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and has a lot of stairs! (my legs are glad to be back in flat holland, but my mind wants still to be in prague :))
some questions:
on the 25th of october (last thursday) there were a lot of soldiers on the square above the castle .. i think they were waiting for someone honourable to be a honour guard/watch ?
on the same evening there was a performance on the republic square and afterwards some fireworks .. was that to celebrate something ?
i will upload some pictures soon and tell some more about what a dutch tourist does do in prague :)
Hrqls: I don't know the reason for soldiers on the Castle, but the event on the Republic square was just because of the opening of new shopping mall there
And I am sure that I won't be the only one who would say that he is glad that you liked Prague
Milioi: its a great city! (i had a gps with me (for tracking what we walked and to set some waypoints) .. i now noticed that i cant read it with my new pc .. no serial port on it anymore .. will have to get myself a converter for usb-rs232 :)
2 questions : - is it not possible to lock the toilet door in czech ? we couldnt in no restaurant and neither in our hotel room (the hotel room itself could be locked though of course :))
- are there coins of 50 ckr ? i got 1 as change from a restaurant .. but i wonder if its still valid as i didnt see it anywhere else .... i love having it though .. i love to have coins from places where i have been :)
Hrqls: I some restaurants is not possible to lock toilet doors:/ That is failing of restaurant, not a our national practice;))))
Yes there are 50Kč coins. They is also paper variant;) Most people dont like the coins, its quite heavy. ( ČR planing to change currenty to euro in few years, so the old paper 50Kč are not reprinted and coins are more and more often now)... P.S.: Sory for my english
Krecik: you mean its beauties ;) .. ok ok .. there are too many way to deform a word when its used in another way ... and too many extra signs '`~^ ... but thats fun :)
hmm does anyone know a way to put a gps track & waypoints online to be viewed by other people ? i had my gps with me and want to show where i have been :)
Modificado por Hrqls (7. Noviembre 2007, 09:48:39)
Fencer: :) my gps didnt have connection everywhere in prague (tall buildings, narrow sight to the sky)
sometimes when it has a bad connection it makes up some fake trackpoints
i removed the ones which are most clearly wrong (there were some in finland, denmark, the sea in between, greece, ..) but it seems i have to check some closer .. the 1 point of the river is wrong as well (we were on a cruise on the river then :))
(there we also some track points with an altitude of +2000 m :))
will submit the tracks from the other days as well
nice! i just noticed the altitude table on that page .. didnt know about that .. and it offers the track in kml as well .. will check that out as well :)
Fencer: the upper part of the castle was closed as well ... was that also for some preparation ? .. we climbed all the way up .. just to notice we had to enter at the bottom and so we had to walk down again ;) .. and then inside we walked upwards again :)
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