back.
Thad's post of----
Conflict of interest 5. July 2004, 14:19:03
--is exactly what comes to my mind. That shouldn't happen with me being the moderator. I shall try not to edit anything, nor ban anyone. From what I've seen that will be nearly impossible to implement, but hey I'm easy and I'll give it a go. At the moment I don't know what powers and controls I have over the posts or people allowed to post here, but I will learn. As dictator of all that I see, I still see very little. Fencer just switched moderators as far as I can tell. If that means all of the settings and people who are banned are still the same, that's what it means then. I will start with a clean slate in a little while. If someone is having a problem posting let me know. I have no enemies on my list at this time for incoming mail. As far as I can tell, there's one master control for allowing: all posts, paid membership, or my approval before the posts hit the board. I also see that each individual post gives me an option to ban or to hide the author and edit or delete their posts. Hmm, well, I suppose that dictator or perhaps czar is what the position is. I shall endeavor to be a benevolent moderator then. If it turns into a task I find disagreeable, I can always abdictate. We'll have a draft danocheck party! :)
Currently the settings are:
Everyone can post
No one is banned
No one is hidden
Walter,good luck in this new endeavor!:)
You may want to look into joining my :Shooting Fish in a Barrel Gothic Chess tourny.Its for players with bkr's of 1700 or less.I think its a great oportunity for newer players to get some even compittion,and apply some of the skills they've learned from playing tougher compittion.
Tough to lose a competitor like Ed Trice, but I do think a change was due after the draconian way simple disagreements were mishandled. I think you're the right guy for the job.
Good luck in your new position, Walter. I suspect it will be boring, just as a moderator's position should be. ;-)
I am glad someone new has been put in the position of moderator of this board, however, I am disappointed to see Ed leave completely. Perhaps, after a bit, he will calm down and come back and continue to promote gothic chess. His posts on the game itself will certainly be missed. Oh well.
Asunto: Re: Fencer.. I can't believe you sometimes..
I would think someone who is more into chess and has been on the site a bit longer would have been more suited for the moderator's position..
No offense Walter.. really.. but, I am just surprised that the first person that comes on to this board and says he would do it.. would be given the job.. without Fencer even knowing more about that person..
I7ve known Walter for around four years and I think he'll probably make a good moderator, expertise in the subject under discussion on the board isn't a necessary qualification.
Thank you all for the nice welcome. I'm still tripping on how it came about. In the wrong place at the right time? :)
I'll address some of the posts since the one I made after becoming the moderator here.
Hi Scarlet, I'm hurt. :( Not into Chess you say. Maybe not regular Chess, though I actually do like the game a lot, I just don't play it here or anywhere else for that matter. Some variants I do play a lot of and am pretty good at the ones I play on this site. Though I've been taking my lumps in Extinction Chess lately, I'm still the reigning ratings champ in Dark Chess. Least ways I usually give a good game, win or lose. As for games in general, I'm big advocate for games and the playing of them. True enough I just learned Gothic Chess, but it's not that much different than regular Chess in the way that say Extinction Chess is. As for why Fencer did the switch like he did, and how it happened to be the very first time that I'd even visited this board, that's just one of them things I guess. I've been a member on this site since February of 2003, and I've had contact with Fencer in the past, so his choice of me wasn't completely out of the blue and I did volunteer myself. If you'd rather do it, I might be up to letting you have it. First I want to see how I like doing it and if I have the ability and time to do it. Give me a little while and if there's ploblem with my handling it, please post it here. We'll either dish it out, or I'll step aside. Shouldn't be that much of a problem.
LongJohn. Welper, I'm still trying to get over that Backgammon tournament switcheroo you pulled on me and others a few months back. So I'll certainly keep an ever watchful eye on you and any shenanigans or perceived highjinks that might come up. Since you came back, we've not had any contact though I've read some of your posts to other boards and have said nothing. A new leaf you're turning you said, so it's back to you. I have my own personal policy for you and I'll let others decide for themselves. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Hey! Want to play a game?
Thad. Seems like you responded to some of those Keryo Pente things last year that I refered to here. Did the previous regime here kind of remind you of some of that? I know it's why I stopped playing Pente games here. Gothic Chess is a good game, there's no reason for it to degenerate into something simular. I shall do my best to let other people here argue and have myself stay out of it. Of course, me being me, I'll probably open my mouth and kick in my 2¢ from time to time.
ughaibu. We haven't played in awhile here. Four years? That means we're going back to It's Your Turn. Thanks for vouching for me and I'll try to prove you right about my moderator skills. I might be a novice at Gothic Chess, but it's not like I've been in a cave about the game all this time. I just hadn't wanted to play it until recently. I'm learning. Besides, my point of view about how to play it might have a naiveness that more experienced players of it might overlook or dismiss because they've grown used to how the game goes.
Stevie. Yes, my name is Kevin. You may write to me as Walter or Kevin as you like. I've gotten used to it, and it's not a bad handle. It came about because "Kevin" was taken on IYT, so I made it up. In the interests of national security, I decided to keep the same handle when I joined this site. There's also a Kevin here, so it was taken here too and could cause mistaken identity problems.
redsales. That's how I feel about him leaving. I just learned to play the game and it seemed like he took on all challengers like you and I were discussing how some people don't. So I figure, cool, I know how the pieces move, I'll get a few more games under my belt, and then see if he'd play me a game or two. Oh well, that's how it goes sometimes. :(
bwildman. Thank you. A little luck usually helps a lot. As for joining your tournament, I'm not sure if I should. I might be unrated, but in my short Gothic Chess career I've defeated one player in the 2000's and am holding my own against redsales who's currently at 1903. If you still want me to join, drop me a line and I will. If these ratings are a true indication of playing strength, your tournament will be aptly named if I win it! :)
danoschek. Yes, I mistyped your handle earlier. I'll try not to do it again. As for your sometimes cryptic posts, I'll do what I can to decipher them when able. How is it that you were going to get the moderator job as a prize if GothicInventor lost a game? Seeing how he is undefeated here, I suppose you were relaxed about it. :)
ShadowyFigure. Thank you
bumble. Thank you.
Now, about these long posts from me! I will probably not respond in this manner again. I want to thank all who've welcomed me. Let's hope it's a good choice. If not, I will certainly make sure it wasn't a bad choice. I won't ban anyone for disagreeing with me. It's hard for me to imagine me banning anyone (Which might make me a bad choice to moderate), but I suppose I'll know a problem when it happens and take the action when it becomes necessary.
Perhaps I'm missing something harley. Right clicking the mouse while hovering over this page will not get me the create hyperlink option. I have AOL 7.0 if that makes a difference.
You can't create them in that way, Walter. You have to type in;
<ahref="address of website">the text you want people to see < / a > (don't use spaces on the /a part!)
But leave a space between the 'a' and the 'href' or it won't work!
If you're doing a link on this site, you don't need the http:// part, just do it from /game/etc..
Where exactly do you type all that stuff?
And more importantly, why is it so difficult? I thought AOL had gotten rid all the computer literate type stuff and had everything set up for mouse clicks and typing easy things. If that's really how you do it. Tell me where they have the instructions for it. I'll probably not use the links and just type out the web address and let interested people copy and paste it to their browser since that's quick enough too.
That's copy and paste. Yes, that will put the web address in the message that gets posted here, but I've already done that. I want to make a hyperlink so you or any one else that was enterested in the link could just mouse click it, and off they go. That's what harley did in his message dated 9. July 2004, 00:18:59
I must have misunderstood his direction and I'll wait until he's baack online and can make sense of my replies and then can help out. This is kind off topic, so I suppose a private message would be OK harley. No sense cluttering up the posting board with AOL help and problems. Thanks again both of you.
I did notice in my test try that the /a was missing even though I did type it in. So perhaps the web server got, but somehow there was no message
ok Walter,you and harley are fired!! LOL:) (ed's probably rollig over in his grave!)
but to get back on topic,I'd like to take this opportunity to remind everyone of:the Shooting Fish in a Barrel gothic chess tourny for those under 1700bkr. can play ;P
OK, I joined your tournament. I have the feeling my rating is higher than 1700, but at the moment I'm unrated. If your tournament starts in 10 day, I'll almost certainly have a rating by then.
Modificado por danoschek (10. Julio 2004, 18:05:25)
I would prefer you refrain from further personal supposing as I do also. ways I am
used to use for gaining some relaxment indeed don't belong to this board. thanks. ~*~
Asunto: Bwild.. I may just have to take you up on that proposal..
let me check out that tourney.. :)
Walter.. I didn't suggest that comment several days ago to upset you.. NO.. I don't wish to have the job as moderator at this board.. I know nothing of Gothic Chess.. haha.. I only played trice one time.. and out of the 27 ??? moves.. felt totally overwhelmed.. haha.. perhaps also that was because it was so close to my finals..
Anyway.. Walter.. Congrats.. and to those others that had wished for the title.. well.. til next time perhaps..
I like this game and am going to add it to my quarterly tournaments. Third Quarter 2004 tournaments will start the last week of September. I'll post here and in the tournament board when the tournament has been created.
Modificado por danoschek (16. Julio 2004, 23:51:20)
Some games were started - he resigned one - that was restaured for
mysterious reasons and timed out later to my disadvantage - not a single
one was completed correctly ... but White Shark seems to be strong indeed. ~*~
Just a moment - I seee a cute microbe ranting via megaphone - please give
me the biology book ... thanks *SLAP* okay - it's not about denying
facts - fantasy worlds grow wild on the web. Just the noise you know ~*~
Modificado por danoschek (17. Julio 2004, 01:29:39)
as already mentioned - it's not about denying facts :D ... another thought
to consider is that we usually advertise with the appealing boards here to
make a difference to IYT - but guests see the same obsessive bull - no good ~*~
glad to see you back, GI. I don't always agree with what you say, but I respect your accomplishments in chess and as a player. And furthering that, let me post something about gothic chess itself, which is what the board is intended:
I won the following game from Walter Montego with a rook sacrifice. The problem is, i'm not sure if it was sound. After the game, I ran it through the Vortex at GM level and it didn't even consider the sac on the "shown thinking" window. I forget the actual move it suggested, but that's irrelevant, because I only used the vortex for post mortem analysis. Instead, it said the position was drawish, which is actually what I had thought at the time too, but Walter rejected my offer! So my question to everyone is: is the rook sac sound or is there a better plan? I'm interested in any thoughts you have.
It worked, although I epect I would not have been able to get the result you did. Your queen mopped up a lot of pawns after the sac which supported your win but I think could have been better protected. I liked the manufactured queen cover for your h7 pawn.
I rarely accept draws, nor do I offer them much. What's the point? Hard to learn a game if you don't finish it and see how it goes with changing conditions. Perhaps if I played better I might recognize when to take a draw, but in the meantime I'll be playing until there's a winner or a lack of force forces it to be a draw. I feel simular about resigning, except if my opponent resigns there's not much I can do about it.
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